Chapter Sixteen - Kits

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   It had been several moons since that Gathering, and Cinderpaw hadn't been to the ones that followed.
   The lake had begun to dry up as well, and every cat was worried. But Cinderpaw prayed StarClan would do something soon.
   Although there was good news as well. Recently Tigershade had given birth to Highstar's kits, and they were both excited for their first litter.
   Two she-kits were born, and they were named Rosekit and Leafkit. Cinderpaw thought they were the most beautiful kits ever, and was excited when Ashheart and Shallowleaf said they were expecting kits.
   Fallowstripe said she could help when Ashheart's kits came, and Cinderpaw couldn't wait. It was another month until they were due, but she was still excited.
   Suddenly Shallowleaf burst into the medicine den, eyes full of fear. "Where is Fallowstripe?" He questioned.
   "Out gathering herbs." Cinderpaw replied, worried why he was so upset. "Why do you ask?"
   "Ashheart's kits are coming early!" Shallowleaf said hurriedly. "She's in too much pain. It's way too early for them to come."
   "I'll do my best to help until Fallowstripe returns. Let me grab some herbs and I'll be right there." Cinderpaw said quickly, shooting him off.
   As she gathered herbs, the grey apprentice was worried. She'd only been a medicine cat apprentice for four moons, and had only gone over what to do when kits were born two times.
   Cinderpaw grabbed all the herbs she thought she'd need, and raced to the nursery.
   When she arrived, she saw Ashheart moaning in pain. "Someone, go grab a large stick." Cinderpaw said when the she-cat screeched in agony. "Now!"
   Shallowleaf raced off to find a stick, and Cinderpaw did her best to calm the queen. "It'll be okay. Shallowleaf is grabbing you a stick to bite on, and once they arrive poppy seeds will help with the pain."
   Ashheart nodded, then screeched again as she was overwhelmed with pain.
   Shallowleaf returned, and gave Cinderpaw a big stick he had found. "Perfect. Thank you." She said, pushing it to Ashheart.
   "Bite on this. It will help. Just focus on biting the stick." Cinderpaw said. She tried to stay calm, but she was anxious that she wouldn't do enough. The kits were way too early. She wasn't sure they would make it.
   Presently the kits came. When they were born, Cinderpaw instructed Shallowleaf and Tigershade to lick there fur to wrong way to warm them.
   There were four in total, and they were the tiniest things Cinderpaw had ever seen. They looked to weak and feeble, and the grey apprentice was worried that it wouldn't be enough to save them.
   Fallowstripe raced into the den. "As soon as I got here Hollyleaf told me. Let me see them." Cinderpaw moves out of the way to let the medicine cat come through.
   Fallowstripe sighed, and turned to Cinderpaw. "They look weak, and they might not survive." She told the queen, and a look of dispair crossed onto her face. "But there is still a chance."
   Then the medicine cat left the nursery, and Cinderpaw quickly followed after her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Fallowstripe. I didn't know what to do. You weren't here, and, and-"
   "It's okay Cinderpaw. You did nothing wrong." Fallowstripe sighed. "It was just too early."

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