One Way Or Another

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   Today was just the same as yesterday. Yesterday, the same as the day before. He came home drunk again. Yelling for no reason, knocking shit on the floor, slamming doors. It was the same old shit everyday and I was sick of it. I was used to him making a spectacle of himself so I just learned to ignore him until he came my way. I was sitting in the family room on the couch with De'Mario & Jordyn on either side of me. De was 13, & he'd be starting high school after the summer in a couple of months. Jordyn was 11, she's supposed to be in the 7th grade, but her teachers recommended that she skip a grade straight to the 8th so she was just a year under De.

   They both were young but they were old enough to know what was going on with their father and I. They could see I wasn't happy no matter how hard I tried to fake it, and they knew it was because of their father. Whenever Michael, my husband, wasn't home De would beg me to leave him. That him, Jordyn and I could all run away without him.

   "I know he's hurting you ma. I know you're lying to us about it. But we know. We see it. Even though you try to hide it we can still see.. The next time he hurts you mom... That'll be the last time, I promise.."

That's what he said to me last night and I can't help but to repeat his words in my head.   "That'll be the last time, I promise"...  I didn't pay too much attention to it because we had finally had some peace in the house because Michael hadn't come home. Just being around my kids made me happy. I almost forgot what it felt like to smile. But this morning, as soon as I heard the front door slam shut,  my smile instantly faded. You could hear him stomp through the house, mumbling drunken words and cursing out loud. He finally made his way to the family room, stumbling over his own feet, knocking the tall lamp in the corner over in the process of catching himself from falling. What a fucking drunken idiot. I rolled my eyes at the thought of him and continued looking ahead at the TV until he made his way over and threw the TV off of the stand it was on.

   "Are you crazy?!"

      I yelled.

"Now Linda, I know you heard me trip you bitch. Where were you to help me?"

    He said slurring his words.

Linda: If u would sit the hell down and stop drinking so much you wouldn't need help.

Michael: What bitch? No, no. What I don't NEED is you talking. Shut that shit up and go cook breakfast.

Linda: it's 9:45pm

Michael: Even better. Cook dinner bitch.

  I rolled my eyes at him and continued looking forward where the broken TV was now on the floor.

Michael: Hey? You hear me talking bitch? Food. Cook. Now. You... Hurry up.

  He said snapping his fingers at me. I looked up at him like he was crazy, got up from my seat, & walked past him headed toward the stairs. I needed to get away from this belligerent fool. Before I got even 3 feet away from him I felt him grab my hair, yanking my head back, making me crash through the glass table in the middle of the room. While I was on the floor trying to recover from the shock of him throwing me down, I see Jordyn walking away toward the upstairs and De taking a swing at Michael. He caught his fist with one hand and laughed.

Michael: You tryna be a man now, lil nigga? Well you ain't. Get the fuck outta my face.

    He pushed him aside and focused his attention back on me, picking me up by my hair again, standing behind me.

Michael: You know what baby? You don't have to cook dinner anymore... I'm hungry for something else.

  He says sniffing and kissing my neck as De tries to attack him again.

Michael: Hold it right there lil nigga. We don't want mom to get hurt now do we?

  This nigga is using me as a human shield against my own son?

Linda: De, just go upstairs and check on your sister. I'm fine. I'm just gonna cook him dinner then I'll be up.

   He knew I was lying but he went anyway.

De: This is the last time ma', I promise you.


   All types of fire and hate burning in his eyes as he walked away.

Michael: Now baby, we finally get some time to ourselves.

  He said breathing down my neck.

Michael: Start walking.

   I headed up the stairs and down the long hallway towards our bedroom with Michael close behind me, still holding on tightly to a fist full of my hair. I opened the bedroom door and he slammed it shut pushing me on the floor.

Michael: Strip.

He demanded. I looked up at him in disgust, not moving from the place on the floor where he had thrown me.

Michael: Uhm, Linda..  What the fuck are you waiting for babe? Hell to freeze over? Pigs to fly? Oh no, no, no, no, I got it..  You're waiting on the day that my dick learns to suck itself. Well bitch unless you know some shit that I don't, that ain't gon' happen. So get the fuck up, take off your fucking clothes, and suck. This. Dick.


Mike POV-

I said those last words slow so she could understand me. I don't know what it was tonight but somebody must've slipped something in her drink to make her start acting tough and being disobedient. She just sat there on the floor looking at me like I was crazy.

Michael: You still not gon' get up? Ha! ok.

   I pulled her from off the floor with her arm, threw her on the bed, and got on top of her.

"Get the fuck off of me Michael!!"

   She yelled, struggling and hitting me in the face and chest trying to push me off of her. She always fought it in the beginning. To think she would've learned her lesson by now. I quickly grabbed both her arms, pinned them above her head and began kissing her neck. She squirmed underneath me still trying to fight me, I just started and was already sick of her resisting me. All I wanted was to get this nut off and take my ass to sleep, but Linda is always so selfish. Its supposed to be a wife's job to please her husband in whichever way he asks, so why is it so hard for this bitch to do stuff for me? Ever since she had our first child De'Mario, she's been changing. I don't like that shit. I don't even like De. His ass is always getting in the way of when I'm trying to have some "alone time" with my fucking wife. I hate the fact that she kept his ass. He was a mistake and I never meant to make him. I should've beat Linda so she could've had a miscarriage just like all those other times. I was getting pissed at the fact that she even gave birth that lil nigga. He is a disgrace and a sorry excuse for a son.

  Out of anger I punched Linda in the face and grabbed her neck, choking her. She screamed out of pain and once her hands were free she started swinging at me again. I was sick of being hit so I slapped her one last time, hard enough to make her stop attacking me, to give me a chance to get off of her. I stood up from the bed and stepped back to the wall near the door. She cautiously eyed my every move and we had a stare down for a couple of seconds before I opened the door. She was being difficult tonight, but I was gonna get what I wanted one way or another.


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