Chapter 2.

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I'll Fight For You Chp 2 No Way!

(Sonic's POV)
It's such a lovely morning sun beaming down, the wind blowing through my quills and the fresh smell of flowers blooming in spring. Oh how i would love to spend the whole day out here sleeping or running but no i'm on my way to collage.

I really can't be bothered like, i mean i just finished fighting and defeating evil and i can't have one day off to rest in the shade underneath an oak tree and JUST sleep. I would do that but there's someone i'm really wanting no needing to see. My love Amy Rose.

I can't really remember WHY i fell in love with amy but i do know i want to be with her. Ever since we first met, it was love at first sight for me. I love her smile, her laugh and oooohhhh her eye's are out of this world their so breath taking. I remember always getting lost in them that's how i never really heard what amy was saying half of the time. I can't wait to see Ames, i wonder what she looks like now, I think she's 22 now.

Slowly i began to feel nervous as i walked up to the school gates. I never really been to school yeah i went to highschool and all that but it was only a couple of hours a week due to eggman attacks. As i walked up to the building's door a voice called out to me.

"Sonic is that you bro" the strange but familiar voice shouted above the rest. Sonic turned to meet the voice and was shocked to see who it was.

"OMG tails it's so awesome to see you. What you doing here aren't you still meant to be in highschool" Sonic embraced tails in a hug and slowly parted from him

"WOW it's so cool to see you again sonic. You can probably guess how i'm here two letters IQ" tails joked at the last sentence

"It's good to here you're still smart ass heh" He laughed as tails gave a wee smirk

"So i guess your mission is done now. How does it feel to be a normal hedgehog now" Tails and sonic now acting like there on the news.

"Oh well you see it all good all good but it's gonna be boring collage from now on i guess" both of them burst out laughing cause of how stupid they were acting

"Hey what's so funny tails" A sweet, soft voice said to him

"Oh hey amy nothing really just me and sonic being idots hehehe" Tails tried so hard to hold is laughter but failed.

Sonic was caught off guard. He never thought he'd see amy this early in the morning, he was wanting to surprise her but it looked like the tables had turned. Standing in front of him was a beautiful pink hedgehog with long curly hair. She no longer had her red hair band and the outfit. She wore a green long sleeve t-shirt that fitted her curves really damn nicely and to join that she wore skinny jeans to bring out her legs and black trainers but one thing didn't change. Sonic was still mesmerized by those stunning jade eye's. It took him a minute to get his thoughts together.

"Amy is that really you" Still half in thought sonic asked her

(Amy POV)

"No way is that you sonic" amy not sure to believe that it's him or not

There he was my childhood friend and crush standing right before my eye's and boy did he look fine. His gorgeous blue quill were way pass his shoulders now and has grown alot taller he looks about over 7ft or that anyways he's still taller than me but seeing him now was weird because alot has changed when we were little he NEVER wore clothes and here he is now wearing a black muscle top which really showed you how muscular he is and i couldn't help but stare and also to top it off he wore dark denim jeans with his classic shoes. Even his facial features had changed he had a Van Dyke moustache oh it made him look sooo sexy but one thing stayed the same. His beautiful stunning emerald eye's which never seizes to amaze me.

"Oh Amy i missed you soo much" Super Sonic speed he took amy in his arms and spun her around laughing as he did so

" I know i missed you too sonic"

"Wow look how much you've changed you're even more beautiful than i remember"

Amy blush was notice by sonic who smirked to himself" I can say the same to you SONIC THE HEDGRHOG IS WEARING CLOTHES" Amy said trying to acted shocked 

"Hehehe you're a bad actor ya know that"

"That's why i'm not learning to be an actor now but a singer" She replied to his statement cockily

"Oh really so am i"

"What you can sing" This time actually being shocked

"Well yeah but i mostly write songs but i haven't done all that in a while so i'm a bit rusty" He said as he rubbed the back of his head looking like he had just given away a big secret

The bell then rings as tails remind them they have to get to class

"Oh sorry tails i kinda took sonic way from you" Amy feeling a little guilt as she took sonic all for herself

"Never mind I'll see ya both at lunch" Tails shouted as he walked away

"It looks like we have the same classes don't we" Amy asked sonic

"It appears we do so please lead the way" Sonic said as he bent down and stretched his arms, plams facing upwards as he pointed down the hall

"With Pleasure"Amy started walking down the hall with sonic not far behind

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now