Chapter Eighteen - Warriors

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a clan meeting." Called out Highstar, and cats slowly started gathering.
Once every cat was still, Highstar continued.
"It's has been a hard time for us lately. We have lost our beloved elder Spottedtail, a mentor and friend to us all. And Ashheart and Shallowleaf have lost three of their kits. Thankfully Nightkit is still with us.
"But it is a time to rejoice now." Highstar said, and looked down towards his clan. "For Deerpaw and Crowpaw have passed their warrior assessments. They are ready to become warriors. Deerpaw, Crowpaw, come here."
Cinderpaw watched as her brothers padded up to the bottom of the high-rock, gazing up at Highstar.
   "Deerpaw, Crowpaw," continued the leader. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, serve your clan above all else, and protect it with your life?"
   "I do." Crowpaw said, and Deerpaw quickly said the same.
   "Then before StarClan and ThunderClan, I give you your warrior names. Crowpaw, for your courage and kindness, I give you the name Crowheart." Crowheart beamed at his new name, more excited then Cinderpaw had ever seen.
   The leader then continued to Deerpaw. "Deerpaw, for your great hunting skills and strong paws, I give you the name Deerleap." Deerleap looked up at his leader, almost bouncing on his paws.
   "Deerleap! Crowheart!" The clan shouted, and Cinderpaw joined in with pride in her brothers.
   Highstar then silenced the clan with a flick of his tail. "Tonight you will sit silent vigil and protect the clan."
   He nodded his head to the new warriors, and then entered his den.
   Cinderpaw bounded up to her brothers. "Congratulations! You deserve it!"
  Crowheart rubbed against his sister side affectionately. "I only wish you had been there beside us."
   "I do as well." Deerleap said, then gently swatted Cinderpaw's ear. "But you'll be the greatest medicine cat the clans have ever known."
   "Thanks for your support. And hey, when you come in with a scratch or an infection, I have full permission to lecture you. Perks of being a medicine cat." Teased Cinderpaw.
   "Only if you catch me!" Teased Deerleap, and he started rubbing in the opposite direction. Crowheart followed suite and raced off laughing.
   Cinderpaw sighed, and said to herself. "Only if you catch me. Oh I'll catch you alright." And with that, she ran off after her warrior brothers.

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