Chapter 3.

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I'll Fight For You Chp 3 You Have A WHAT!!!!!

Sonic POV

Finally 5 o'clock end of collage. I must say it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be especially when i sat next to amy all day and a bonus i heard her singing, i swear to god i saw heaven. I don't know why amy has this affect on me was what i used to ask myself but now i know, After all of the missions and fierce battles i had encountered i realised something. My true emotions. My love for a certain girl who wasn't only my best friend but the love of my life. I admitted that to myself 10 years ago and i was no longer going to hide them. 

As i walked out of the classroom i spotted amy walking down the hall. I shouted out to her as i zipped in front of her. You should of seen her she looked so shocked and confused. 

"Hey sonic what can i do for you" She replied as her smile sparkled and her eyes concentrating on mines. I can't help but get lost in those beautiful eyes.

A smirk grew on my face as i answered her question. "On the contrary you should be asking what can i do for YOU"

Amy looked even more confused now. "I don't think i understand sonic"

"Well if your not busy right now i was wondering if you" Oh god why was this so hard i been working this out in my head this whole day but who knew the real thing would be this hard" Oh i don't know maybe uummm want to go on a date" As usual when i'm nervous i put my right arm behind my quills and chuckle nervously. 


Wait i don't believe it he's asking me out on a date. Okay um yeah i guess it'll be alright to do but what if finds out he'll probably get jealous, wait. what if sonic finds out how will he react. I don't know maybe i should tell him that i have a-

"So what do you say will you give me a chance" His handsome emerald eyes looked so proud and excited i couldn't dare break that look. I'll tell sonic later.

I smiled as i answered is question "Sure i'll love to. So when you wanna go"

"Right Now"

"What RIGHT NOW, Sonic i need to get ready i look like a mess" I can't believe he wants to go right now not while i'm a mess but what he said next caught me by surprised

"Nah you look beautiful just the way you are heck your even hot"He said that to me so casually

What did he just call me BEAUTIFUL and HOT okay mister who are you and what have you done with sonic. I just don't get it sonic would never say anything like that to me before yeah we were kids back then and now we are grown ups is it possible that sonic has develop feelings for me.

"Uh thanks. So where are we going" 

"To my secret getaway" He smiled at me, reached at for my hand and started running and pulling me away down the hall.

"We're going to have so much fun hahaha" I love that smile do damn much i mean how can you not, no matter how i felt that smile would always make me feel so much better.


Okay it's 5:15 by the time we get there it's be 6:30 that'll give us 30 mins before it appears, Okay yeah i can do this. I'm going to tell her, i'm going to tell you amy how i really and truly feel about you

"So you ready to go it's going to be a long walk"

"Walk ? I thought you would have wanted to run there"

"I think i'll survive one night anyway i want to take this time to catch up with you and learn more about you amy" I gave her another one of my smiles and i saw her eyes light up oh how i love it when that happens. I love everything about this girl. There is just no hiding it anymore.

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now