Chapter 13

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I'll fight for you chp 13 Moonlight Dance pt2

Amy's POV

Things weren't supposed to be this way. Me and Sonic were meant to be together forever, he promised me. This is all his fault, if he didn't leave me for 14 years, i wouldn't have moved on to shadow, i wouldn't have hurt him, he wouldn't have hurt me and he definitely wouldn't be with another girl.

I picked up my phone and dial in a number. He may be a jerk but he's the only person i need right now. Shadow the hedgehog is all i need. Screw you sonic, you have broken my heart for the last time. You have lost me forever but still i'm always drawn back to you.

Sonic's POV

Hey ames just came to see if you're alright. No that sounds too insensitive. Oh what am i going to say to her, i really hurt her. i should've waited or at least understand her point of view, i mean she waited for years for me to finally ask her out and from what Rozu said to me she even waited 10 years for me to come back. How the hell can you wait that long ames and i can't even last a few months.

I'm walking through the park, trying to think of what to say to her when all of a sudden someone paunches me in the face.

"what the hell are you doing sonic, why the fuck do you keep hurting her" The gruff voice shouted to me. I turn my head to see shadow standing above me.

"Do you realise how much pain she was in sonic because of you and now you give up and settle for less". His eyes pierced right through me.

"Why the hell do you even care shadow, you were my best friend and you didn't even tell me that you were dating my girl". I screamed at him, it felt good.

"I didn't tell you because i thought she would dump me and go back to having a crush on you"

How dare he say that about amy. "Amy is that type of girl you idiot. She would never do that". I yelled back at him, with anger clearly on my face.

"oh yeah and how do you know that sonic, you barely even talked to her when we were teenagers". Shadow seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Because we dated for 2 years before i left for my mission"

"wha- dated amy...why doesn't anyone know this". Shadow was pure shock to hear that news.

"we kept it a secret. I was 10 and it was after a battle with eggman and i had just rescued amy. I realised that pushing her away and ignoring her wasn't the best way to protect her". I took a deep breath

"so while amy was thanking me for saving her again, i slowly leaned down to her and kissed her. I said i liked her and that i want her to be my girlfriend and she haply accepted it but i wanted it to be a secret". I looked at shadow who was still taking it all in.

"okay i understand now, i'm sorry what i said about amy....Wait why didn't you tell her you loved her then idiot" Shadow playfully paunched my arm.

"well you know amy she's a hopeless romantic, she i decided to tell her later that evening at the beach where i used the rocks to spell out i love you amy rose". I blushed remembering that time.

"wow didn't know you had that side to you faker. Anyway amy called me to come over but i think it's best i don't and leave you both alone". Shadow gave me a sad smile.

"wait a sec, why did you agree to go out with amy shads".

"maria, she said to help others and i thought it would help amy and i if we started dating because amy wouldn't be lonely and i have the girl who looks like maria but sadly it didn't work and i started treating amy like crap". Shadow looked up to the sky, i could see in his eyes that he still misses Maria.

SonAmy or ShadAmy: I'll fight for youWhere stories live. Discover now