Chapter 10

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I'll Fight For You Chp 10 Understanding Eachother

Sonic's POV

I'm currently walking to college with Kernavous since he and i are roommates. I look up at the clear blue sunny sky and sigh. It's been 4 weeks since i told Amy that i was done loving her, so far i'm doing alright. The leader for the dance group asked me to sing a few songs and so i've been working on my music which is helping keep my mind off Amy.

"How you holding up man" Kernavous said, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh ya know...Alright i guess" I say while sighing once again

"You still love her don't ya" Kernavous said softly, as he stopped in his place

Stopping as well and turning to face him i reply "Well yeah...I've loved her ever since we were kids and that is never going to change"

Running both my hands through my quills i continue "But she chose shadow over me though Kernavous therefore i need to just give up and move on" Turning back around and walking off to college, i feel my heart twist at what i just said. That's the first time i said that aloud to myself.

Kernavous joins my side again and spoke "You know Amy talks about you alot, about all the adventures you went on. From what i picked up she was really happy back in the days than what she is now."

"What you mean by that" My curiosity getting the better of me

"Well ever since she started dating shadow...Oh i don't know how to describe it...You see the way he treats her" Kernavous said. I can hear a hint of anger in his tone

"Hey enough about me how is it going with you and Rozu" I really want to change the subject and fast

"Things are good. I'm thinking of asking her to marry me but things have been weird so far" I see Kernavous looking down at the ground sighing

"What do you mean by weird"

"Well for the past weeks when i ask her if she wants to hang out, it's either she's busy or she's working. I went to her work last night to hang out with her there but apparently she hasn't been in for a week" Kernavous looked up to the sky and closed his eyes

After a half an hour walk we arrived at college but once we went through the doors everything spun out of control. I stood there shocked and looked to my right to see Kernavous' reaction, for in front of us we saw Shadow making out with Rozu.

I felt a rush of cold air pass me and the next thing i saw is Kernavous running towards Shadow with his fist raised.

"Get the fuck away from my girlfriend you bastard"

Kernavous punched Shadow in the face. Shadow quickly recovered and kicked Kernavous in the stomach which sends him to the floor. Shadow steps over him and throws punches at his face.

"What the hell was that for man" Shadow says with anger and annoyance in his tone.

I can't stand here and watch Shadow beat the living day lights out of Kernavous so i run forward raising my fist. I kept thinking of all the reasons why i wanted to punch shadow right now. My fist hit his face.This is for stealing Amy from me. I hit his face harder this time.This is for making Amy unhappy. I am now slamming my fist to his face. This is for making out with Amy everytime i came to see her. I managed to land one final hit before i was thrown off.

The impact with the locker winded me. Shadow was standing over me with his face all beat up and bloody. I smiled at my work but that was a bad thing to do as it pissed him off even more. He kicked me in the stomach and face, then punched me everywhere. I tried to fight back but i was still winded from the impact.

Five minutes later the principle came and broke up the fight. He took Shadow and Kernavous with him to his office while i just layed there all messed up. I feel myself drifting away but before i do i hear a soft voice call my name.

Amy's POV

What a lovely morning i thought to myself as i walked through the doors to the college, only to be met by a huge crowd. I looked to my left and saw Rozu running up to me.

"Amy it's horrible, shadow cornered me and kissed me. Kernavous saw it and started to fight with sahdow and then sonic joined in" Rozu sobs uncontrollably.

My mind was racing, Shadow could kill Sonic. This was why i was staying with Shadow so he wouldn't hurt Sonic. My Sonic. I saw the principle come and take Shadow and Kernavous to his office, then i saw Mrs Larka call for an ambulance. When the crowd was gone i saw Sonic laying on the ground all beat up and bleeding. I cried out his name loudly "SONIKKU"

**2 Weeks Later**

It's been 2 weeks and Sonic has been in a coma. I have stayed by his side all this time, not leaving even for a second.

Sonic's POV

Ugh my head and body is aching. I slowly open my eyes but then i'm met with confusion. I look around and realise i'm in a hospital. I feel something heavy on my body, i looked down and saw Amy sleeping on me.

The door opens and a doctor comes in.

"Hey there glad to see you are awake sir" The doctor said to me cheerfully

"How long have i been here"

"2 weeks. i must say you have a wonderful girlfriend" He said to me as he nodded towards Amy. "She wouldn't leave your side not even for a minute. She told the nurse that she loves you so very much and that she will never leave until you're better" He finished while smiling at me and left.

I felt really really happy when he called Amy my girlfriend. I can't believe she stayed with me all this time. I grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. I layed back down and closed my eyes. My ears perked up when i heard Amy's voice

"I love you Sonikku" She says sleepily

I smiled "I love you too Ames"

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now