Chapter Twenty - A Chosen Path

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   Fallowstripe and Cinderstorm arrived at the Moonpool, seeing Berryleaf, Dewnose, Beepelt, and Dawnclaw were already there.
"Ah, you're here." Beepelt said, dipping his head to them.
"Greetings." Responded Fallowstripe. "How is RiverClan fairing?" She asked Berryleaf.
   "It's fine, thanks to the other clans' help." The medicine cat responded. "How are the kits of ThunderClan?"
   "Healthy, and like any other kits." She turned to Dewnose. "Have you ever gotten around to choosing an apprentice?" She asked the elderly cat.
   "In time." The she-cat responded. "How is SkyClan Dawnclaw? Healthy?"
   "Very." Dawnclaw replied. She then turned to Cinderpaw. "So I've heard that Fallowstripe thinks you are ready to become a full medicine cat."
   Cinderpaw dipped her head. "I hope I can serve StarClan and my clan well."
   "That you will." Fallowstripe smiled at her. "Now, let me give you your new name."
   Fallowstripe stood beside the Moonpool, and the other medicine cats joined her.
   "Cinderpaw, you have been a good apprentice, and have served your clan very well so far. You are gifted in herbs and when dealing with cats. I pray StarClan gives you wisdom when oh need it.
   "Cinderpaw, do you promise to uphold the medicine cat code, to not take a mate or have kits, and to protect your clan?"
   Cinderpaw looked at her mentor, and couldn't help but think of interaction with Sparrowclaw only days before. She knew this is what she had to do though.
   "I do." Cinderpaw said, pushing thoughts of the tom away.
   "Then before StarClan and the medicine cats of the clans, I give you your medicine cat name. You will no longer be my apprentice, but a full medicine cat of ThunderClan." Fallowstripe paused, a purr rising in her throat. "Cinderstorm."

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