Chapter 12.

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i'll fight for you chp 12 Moonlight dance part 1

sonic's pov

Finally i'm out of the hospital, after 2 hours of waiting for my paperwork i'm finally free. Sally came by to walk me home. I told her i'll be fine by myself but she insisted. Now we are both walking through the park back to mine's and Kernavous' apartment.

Sally's POV

I'm walking with sonic back to his apartment, i can't get the thought of what happened between sonic and amy out of my head and what kernavous told sonic. The look in sonic's eyes when he found out that amy dumped shadow for him, he has never looked at me like that before.

"hey sonic i think you should go talk to amy, see if she is okay" i know he is worried about her but he's just too stubborn to show it.

"why should i do that, she never did that for me" He says to me in an annoyed tone.

"Yes and look where it has got you both, learn from her mistake. I don't want things to be bad between the both of you"

"Amy should've know it was coming, i did tell her i was done"

"Sonic can you please just do this for me, please sonic"

"Okay i'll do it for you. I'll see her before the dance tonight"

"I still can't believe how lucky we are, you were able to leave the hospital in time for the dance"

"Well i'm not just a handsome hedgehog, i'm also a good luck charm" he gave me his signature smirk and thumb up while i giggled at him.

"hey sonic is that you" i hear a sweet voice shouting from the distance

i turn around to see a little cream coloured rabbit along with a blue chao.

Sonic's POV

"no way cream is that you" i was so excited to see cream, i haven't seen her in years

"Hey sonic how are you feeling, i heard you were in the hospital. Amy told me a messed up you were"

"hahaha you know me cream nothing can bring me down". It felt great talking to cream, none of my other friends don't even look in my direction

"Hey cream, why are you talking to me aren't you pissed off at me for abandoning amy like the others"

"No because tails told me what you said to him, that it was for amy's sake, so you can have a future with her"

"Wow sonic you really did that for amy. You told me about your mission but i didn't know it was all for amy". I looked to my right and saw that sally was upset about something

"So how is tails. I can't talk to him because the gang forbidden him to talk to me"

"I don't really see him much either with him being in college and me i highschool but no he's fine the last time i talked to him"

"Sorry sonic i need to go get ready tails is taking me to the dance, it was nice speaking to you again"

"yeah same here cream". I gave her the biggest grin ever, i was so happy she was talking to me.

Sally's POV

I've been standing here just watching the two of them talking til the rabbit girl turned to me

"I;m sorry i didn't introduce myself. I'm cream" the girl extended her hand to me.

"Don't worry, i'm sally sonic's girlfriend, it;s nice to meet you cream" I took cream;s hand and shook it.

"Well see you guys tonight, bye". I watched her run away. As soon as she did my mind went back to what she said

Sonic went on that dangerous mission for Amy. No matter what happens i'll never be like her, i'll never have the love from sonic that he feels for her. I've been pretending not to see it but who am i kidding i'll never be like amy. I need to do what's right....

Sonic's POV

Ah finally home, i thanked sally for walking me home and gave her a kiss on the forehead. I walked in and saw kernavous and Rozu lying on the sofa together. I wish me and amy could be like that.

"hey guys guess who's back". Please don't be piss with me, i don't want to lose anymore friends

"Hey man it;s good to see you looking well again".Kernavous gave me a big smile

"yeah it's good to see you well again sonic". Rozu also gave me a big smile

"wait so you're not mad at me about the whole sally/amy thing"

"well i'm not pleased about it but it's your life not mine's". Kernavous said to me with a shrug like it was nothing.

"Amy is my best friend so of course i'm not happy about it but this is between the both of you". Rozu also gave me a shurg.

I didn't realise i was crying when they responded to me. "thanks guys, i was afraid i would lose you two because of this".

"Come on mate stop crying, once you meet me your stuck with me. that's how it is, no matter what you do you'll always have me". Kernavous gave me a quick hug.

"So you're cheating on me with sonic are ya". Rozu pretended to pout

"Sorry sonic i'm gonna cheat on you with rozu, sorry man"

"what even after all that stuff you said to me you player". I pretended to pout as well

All three of us bursted into laughter, i'm so happy they are still with me.

"hey rozu how is amy doing". I did promise sally i'd speak to her but still some part of me wants to do it for myself as well.

"Well she locked herself in her some since she got home from the hospital and hasn't came out since. You can hear her sobbing poor thing". Rozu looked really upset about this.

"Can i borrow your key please so i can go talk to her"

"sure, please try and make her feel better if not at least stop her from crying". Rozu said to me as she handed me her key

"I can't make any promises but i will try for both mine's and amy's sake". I replied to rozu as i headed out the door.

The least i can do is make things alright between us and hopefully get some answers as well.

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now