Chapter 6.

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I'll Fight For You Chp 6 Falling For You Again


It's been 2 months since i confessed to Rozu that i love sonic. Me and Rozu went to our work. We work in a maid cafe, i know embarrassing right but it's really cool. Our boss is a cool chick she has so many fun events going on all the time but everyone's favourite is karaoke night. Well any way after work was done we both we back to our flat, only to find Sonic and Kernavous talking on the sofa. The night before was crazy.Sonic drunk called me and today i wanted to talk to him about it but everytime we talk it turns out the same, we end up fighting, Sonic yelling he loves me and me shouting back that i don't love him when in fact i do, i love him so munch. We haven't talk since then.

Sonic POV

I haven't talked to Amy for 2 months cause everytime we talk, we fight. After our big fight Kernavous decided to take me back to his place to cool me down. His flat was so cool he had really awesome posters hung up, it just looked like a man's house. After he cooled me down he asked what my deal was with Amy. 


"Man what's the deal between you and Amy" He said with a grin on his face

"You two act like an old married couple" A chuckle escaped his mouth

"It's a long story mate" I eyed the table i really didn't want to talk about it

"You do know we're friends now man, if anything is bothering you just spill" He sat down across from me and leaned on the chair's arm

"Alright when we were 12 i asked Amy out and we dated for 2 years and within those years we were so very happy, we spend everyday together but when i turned 14 i decided to take on a dangerous mission by myself to rid the world of evil which i did" I took a breath and looked at white wolf infront of me who was listening with interest 

"I guess what upsets me is that Amy promised to wait on me sure she hated the fact that i left in the first place but she PROMISED me and i made her a promise that when we get married we'll travel the world together" I took yet another breath this is the part that will piss me off

"When i finally do return 10 years later she's with SHADOW and everytime we talk we fight, i know it's no good to keep feeling angry all of the time so i write songs. It's the only thing that relaxes me, I go to the music room and right" There that is it, all my feelings out there.

"Wow are you sure you're not ripping off a movie" He gave me a grin 

"You know a movie will be better for sure cause the guy always gets the girl" I look at my feet, There's no way i'll be able to get Amy

"Yeah but the guy only gets the girl if he tries to win her heart" Kernavous rose from his seat and patted my back as he walked pass me 


Music class just ended at yet again sonic was nowhere to be seen, As i walked to the door Mrs Larka called me back

"Amy we need to talk about your songwriting skills" She gave me a serious face

"Amy the first year of collage your songs where awesome, they showed your emotions but no they're tacky. They lack feeling. Look at these songs wrote by someone in this class" She handed me a bunch of songs

I flicked through the" Amazed by you, Beautiful soul, Perfect" Then i saw a song that catch my eye

Lovesick Fool " Who are you, You're looking like a stranger, You were once my love and my savier" I didn't realise that i was crying as i read the song

"His songs are powerful isn't maybe he can teach you" Mrs Larka handed me a tissue

"May i take these to have a look and do you know where this person is" I was curious to see who could write such lovely words

"Check the music room"

Sonic POV

I don't go to classes like i used to and i told Mrs Larka why. She said to just hang out in the music room and collect homework at the end of the day

I sat at the piano going over my new song, it told everyone everything. I started to play

Normal POV

Who are you You're looking like a stranger
You were once my love and my savior
Now I'm left with nothing but your makeup
On my pillow.

Amy was walking along the hall until she heard the piano play and rushed to she this mysterious person

And I can't sleep, the pills they never helped
Tried counting sheep, still hurts like hell
I can't believe this rose has lost its red
And its petals

Amy opened the door and sat at the back of the room. She was super surprise to see that sonic was the one to write all those heart filled songs, She closed her eyes and listened to him.

Who put that rock in your chest, won't you tell me
If I said I wished you the best, I was lying

Waking up just brings me down (down)
Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found (nowhere to be found)
And my bed is half empty not half full
I'd rather live with broken bones
Then lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool

Where'd you go
You said you'll never leave me
All alone, my heart is barely beating
Like a ghost you haunt me every day that you're gone

I'm not the same
Now something went missing
There's a cage, it feels like a prison
Here, I'll stay until you come back home (home)

Who put that rock in your chest, won't you tell me
If I said I wished you the best, I was lying

Waking up just brings me down (down)
Cause every morning you are nowhere to be found (nowhere to be found)
And my bed is half empty not half full
I'd rather live with broken bones
Then lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool

Like a lovesick fool


His voice was so smooth and rich, I listened to him for once and now i understand his pain, his love. I'm falling for you again sonic

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now