Chapter 7.

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I'll Fight For You chp 7 Slowly Mending


After sonic finished his song i rose from my seat and started my way to him. I was totally nervous we haven't talked in ages but now that i've listened and understand his pain maybe this time will be a whole load better. I got to sonic and tapped his arm.

"That was beautiful sonic" He didn't turn around when i said it, he just stared at the piano

"Thanks, now what do you want" He sounded angry yet hurt

"We need to have a proper talk sonic about everything and be honest with both ourselves, please" I didn't realise how hurt i sounded but i heard sonic sigh and turn his body to face me.

"Okay so where to start" He asked staring at the floor

"At the beginning, When you left sonic you hurt me do you have any idea what it's like to have your heart shattered. You left so suddenly without telling me the reason why, You said it was to protect me i don't understand that" Tears were falling like rain down my face.


"You want to know why i left fine" I looked at him with a confused face he was taking off his shirt

"S-Sonic what are you doing" I hid my face in my hand, Oh god this is embarrassing

"Would you please just look amy and let me explain please" I could hear the despair in his voice so i removed my hands and looked at him and what i saw shocked me. ON sonic's chest and stomach were four claw marks


I knew i had to show amy these scars sooner or later. I looked at her shocked face. I made sure i was alright before i explained myself because thinking about this brings so much pain to me.

"I got these the night before i left. After our date and i walked you you i always lie on a tree just outside your window but that one night eggman showed up with a massive robot who was there to capture you, so as usual i fought the robot but what i didn't know was that there was another" Tears were falling and my voice was shaking i hate to remember this

"It nearly got you so i jumped in the way to protect you and ended up with this"I pointed to the scars on my chest. "I finally defeated them but i realised that no matter what happens bad guys are always going to come after you so i decided to do this mission so that i can have a future with you" I looked away from amy, I have no idea what she'll be thinking

"What future were you wanting with me" She said sounding shocked but intrigued

"Well i did promise you that once we were married we would travel that world but i don't know even have a kid or something" I tried my best to hide my blush but then i heard something so sweet. Amy's laugh

"AW is sonic blushing"She said with a big smile on her face

"We needed this uh sonic but what i don't get is why you're angry at me" She stopped laughing and looked me dead in the eyes so i did the same

"You promised you wait for me" I said in a flat voice

"Oh i um oh ugh. I don't know how to respond sorry"

"Do you still have any feelings left for me at all"

"I do"


I need to stop hiding it, I love sonic so so very much.The spark never went away.

"I do still love you sonic the love that i held for you for 14 years has never gone away" We were still staring at each other and i saw a spark of happiness in his eyes

"You must be sick of hearing this amy but i do really love you so very much" He replied with a smile and a blush

"Hey would you like to hang out with me sonic, I've got nothing to do" I really hope he says yes i miss hanging out with him. Shadow never hangs out with me, we've only been on one date and he treats me like a trophy girlfriend

"Sure i'd love to. I miss hanging out with you amy. I mean it" Sonic said with a big grin on his face and rose from his seat.

As i started walking i tripped on a lose shoelace and crashed into sonic's chest which is still bare. We stared into each other eyes, Oh god how i love those amazing, beautiful emerald eyes so i leaned closer and so did he.

Normal POV

Sonic felt two arms wrapping around his neck and Amy's sweet lips meeting with his. Sonic fell back on the big piano set with amy landing onto of him.

Sonic pulled away from the kiss " Amy we can't be doing this"

Amy pulled his head forward " I don't care if it's right or wrong it just feels so good to me right now" Amy continued to pull sonic's head closer to her own

"But-" He was interrupted when amy kissed him more deeply this time. She tasted like strawberries. Amy ran her hands up and down sonic's bare chest while sonic played with her quills and tongue.

Sonic put his hands on amy's lower back and kissed her more deeply. Sonic removed her jacket and turned them over so he was on top. Amy didn't care and kissed him more deeply while she started to grind her hips on sonic's leg. Sonic held her tightly while kissing her neck.

"Oh sonic...Please more" Amy moaned loving this feeling she hasn't felt in a long time

Soon the kiss broke with them both panting and breathing heavily.

"I think we're slowly mending uh" Sonic said with a big smile on his face

Amy giggles " Yeah i think we are. SO how 'bout we get heading"

"I would love that....Ames" Amy felt a blush come to her cheeks, she loved that nickname

"Okay then.....Sonikku" Sonic felt the same was as amy. The two walked away holding hands

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now