Chapter Twenty-Four - The Fire

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For moons nothing happened. All was calm, and the water slowed down its process of leaving. Leaf-bare came, and towards the end Rosekit and Leafkit were made into apprentices.
Crowheart received his first apprentice, and he seemed so nervous when he was told he got to mentor Leafpaw.
The young she-cat seemed excited at this, and couldn't stop asking him questions.
Deerleap was a little let down when he didn't receive an apprentice, but instead Shallowleaf got to mentor Rosepaw.
He soon got over it though, as he had a chance with Nightkit.
Nightkit was healthy, despite his early arrival. He loved to sit with Cinderstorm and Fallowstripe when they sorted their herbs.
Cinderstorm enjoyed the kit's company, he was quiet but occasionally asked questions, unlike the normal kit.
Cinderstorm felt sorry for Deerleap though, as it seemed his best chance at being a mentor didn't seem to want to be a warrior.
All was well. But one day everything changed.
Cinderstorm was out taking a walk, looking for any herbs that survived the cold. There had been no snow because of the lack of water, besides some in the middle of leaf-bare.
Suddenly she heard a crack behind her. She thought it must just be some prey that stepped on a twig, but then something pounced on her.
She yowled, but then heard laughter form her attacker. She pushed off a brown tom, and had to keep herself from laughing when she saw Sparrowclaw.
"Sparrowclaw!" Cinderstorm exclaimed, gently cuffing him over the ear. "Were you trying to stalk me? You have as much talent as a kit."
"Oh come on." Teased Sparrowclaw. "I'm sure I'm at least a little better then a kit."
Cinderstorm shook her head, struggling to keep her laughter inside.
"Oh yeah?" Exclaimed the tom. "How's this for a kit?"
He leapt on her, pinning her down. Sparrowclaw then gently licked her forehead, and Cinderstorm felt her heart stop.
The warrior then jumped up, smiling at her. "I-" Sparrowclaw stop mid sentence, and Cinderstorm longed to hear what he was going to say.
She stood up, then she heard it. The fire.
"We have to get back to camp and warm them!" Cinderstorm yowled, and started racing back towards ThunderClan camp. "Come on Sparrowclaw!"
The two bursted into camp, and we're giving confused glances. "I-it's the fire!" Sparrowclaw yowled, and everyone went into panic mode.
Cats quickly left their dens, helping elders and queens.
"Someone has to warn the other clans." Highstar said amongst the panic.
"Shallowleaf and Featherleap, warn RiverClan. Fishtail and Lightstream, warn WindClan. Sparrowclaw take Deerleap and go to ShadowClan. Tigershade and Hollyleaf go to SkyClan." The cats nodded and raced off.
   Cinderstorm raced to the herb stores, Fallowstripe was already there. "Grab as many herbs as you can." The medicine cat said, and Cinderstorm was quick to do as she said.
   Soon every cat was out of the camp, and heading towards the island. The water could make a barrier from the fire.
   The other clans appeared soon after, with the cats who had gone to warn them. They looked across the lake as they saw the world they once knew go up in flames. The forests and the moor were all burning.
   Every cat was accounted for. All, except one. "Where is Sparrowclaw?" Someone called out, and Cinderstorm's heart froze.
   Sparrowclaw has never made it to the island.

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