Chapter 16

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I'll Fight For You chp 16 I Need You

Amy's POV

I watched as sonic left the building with kernavous running after him. Sonic looked upset and i've never seen kernavous look like that before. I was worried, i told rozu i will be back in a minute as i rushed to the exit. As i approached the exit i heard the two of them talking.

I hid around the corner and looked around the wall a little bit, just enough to see them.

"It sucks that you and sally broke up, i'm sorry i wasn't more supportive back then. I guess i was too wrapped up in myself". Kernavous looked pretty bummed as he placed a hand on sonic's shoulder.

"Why did you guys break up anyway". I heard kernavous ask the question, i was anxious to know why as well.

"I think you know why...*sighs* I love amy more, i will always love her more but i'm too late i screwed it up but you know what i will never stop fighting for her. She waited 14 years in total not including the 2 years we dated for me so i will do the same".Oh my chaos sonic, I looked around the corner and saw that sonic had a sad smile on

"I will waited til the end of time for amy to come back to me because she is my one and only love and i was stupid to think that ANYONE could replace her because they can't. She's like my black rose, she is very rare and unique, you only get one in a lifetime". Sonic was looking up at the stars and i can see tears threatening to show.

"You'll get her back sonic, i know you will. She loves you and you know it. This whole situation has been created out of fear, hurt and betrayal. She's scared of you leaving her again and that has hurt both of you in different ways and the relationship between you and sally and she and shadow has just added to the hurt and fear because you're both scared but sonic what are you scared of". Kernavous speech was right, i am scared of him leaving me again. I looked at sonic

"I don't know what i'm scared of". I heard him give out a loud sigh as he ran his hands through his quills.

"You better find out quickly before you lose her for good". Those were the last words that kernavous spoke as he began to walk back inside.

I ran away from the exit and hid among the other people that were near to exit. I watched as kernavous walked away from the door and back to rozu.*sighs* those two have it all. I want that.
I moved back to my previous spot and watched sonic.

Sonic's POV

What am i scared of. I really don't know. Maybe i fear that amy truly loves shadow more than me or is it what shadow told me that he now loves amy for amy. There's too many things.

I walked over to a tree that's beside the college garden and slowly slide my way down to the base of it. I hear a tune in my head and start singing.

Normal POV

When did you stop loving me
You let me down so perfectly
And you walked away so easily
Baby, tell me, when did you stop loving me

Sonic stood up and started to walk into the garden while amy was following him from behind.

Tell me, when did you give up on us
Did I love too much or not enough
And is there someone else you're thinking of
And when did you give up on us

What do I do
With the mess you made of me
With all that I lose
I think you owe me one thing
No, I don't need your reasons
Or your sympathy
Girl, just tell me, when did you stop loving me

Sonic saw a rose patch and picked up a rose as he made his way to a bench and sat down looking at the rose.

Tell me, when did you start drifting away
And have you loved me less
With every single day
If you were over me, girl, tell me,
Why did you stay
When did you start drifting away

What do I do
With the mess you made of me
With all that I lose
I think you owe me one thing
No, I don't need your reasons
Or your sympathy
Girl, just tell me, when did you stop loving me

Sonic ran his hands through his quills as he stood up and started to walk through the garden again and headed to the water fountain.

I just wanna know
When did you stop loving me

Is this really how you want it to end
With a lie of love
And the loss of a friend
Now I'm scared of loving anybody else again
Is this how you want it to end

When did you stop loving me?

Sonic sat at the edge of the fountain while still staring at the rose.

Baby, tell me, when did you give up on me
Did you give up on me
When did you give up
When did you give up

Oh, tell me, when did you stop
When did you stop
When did you stop loving me, yeah

Sonic's POV

"Oh amy when did you stop loving me".

"I've never stopped loving you". I recognise that voice, i looked up and saw amy standing over me.

"A-Amy i-uh uh um hi".She's here, i don't know what to think i mean through out the dance i saw her and shadow laughing and flirting with eachother and now she's here.

"I didn't want it to be this way sonic but sadly it has but even through it all i have never stopped loving you". I see the hurt in her eyes as she spoke.

"I never meant for any of this to happen amy and i certainly never meant to hurt you and i'm sorry. I thought hurting you back would make me feel better but it didn't and i'm truly truly sorry ames". I was ashamed with what i did, i hurt two people because of my selfishness.

"I accept your apology sonic and plus it's my fault i was weak, if i waited longer for you then none of this pain that is in my heart would exists". Amy started to cry as i just sat there and watched.

I quickly stood up and embraced amy in my arms as i whispered in her ear" I love you amy". I leaned my head down towards her lips. I saw her moving her lips to mine's as well. My right hand caressed her left cheek as my left hand laced its fingers through her quills. Our lips touched and a nuclear bomb went off.

The kiss was so powerful and passionate that i nearly lost my balance. Amy pulled me closer to her as her tongue swept my lips for entrance which i accepted. I slid my hands down amy's back and rested them on her hips. I heard her moaning which started to make me groan. I picked her up , she wrapped her legs around my waist as i started to walk to a nearby tree and make the kiss even more powerful and getting as close as i can.

After 6 minutes of a fearsome kiss we broke away from eachother both of us were blushing madly.I looked into amy's eyes and gave her a sweet gently kiss.

"I need you in my life ames, everything that i am is because of you. You made me a better hedgehog. Do you need me too ames?" I held both her hands in mine's as we stared at eachother.

"I do". I hear her whisper softly. My mood instantly brighten as a big goofy smile appeared on my face.

I lifted her up as i spun her around, both of us laughing"I love you amy and i promise to never hurt you again, I know you don't trust me but i will hard to gain it". Amy kissed me on the cheek.

"I know you will sonic and i will try my hardest as well sonikku". She gave me her warm sweet smile as she leant in for another kiss.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING" I heard a voice say and all of a sudden a fist came in contact with my face and knocked me out cold.

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now