Chapter 1.

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Sonamy or Shadamy I'll Fight For You Chapter 1

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Heya everyone i'm new to DeviantArt. Now i know i started this story as a video but i found that a wee bit hard so i thought i would write about it instead because i know some of subs would've wanted me to continue this story. I am changing the story a bit though so it makes more sense so please read and enjoy 

Shadow: 25
Amy: 21
Rouge: 22
Knuckles: 24
Tails: 18
Blaze: 23
Silver: 25

Chapter 1: Sounds Like A Plan

Winds were bashing everything in sight, rain came down like a waterfall and to top it all up it started to snow. What a lovely day this was.The day that the world was free of evil> And the world rewarded the navy blue hedgehog and his best friend with this.

"I can't believe what we just heard from G.U.N, I mean it's freaky there's no more evil in this world now that egghead id dead" shadow said quiet surprised about the circumstances, he turns to sonic and gives him a friendly nudge. "So what ya gonna do now, now that your not the hero of Mobius i bet you're going to loose all your 'adoring' fangirls".

They walked along the the path with the elements hitting them with everything they got. Sonic was deep thought. He was thinking about everything that just happened over the past 10 years when he was fighting to rid the world of evil once and for all but even back then he always had one thought on his mind, One person. And that was his beloved crush Amy Rose. Although back in the past amy a pain at times always asking to go on dates or ask him to marry him, deep down he loved her presence  because at times amy was completely herself and he loved spending time around her and soon they became best friends and sonic grew more fond of her and he had one memory that kept him going for the past 10 years and one he was willing to keep.

It was 12 years ago. Sonic and Amy were in a secret spot that sonic had found and claimed as his own. Sonic was 12 at the time and amy was only 9. They both sat under a large oak tree which was located beside a beautiful river with a stunning view of Angle Island. Amy had her head rested on sonic's broad shoulder, as the both of them were talking about random things.

"You know i think about my future alot nowadays" amy blurted out randomly

"Really and would your future be like for you ames"

"Well i see myself being married to a tall, handsome, stunning man" amy looks towards sonic then up to Angel Island"And having a beautiful kid or two. I see myself having a good job in the music business and maybe travel the world" 

"What about you sonikku"

"Hhhhmmm i've never really thought about it, i guess i would like to be married some time in the future and have a kid so he or she can grow up to be just like me and for travelling the world been there done that, 'cause lets face it i am the fastest thing alive. I could take us to Italy and back in 10 seconds"

"I would love to travel the world someday with you sonikku" Amy let out a dreamy sigh

"Yeah maybe we could but when we do i hope we do it as husband and wife" sonic said but then quickly realized what he said, a blush threatening to show he hid his face

Amy who was taken back by his sudden outburst was shocked at what he just said to her. Amy was sure sonic didn't feel that way about her, he used to always run away from her or tell her to leave him alone and when said realised that she was being a pain to sonic she decided to give him his space and not long after she did sonic started to spend more time around her then soon they became the best of friends

"Y-Y-You m-mean that but wait i thought you didn't like me in that way sonic, so why the sudden change in mind"

" Yes i do mean it ames. You've matured over the past couple of months and when you stopped hugging me in one your bear hugs and stop proclaiming you're love to me i guess that when i realised that i did have a thing for you a crush you might say" sonic face which was bright red right as he had no idea why he was telling amy all this " so i promise one day we will travel the world together as husband and wife" He winked at amy who had begun crying tears of joy

In all her life she never believed that sonic would confess that he liked her that way even if it was a crush she knew that sonic's feelings will one day grow stronger for 'cause after all he did promise to travel the world with her as her husband

But that was 12 years ago when he made that promise and he was doubting if she had forgotten about then realised how stupid he was being i mean this was amy rose he was talking about she would never forget the promise that her beloved blue knight made to her

As sonic continued to walk down the empty streets of Mobius he was knocked out of his thoughts by shadow who slapped him over the head

"You know it's rude not to listen when someone is taking to you mate"

"Oh i'm sorry shadow i was thinking. So what were you saying" He said as he rubbed the back of his head where shadow slapped him

"I was saying what you gonna do now, i mean i'm away to start my second year at collage so what about you what ya going to do now that all the evil is gone" shadow said looking quiet serious at sonic like he was his dad that was telling him to do something with his life

"That sounds good i missed out on highschool quiet a bit never really got to join any clubs or hang out with the gang. Yeah maybe i'll go to collage with you shads"

"You know i'm not the only one the whole gang is there except from cream she's in 5th year at the highschool and so is tails but because he's so damn smart he got go to collage with the rest of us"

"And what about amy is she there and how's she doing" sonic tried to hide his blush from shadow, Everytime he mentioned amy or even thought of her he couldn't help but blush and shadow caught sight of this

"Awwww does sonic like his little pink rose" shadow joked as he know sonic doesn't like to talk about his feelings and gets a bit nerve racked when he does " don't worry man she's cool and you'd be queit surprise by how much she change, she ditched the red dress and all that and has let her her grow long and has every guy drooling over her only to be shot down by a quirk sarcastic comment and it's hilarious to watch" Shadow chuckled

" Anyway sonic i best head home and get some sleep, collage starts tomorrow so i guess i'll see ya there night mate" Shadow bellowed has he ran in the opposite direction

"Yeah sounds like a plan, i can't wait to see you again ames altough we've been sending letters to eachother through out the past 10 years i still really missed you" As he walked off with the elements still doing what they did best and sonic couldn't help but smile in this drookit cold weather as he thinks about amy again

AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey guys so this is the first chapter done so i really hoped you all liked it and sorry if it's too long for some of you's. Please leave a review and tell me what you think is it better this way or not.  

Untitledby KernavousTheWolf

Here's a link to the story on Devianart

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now