Pushing The Limits

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Chris POV -

Jordyn: Chris..

She said leaning up against the counter where I was taking shots.

Jordyn: Did I do something wrong?

Chris: Nah, you good. I just needed a drink that's all... I was feeling dehydrated..

Jordyn: Well drink some water silly.

She said with a smile on her face, oblivious to what the real issue was here.

Chris: Yeah, I think ima just head home. You ready to go?

Jordyn: Yeah. But... Can you even drive?

Chris: Nah... I'd rather not... I'm fenna call us a cab. I'll be outside. I'll come get you when its here.

About a hour and a half later, we pulled up in front of our houses and Jordyn was so drunk that she could barely walk. I had to help her to her bedroom, and even while I was holding her up she still found a way to fumble down the stairs. After 5 minutes of struggling to get her to her room, I finally got her to lay down and tucked her in.

Chris: Goodnight Jordyn.

Jordyn: Chris?

She said, grabbing my arm before I completely turned to walk away.

Chris: What's up?

She was just laying there staring up at me, biting her bottom lip; then out of nowhere she reached up and grabbed the collar of my shirt, pulling me down to her and kissing me. At first I was surprised and thought about pulling away like I did at the party, but then I realized that this is all I ever wanted to do since we were like 12. Her lips felt so right against mine. She moved her hands from my shirt to the back of my neck pulling me in closer to her body, making me lean more over on the bed, supporting myself with the back of my forearms. I shifted my weight so I was completely on the bed and in between her legs. I tried my hardest not to wake CJ but the way her body felt against mine was like something I had never felt before. Its like it was calling me. Our lips never leaving each other, I shifted my weight to my right arm so I could caress her body with my left hand. From the side boob, to the torso, to the hips and thighs... Damn...
And with a handful of ass CJ was on full alert and at any given moment I could slip up and get her pregnant. I should fuck the shit out of her right now. God answered my prayers because I swear this is all that I ever wanted. And just like that, without thinking twice, I pulled out of the kiss and just stared at her.

Jordyn: What?

Chris: I'll see you tomorrow, iight?

Jordyn: Why? Where are you going?

Chris: I got a go home, Jordyn. And you gotta get some rest.

Jordyn: You can't stay with me?

Her eyes were glossy as if she was about to cry.

Chris: Not tonight baby girl. I don't trust myself.

Jordyn: You don't want me?

I wonder if she'll remember any of this in the morning...

Chris: You're the only thing that I do want...

I just can't take advantage of her like this. That'll be rape. And she's a virgin. That'll be a hell of a first time. You got drunk, you raped, and you got your cherry popped. Plus she's my bestfriend. No matter how bad I want her I don't wanna ruin anything between us.

Chris: I'll see you tomorrow.

I kissed her on the forehead, turned off the light, and closed her bedroom door behind me without even taking a second look back. I knew that if I looked back that I'd change my mind and end up being with her all night. I know my limits. I'm just learning to walk away while I still can.

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