Chapter 8.

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I'll fight For You chp 8 What Do You Think Of Me


I just came back form hanging out with Sonic, I don't know if i should call it a date or not but i really hope Sonic think it was a date as i do. Shadow never hangs out with me, we've only been on one date and it wasn't even romantic, it was to a pizza palor and that was it but Sonic oh god he's so so so romantic. I still remember how he asked me out back when we were kids, he took me to the beach and as we were walking along the cliffs i looked down and saw stones spelling out "Will you go out with me Amy Rose-Sonic".Tears were falling from my eyes and Sonic had a cute shy smile on his face.

I miss those times when me and Sonic were dating, it was the best two years of my life and adding on top of that i can't believe he went on that dangerous mission just to have a future with me. I felt a smile starting to creep up, Sonic really truly loves me face it look at everything he has done for me and to be with me and what has Shadow done.Nothing.

I start walking to my bedroom when i heard something

"Where have you been, it's the back of 10 pm" the voice sounded concern yet annoyed

I turned around to see Rozu standing in the hallway tapping her feet "I'm sorry Rozu but me and Sonic were hanging out and lost track of time"

"So you and Sonic are finally together 'bout time especially with all the things he says about you Amy, oh you should hear it it's freaking adorable" Rozu had a big smile plastard on her face

"I will admit i do still love Sonic but no we're not together i'm still dating Shadow. And what things has Sonic said about me" I was really curious to know what sonic thought about me

"You'll need to ask him yourself and by the way dump Shadow he doesn't deserve you, Sonic does" Rozu simply said before walking into her room.

Fine i will ask Sonic what he thinks of me and i'll also ask Shadow i wanna see you loves me the most,that should make my decision easier.

The next day i walked into collage and headed towards Shadow's classroom. He was in the boxing class along with Knuckles, he says that he wants to be the strongest boxer. I looked into the classroom and saw him talking to Knuckles.

"Hey Shadow can i talk to you for a minute" I said sweetly as i tapped him on the shoulder

"Hey babe" He gave me a passionate kiss (Which by the way isn't as good as Sonic's kisses, Shadow uses way too much tounge like eww) "What you wanna talk about"

"Can i ask you one question"

"Sure ask away" He said leaning on the wall beside me

"What do you think of me Shadow" I looked him in the eye

"Well i think you're super hot, extremely sexy, you've got curves in all the right places" I saw him grinning and saw lust in his eyes

"So you only like my for my looks then" I was quite hurt by that, i guess it's true i really am just a trophy girlfriend. I ran away from him, tears falling from my eyes.

Sonic's POV

I just walked into collage with Kernavous and Rozu, She was asking me all these questions about my date with Amy last night. As i looked ahead i saw Amy crying beside her locker. I quickly run up to her and embraced her.

"Hey Ames what's the matter" I held her at arms length and looked her in the eyes

"Shadow's being a jerk" She looked down to the floor and sobbed quietly

"Hey i've not had breakfast yet would you like to come to a cafe with me to get something to eat" I asked as i tilted her head back up "It's my treat okay"

"I guess i'm a bit hungry" She replied with a small smile

"Great, hey do you two wanna come to" i stared at Kernavous and Rozu

"Yeah we could use a bite to eat as well" Rozu happily said as she linked arms with Amy and started to walk infront of us

"Hey you asked Shadow that question and that's what's got you upset right" I heard her whisper to Amy. Uh what question

Half an hour later we arrived a small cafe. We entered and sat at a table just as one of the waiters came over to take our orders. I sat next to Amy, i nudged my elbow into her to get her attention.

"Mind telling me what's wrong"

"I asked Shadow a question and he was a jerk about it"

"Really, what was the question" I asked, i was really curious by this point

"I asked what did he think of me" She looked really hurt

I had to make her feel better. I got out of my chair and asked the girl behind me if i could borrow her guitar for a couple of minutes.There was a big space near the back of the cafe so i walked over to it. Amy didn't even notice i left whereas Kernavous and Rozu were looking puzzled.

"Hey Amy this is what you i think of you" I shouted towards Amy as i started to playa tune.

Oh oh this one's for my baby
Oh oh ohohh
Oh oh this one's for my baby
Thinking 'bout
How my life used to be
And all of the mistakes I made
Took a lifetime to find Mrs. Right
But girl you made it worth the wait

Cause 1
You turned me to a better man
You took the time to understand
For loving me for who I am
I gotta let you know that

Baby you are
All I ever wanted
Just what I've been dreaming of
You're everything I need and more
Girl you're the one I've waited for
All this time I
Never thought that I would find love
Then you came along
You're everything I need and more
Girl you're the one I've waited for

Now I swear from today to the end
Nobody's gonna take your place
Everything that I do is for you
And baby that'll never change
So 1
I'm gonna do all I can
I'm always gonna be your man
Promise to be there for you
I gotta let you know that

Hey girl, hey girl
I just wanna let you know
You're my world, my world
And I'm a never let you go
Hey girl, hey girl
I just wanna let you know
You're my world, my world
And I'm a never let you go

I finished off the song and walked back to the girl to give back the guitar. Once i got back to the table i got bombarded by Amy. She threw herself at me, kissing me with all the passion she could gather up and of course i kissed back. We stayed like that for ages, pass 5 minutes i believe before we both slowly pulled away. She looked straight into my eyes.

"I choose you Sonic, I'm dumping Shadow and choosing you" She leaned in to kiss me again but little did we know by choosing me trouble was right round the corner

"You're not getting away with this" A figure said standing outside the cafe

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now