My Own

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Mike POV -

   I opened the door and walked down the hallway to Jordyn's room, where her and De sat on the bed looking up at me. Jordyn's eyes were of worry, while De's was still of anger.

De: where's mom?

Michael: Get out De.

De: No

   See this is the shit that makes me sick. The lil nigga never listened.

Michael: Get the fuck out De, I need to talk to your sister. Go check if your mom's still breathing or something.

   I shooed him away and he ran out the room to see if Linda was ok. I closed and locked the door behind him and turned back to Jordyn who was now standing nervously in the corner of the room. Poor girl. I could see her shaking from where I was standing.

   "Jordyn, come here"

   I said as I sat down on her bed, patting where I wanted her to sit.

Michael: You don't have to be afraid, just come here baby girl.

   I could tell me calling her that made her feel some type of way. Before the kids realized that I'd hit their mom I used to call her that. It was a comforting thing. She would always come to me when she was scared or hurt. A true daddy's girl. Unlike De, I actually liked Jordyn. I loved her with all my heart and I'm a proud father. I remember when I stayed sober long enough to see Linda give birth to her, it was really love at first sight. I would do anything for my baby girl.

  She came and sat by me, but at a reasonable distance to where she wasn't in arms length. This girl was smart, but not smart enough to know that I would never lay a finger on her.

Michael: Come closer baby girl. I'm not gonna hurt you.

   She scooted in a little closer, still being cautious of both or movements.

Michael: How much do you love daddy?

   She shrugged her shoulders

Michael: You don't know?

   She shook her head.

Michael: Well talk to me baby girl. What's wrong?

Jordyn: You hurt mom.

Michael: That's only because she's a bad girl. You know you get in trouble for doing something bad &we punish you? Well mommy is a bad girl so I punish her.

Jordyn: What does she do that's bad?

   She asked curiously.

Her innocence is testing me right now.

Michael: She doesn't make daddy happy. But you... You can make daddy happy in place of your mom.

      "How?"    She asked hesitantly.

Michael: Lay down and close your eyes baby girl

   I watched as she did what I said. I leaned over her stroked her cheek with my index finger.

"why am I doing this?"    I thought to myself. "I can't possibly be this drunk to be thinking what I'm thinking."

I moved my hand from her cheek, down to her neck, slowly to her chest, down her stomach, and into her pants. She gasped and jumped up at the instant shock of me touching her.

Jordyn: Daddy stop!! What are you doing?!

   She said trying to remove my hand from her shorts, but I was too strong.

Michael: Shhh, it'll all be over in a minute baby girl.

   "No!! Stop!!!"    She cried.

   Has it really come to this point? Am I really this fucked up... To the point... Where I'm molesting my own daughter?

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