Chapter 17

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i'll fight for you chp 17 i want to be with you

Sonic's POV

It all happened so fast, i'm now surrounded by darkness and all i hear is amy's voice. she sounds really angry. what on earth happened.

Amy's POV

just as i was about to kiss sonic again, i heard a voice shout out and all of a sudden sonic was knocked out cold, i was shocked and turned my head to see who the culprit was.

standing above sonic and looking at me with burning eyes was a tall green crocodile in his mid fifties.

"Vector what the hell, why did you do that". I was not happy with him in the slightest

"no amy what the hell are you doing, hasn't sonic hurt you enough, why do you want to go through that pain again". i can see the fire burning in his eyes.

Vector is like a dad to me, since i was little vanilla has always looked after me. you could say she is a mother figure to me and when vanilla married vector 20 years ago he became like a father figure to me and cream.

when sonic left me, i was in so much pain, i stared to cut myself for the first few months just to relive the pain. Vector found out what i was doing and was pissed off and has blamed sonic for everything i did to myself. vanilla was different because she could see both sides, as to way sonic might off left but also my side as well.

"i have looked after you for 20 years amy, you ARE my daughter and i will not let you suffer so much pain again by the hands of a immature boy, who doesn't love you, who isn't worthy of you". Vector stated as he pointed his finger towards sonic's unconsciousness body.

"I'm 21 vector you can't control me alright, you don't know what the past 8 months have been like since sonic came back to Mobius, how much pain we endured. I now know why sonic left me, it was because he wanted a future with me but that couldn't happened with all of his enemies around and that's why he left". I can't help myself now as i stood there and screamed at vector.

"what are you doing here anyway ?". i asked vector with a scoff

"It's midnight, i'm here to pick up cream and i happened to see the both of you, since i'm here you are coming back home as well amy". Vector took a hold of my hand and dragged me away from sonic.

"let me go vector, i said let me go". i was struggling to get out of vector's grip as he led me out of the college and into his car along with cream.

Sonic's POV

ugh my head, jeez what happened. I slowly opened my eyes and saw i was outside laying on the ground. Slowly i rose and brushed off the dirt on my suit.

where's amy ? what happened when i passed out ?

I looked up at the big clock on top of the college and it read 12.30 pm. rubbing my head i made my way back inside to search for kernavous and rozu to see if they know where amy is.

As i entered the building, a slow romantic song was playing and i stood there watching Rozu dancing with kernavous whilst whispering something in his ear. This sucks, i wish me and amy could've been like that tonight but apparently not.

When the song ended i made my way to Rozu.

"Rozu do you know where amy is ?"

"she went home half an hour ago"

"She went back to yours ?".

"no her dad to amy back to his, he wasn't very happy for some reason and was shouting at amy to get in the car". I saw rozu look at me with a curious face

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now