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Chris POV -

Jordyn: Why'd you hit him?

Jordyn asked holding a pack of ice to my head as we were walking home from school.

Chris: Just cuz... I was having a bad day and he bumped into me.

I said shrugging my shoulders. No way I was gonna tell her what really happened.

Jordyn: aWell your "bad day" got you 5 days suspension.

Chris: I'm cool. I don't like school anyway.

I said shrugging my shoulders again.

Jordyn: Your moms gonna kill you.

Chris: Nah. I'll be straight. She won't care cuz I had a good reason.

Jordyn: Because you had a bad day?

Chris: Yep.

Jordyn rolled her eyes at me as me, her, and Keeis walked into my house with my mom waiting for us in the kitchen.

Mama J: Why the hell did your principal call me saying that you got into a fight and are suspended for 5 days?

Chris: Because its his job to call parents and report stuff like that.

Mama J: Christopher

Chris: It was just a lil altercation. Nothing big.

Mama J: What happened?

Chris: I was having a bad day, he was in my way so I pushed him.

Jordyn: You punched him.

Chris: What different does it make?

Jordyn: He didn't do anything wrong.

Chris: You just saying that cuz that's yo lil boyfriend or whatever.

Jordyn: That's not my boyfriend Christopher.

Chris: Whatever bruh. I be seeing y'all all up on each other. Hugged up and stuff.

Jordyn: Sounds like you want him to be hugged up on you, fruit loop ass nigga.

Mama J: Jordyn!! Watch your mouth.

Chris: Yeah chill bruh. You got me fucked up.

Mama J: Boy I know you better watch your damn mouth!

Chris: She started it!

Mama J: I don't care. This isn't about her, its about you getting into fights at school!! I told you you need to watch your attitude. That's what got you put out of your last school because you dk how to control yourself!!

Chris: It was one fight!

Keeis: And it wasn't even a fight Aunt Joyce. Dude went straight to sleep.

He said laughing and sipping his juice.

Mama J: Shut up boy. This ain't a joke.

Keeis: Nah but if you would've saw the way dude went down after that hit!

He said still laughing.

Keeis: It was like that Kanye West street fight video. Straight knocked his ass.

Mama J: Keeis, watch your mouth in my house. Your mom will be here in 30 minutes. Go upstairs, get your stuff. Stay up there until I call you back down.

Keeis: But -

Mama J: Boy!

Keeis: Yes ma'am

He said in defeat, taking his cup of juice and slugging up the stairs.

Mama J: Jordyn, -

Jordyn: Yeah, I know, I'm leaving.

She said walking out the door

Mama J: Chris...

She said in a more calm but serious tone after everyone was out the room.

Chris: Mom...

Mama J: What's the real reason you hit that boy?

Chris: He called Jordyn a bitch. And was just bad mouthing her. I guess they talk or together or whatever and she's so stupid that she can't see that he only wants to use her for sex. He's a senior and she's a freshmen. I see him pry on the other younger girls cuz he can't get any play from the older ones.

Mama J: So how did it get to the point of him calling Jordyn out of her name?

Chris: He was just talking with his crew, I overheard the conversation, got up, and told him to watch His mouth. He didn't so I punched em. Simple. I don't care what me and jordyn relationship is right now, whether she's mad at me and don't wanna speak to me or not, that's still my best friend and I'll be damned if I allow another nigga to use her and throw her away like she's nothing. She's been through too much and I know she's vulnerable when it come to dudes and that love crap.

She had sympathy. I knew it. She gave me a soft motherly look. I knew she knew what I was going through.

Mama J: How long are you suspended for again?

Chris: Five days

Mama J: I'm gonna have to give you some kind of punishment you know that right?

She asked sighing. She didn't want to but she didn't wanna make it seem like she was soft and that I could get away with stuff like this.

Chris: Yep. I'll mow the lawn, clean the house, and stay out the studio for a week.

Mama J: You can't pick your own punishment.

Chris: I can if it's sufficient. Since this happened I got a lot of songs in my head and I need the studio. I hate mowing the lawn, I don't clean cuz that's your job, and to do all that for a week? That's torture.

Mama J: ... How about.... You don't have to do any of that ...

Chris: what's the catch?

Ma: keep your distance from Jordyn...

I looked at her all types of crazy.

Chris: Why?

Mama J: That's your punishment. One week without Jordyn... Give me your phone.

Chris: What?! Nah.

Mama J: Chris

Chris: Ma!! What if something happens to her and she tried to call me for help? I need to be there for her!

Mama J: Chris.... You can't save everybody.

Chris: I'm not tryna save everybody...

Mama J: So what are you trying to do? Is some girl really worth all this trouble?

Chris: Jordyn is not just some girl to me. And if protecting her and trying to make sure she didn't get herself in trouble makes me get in trouble... Then yeah. It's worth it.

She sighed and shook her head. Obviously she thought I was a fool. But she also knew that there was nothing that she could really do to make me change my mind.

Mama J: No studio for 2weeks. Only chores like cleaning and laundry... You can keep your phone. But she not allowed to come over.

Chris: For how long?

Mama J: Until I say so.

Chris: Ok.

Mama J: And you're not allowed over her house either

She said walking away. All I could do was shake my head. Usually ppl would disobey they're parents and do whatever anyway but I respect my mom too much for that. I mean... We get outta school 3 hours before she even gets off work. How she gon' stop me from seeing her? But its cool. I still get to see her at school. And I'll just be watching her from a distance otherwise.

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