Chapter 11.

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I'll fight For You chp 11 Can't Go Back Now

Rozu POV

It's been three weeks since the big incident at the collage between Kernavous, sonic and Shadow. I've been going to the hospital to check up on Sonic to see how he's doing. I sometimes see Kernavous there, I say hello to him every time but get nothing in return. He should know that i would never cheat on him especially with Shadow. Amy's "boyfriend". We've been together since we were kids and been dating for 13 years.

Kernavous POV

I've been Rozu quite alot at the hospital. She says hello eachtime but i can't bring myself to say it back. I'm on my way to see sonic since it's saturday, i was only two blocks away when i bumped into Rozu who was heading the same way as i was.

"Hello Kernavous" She says to me in a sad tone. I want to run but yet i don't.

"Hey...You away to see sonic"

"You said hello this time...That's good, i thought you would hate me forever...and yeah i'm away to see sonic. Amy should be coming soon as well." She replied. I can see a spark of happiness in her eyes because i'm finally talking to her.

"Cool. So do you want to walk to the hospital together." i gave her a weak smile as i started to walk towards the hospital.

"So have you forgiven what has happened"

I stopped and looked at her " I know you would never cheat on me. We've been dating for 13 years but...look i just need time to adjust to what has happened" i grabbed her left hand and started to walk again.

"I do still love you Rozu and i'm sorry i've been a jerk towards you" I said to her in an apologetic tone.

Rozu pulled me back towards her and placed a kiss on my cheek which caused me to blush. " I will always love you Kernavous".

Sonic's POV

So bored. This hospital is so boring. Being stuck in this room sucks. Three weeks stuck in here but today is finally the day i escape. It turned out that my ribs weren't broken just bruised so i get to home today but i was instructed to take it easy when i go. Yeah right, me the fastest thing alive, take it easy, i don't think so. I'm running when i get out.

"Hey sonic you up" A knock sounded on the door and a sweet, soft voice.

"Yeah come on in"

As the door opened a beautiful girl came in, her eyes as blue as the ocean.

"Hey sal i was thinking about how bored i was" I smiled at her

"Well let me fix that" she replied.I saw her smirk as she walked to me and started to lean towards me. Our lips met. It was soft and sweet, nothing like the kisses i had with Amy.

"Hey has Amy been in yet...have you told her about us" Sally's voiced snapped me out of my trance.

"Um no she hasn't and when she does i'll tell her" I pulled sally to me so she was sitting on my lap. I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her again.

"Sonic you should've told her ages ago. I know things are complicated between you two but she truly loves you sonic" she said scolding me

"Why...she's with shadow in the end" Why should i be bothered about how she will feel after she shattered, split, cracked, and any other synonyms of broke my heart.

"Sonic we've been dating for a month" She said quite strictly

"Okay i'm sorry...I'll tell her as soon as i see her. Okay babe" I leaned in close and kissed her with all the passion i could muster.

Kernavous POV

I opened the door to sonic's room and saw him kissing some girl. Oh boy how is Amy going to react to this news.

"Nice to see you looking better mate, i bet your feeling great huh" I said slyly to him

"Oh shut up it's not like that...It's nice to see you and Rozu being friendly"

"Well we're getting along now actually happened 10 minutes ago but Kernavous said he still needs some time to think" Rozu said to sonic as she squeezed my hand.

"So who's this girl" I tilted my head to the girl.

"Oh i forgot to tell you. This is my girlfriend sally. We met last month. She's actually the leader of the group that's in charge of the dance" I see a bid smile on his face, one i've never seen on him when he's with amy. It doesn't look right.

"Hi sonic's told me so much about the both of you. It's lovely to meet you" Sally said to us with a smile on her face.

As i was about to speak i heard Amy's voice in the hallway. Crap she's gonna be heartbroken when she finds out about this. I turned around and went outside. Amy was right in front of me.

" hey Kernavous how are you today" she asked with a happy smile on her face. And i know why.

"Uh yeah i'm fine...ya know Amy sonic's no feeling well toady so i think it's best to ask him another day don't cha think" I can feel myself sweating, oh god please buy this crap Amy.

"I don't care he needs to know" She tried to barge pass me.

Amy's POV

Okay what's his deal, why won't he let me see sonic. I finally made my way past him and opened the the door to see Rozu looking pissed off, i followed her gaze to sonic and...some girl sitting on his lap with sonic's arms wrapped around her.

"W-What's going on, who's that girl" I asked to anyone and everyone while tears were threatening to show

"Hey Ames sorry i forgot to tell you, this is sally my girlfriend, we've been dating for a month" He answered my question like it meant nothing. I hate him.I really hate him.


"WHAT THE HELL AMY" he shouted back at me, as i started to run away.


What's her deal.

"You wanna know why she's upset" I heard Rozu said to me. See looked pissed.

"She finally had the courage to break up with Shadow because she knew were gonna be there for her sonic. Amy finally stood up for herself and fought for what she wanted". Rozu said as she walked away.

"She's right sonic. Amy actually fought for you. Shadow pushed her about. Thank god i was there to stop him...You knew she loved you and this is what you do" Kernavous lecture got me.

"Look i know that she loves me...our relationship was complicated" i told him.

"You know the first night we hung out and you were saying that the guy in the movie always gets the girl... well i'm afraid you're not that guy cause only the guys that fight for the girl wins" He said as he walked away.

I know there both right. i love Amy, always will but i just want happiness even if i do have to replace Amy to get it. It's too late now we can't go back.


I was sitting outside the hospital on a bench looking for a tissue in my bag. I found paper with song lyrics on them and i realised there were sonic's. I borrowed them. I read it while tears were falling.

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Sonic felt like this a month ago and now i'm feeling the way he did. Karma is such a bitch. I laughed.

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now