Chapter 5.

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I'll Fight For You Chp 5 Secret Feelings

The Next day sonic awoke in a strange room, one he's never seen before. As he looks around all he can see is pink. He lifted himself up on the bed.

"Oh man what on earth happened last night and why is my head so sore" sonic said with a painful groggy voice.

He looks beside him and saw someone, a girl.

Sonic POV

"Holy shit, holy shit what the hell happened last night and who is this girl"

I turn to look at her more closely. Well i can say she does look beautiful lying there sleeping. No what you doing you need to get out of here sonic before anything else happens. Right where are my clothes, wait a second, where ARE my clothes ?. why the hell am i only in my boxers. I turn to look at the girl sleeping beside me, she still had her clothes on so why don't i. I continued to stare at her till i saw her waking up.

Normal POV

The girl twist and turn till she was finally awake. She arose from the bed rubbing her eyes and yawning. Sonic was scared he didn't know what to do or even what to say. Till he saw her face.

"AMY....Oh My God" he said shocked, amy was the last person he expected to be in bed with him

"Looks like you're doing better today sonic"

"How what happened yesterday"

"I don't know you till me. I was coming out of collage and i get a drunk phone call from you." Amy was furious at this point yet you can see a tiny bit of worry in her eyes

"Oh i'm sorry amy, i really didn't mean to cause you any trouble" Sonic looks away ashamed of what he has done

"What the hell were you thinking sonic and when i finally do come and get you i find you beside the cliffs, could you be anymore stupid" Sonic could see clearly how worried amy was for him. Amy has always been worried when it comes from sonic

"Don't blame me it was scourge's idea" Sonic said back as an excuse

"Well you didn't need to go along with him sonic" 

"Well what else was i meant to do, my enemy was the only person who tried to cheer me up, the gang thinks i'm a total jerk for leaving you and them for 10 years and the love of my life never gave me chance to return and just tell her i love her" Sonic lashed out trying his hardest to catch his breath

"For the past month amy i've been alone. Every time i turn a corner i always see you kissing that faker. I'm miserable because deep down inside you know you chose the wrong guy amy and it kills me inside that you don't seem to notice" Sonic grabs his clothes and puts them on and just about as he reaches the door. it opens

"Hey amy you know we've got work today, He who is he" 

The girl was a wolf with long beautiful wavy hair with the ends highlighted light blue, she wore a green sundress with sun glasses on top of her head. On her hand you could see a really fancy ring, it looks like an engagement ring.

"OH hey there you must be Sonic, my name is Rozu" Rozu said with a big smile on her face

"Uh hey, how do you know my name" Sonic said as he shook hands with Rozu

"Because Amy never shuts up about you saying, oh his eyes are so dreamy, oh his smile is beautiful and my fav one is omg sonic is so so sexy he has more muscles than shadow has" Rozu said trying to sound alot like amy

"Okay i think i'll go det changed. Hey Rozu is Kernavous here if so can you ask him to hang with sonic till we're finished with work" Amy said as she grabs her clothes

"Wait do i have a say in this" 

"No sonic cause me and you need to talk so can you please wait till i'm finished work" Amy said as she pushed sonic out of her room

"Alright" With that said the door slammed shut in his face 

"You know i've never seen Amy behave like that in a long time, she must really like you Sonic" Rozu said as she placed a hand on Sonic's back

"Well i don't know about that, it seems like she hates me. You know when we were kids she used to tell me she loved me all the time and that made me real happy to hear because i loved her as well and i still do. I just hope she feels the same" Sonic told Rozu sadly as she led him to the living room to meet Kernavous

"Hey baby" Rozu gave Kernavous a kiss. He was also a wolf, his he style was an unique one it looked like Manic's (Sonic's bro) hairstyle with also slicked back fur like sonic's. He had with hair with also light blue highlights and he wore plain old jeans with a white T-Shirt and a leather jacket along with brown boots

"Hey i recognise you man. Yeah you're always the dude in the music room playing the piano, Can i just say you're just amazing. Hey The name's Kernavous" 

"Nice to meet you and thanks" Sonic shook hands with him

"Well you boys have fun i'm away to check up on amy" Rozu said with a big smile on her face as she skipped down the hall

"Hey amy I'm coming in" As Rozu opened the door she saw amy crying

"Amy what's wrong" Rozu said as she rushed over to hug Amy

"I've just realised how i feel about Sonic" Amy sobbed 

"That isn't anything to cry about" 

"Yes it is, i just checked my phone there was a voice mail from Sonic, i couldn't tell if he was drunk or not but he said he was going to kill himself Rozu" Amy hugged Rozu tighter sobbing her eyes out

"I've been such a bitch to him, I've caused him nothing but pain. I don't even love Shadow i thought he could replace Sonic but he can't" Now finding it hard to catch her breath Amy let go of Rozu and looks down to the floor

"I love him Rozu, I've always loved him"

THx For reading i hope this chapter was a-okay. Please leave any ideas you have for this story because i would love to know

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