Chapter Two - Apprentices

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A tall black-and-white tom stood above the gathered clan, gazing down upon the three young cats. The clan guard as he began to speak.
"As you know, when kits reach the age of six moons, they become apprentices in training to serve our clan. Well, it's time for three young cats to go through just that ceremony. Deerkit, Crowkit, and Cinderkit. Please, step forwards."
The kits did as they were told, and the leader continued. "It is your time to become apprentices, and I hope you will serve your clan well.
"Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, serve your clan, and protect it with your life if necessary?" Highstar asked, and the kits were quick to respond.
Cinderkit took in a deep breath, and looked up at her leader. "Yes." And she knew that word would change her life forever.
"Deerkit, I now name your Deerpaw, and before StarClan make you an apprentice. Your mentor will be Hollyleaf." A black she-cat stepped up towards the small brown tom. "I hope you will pass your intelligence and wisdom to this young apprentice." The black cat nodded, and touched her nose to her new apprentice's."
"Crowkit, I now name you Crowpaw, and before StarClan make you an apprentice. Your mentor will be Fishtail." A sleek silver tom stepped forwards, and padded softly up to Crowpaw. "I hope you will pass your swiftness and ability to leap high to your new apprentice." A look of joy spread over the tom's face as he touched noses with his new apprentice.
"Cinderkit," The kit took in a deep breath, looking up at Highstar. "I now name you Cinderpaw, and before StarClan make you an apprentice. Your mentor will be Shallowleaf." Cinderpaw almost burst with excitement as a large grey tom stepped forwards, one of the coolest warriors she had ever met. "I hope you will pass your strength and ability to fight to your young apprentice." Cinderpaw held her breath as her new mentor touched noses will her, and he winked at her.
"Deerpaw! Crowpaw! Cinderpaw!" The clan cheered for the new apprentices, and they almost bursts will excitement and pride.
"I can't wait to see what I'll do first!" Thought Cinderpaw as she stood before her clan, a new apprentice.

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