New Year - New Us?

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1 year later

Chris POV -

Jordyn and I were driving home from the grocery store for my mom.

Jordyn: I can't believe you're 13 and your mom is letting you drive.

Chris: Why is that hard to believe?

Jordyn: Uhm.. Because you're 13 and don't have your permit.

Chris: It was just a couple blocks. But, I guess she just trusts me.

Jordyn: You're lucky... Aunt Mae would never go for that. De and Dreux are both 15 and she still doesn't let them drive her car.

Chris: Like I said, she probably just trusts me.

After that there was an awkward silence in the car until I turned on the radio. I turned to the Oldies station that my mom used to always make me listen to when I was younger. I used to hate but now I guess it kind of grew on me. When I stopped on the station "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding was on.

Chris: Damn, I love this song.

I said as I immediately started to sing along.

"Oh, she may be weary.
Them young girls, they do get weary,
Wearin' that same old shaggy dress
Oh, when she gets weary, try a little Tenderness.
You know shes waiting, just anticipating
For the things she'll never posses.
While she's there waiting,
Try, oh just a little, o just a little little little tenderness"

Jordyn POV -

I'm 13... I don't know what love is but I think I just fell in love with Chris... Usually when he opened his mouth I didn't want to hear anything that came out if it. But now... When he sang. It was on a whole new level. I've honestly never heard a voice this nice. I mean he was a little pitchy and he had a lot of work to do to be perfect, but he was really talented.

Chris POV -

I saw jordyn staring at me with her mouth slightly open. I laughed a little before I stopped at a red light and turned to face her.

Chris: What?

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. I stared at her waiting for her to say something but before she could the car behind us blew it's horn telling us the light was green. The rest of the car ride was quiet until we were around the corner from our houses.

Jordyn: I didn't know you could sing

I looked at her and smiled a little.

Chris: It's a lot you don't know about me, Jordyn.

I parked my moms car in the drive through that separated Jordyn's house from mine.

Jordyn: So what else don't I know about you?

She asked as we got out of the car.

Chris: What's with the sudden curiosity? Don't you still hate me?

Jordyn: No. I don't hate you. Why would you think that?

I looked at her like she was crazy.

Chris: Jordyn. I'm sorry and don't tell my mom I cursed but you act like a bitch towards me. Ever since the first day we met.

Jordyn: No I haven't

Chris: What's my name in your phone?

Jordyn: Fruit Loop...

I gave her a stale face.

Jordyn: Don't look at me like that. What's my name in yours?

Chris: Annoying Brat.

Her jaw dropped and she looked like she was upset.

Chris: What?

Jordyn: I'm not annoying. And I'm not a brat either!

She said crossing her arms over her chest.

Chris: You are a brat, Jordyn. Like everybody is supposed to kiss your ass and give you everything you want right then and there. You want love from everybody else but refuse to give love back. And sometimes when people give love you look at it like it's a unknown substance.

Jordyn: You never gave me love

Chris: Because you would never allow it. I have, however, tried being nice to you. You don't even say thank you when people do stuff for you. You're so ungrateful. Why won't you accept and respect what people do for you?

Jordyn: Because...

Chris: Because what?

Jordyn: Nothing.

She tried walking away but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Why? I don't even know bruh. But When she turned around her brown eyes burned a hole into my soul. I could see every emotion on her face. It went from anger to hurt to fear. But what was she afraid of?

Chris: I'm not gonna run after you like everybody else. If you walk away that's it...

Jordyn: What do you want?

Chris: To talk... But the question is what do you want? What are you afraid of?

Jordyn: .... What do you wanna talk about?

She asked avoiding my question

Chris: Let's just start over.

She looked at me funny and inhaled a slow sharp breath. I'm thinking she's about give up and walk away again so in my mind I'm already giving up on her. But Instead of walking away she outstretched her hand to me.

Jordyn: Hi, I'm Jordyn.

What? I wasn't expecting that at all.

Chris: I'm Chris... It's nice to meet you.

Jordyn: Likewise.

She said with a faint smile. I can tell this was hard for her to do. But its not like I'm asking for her life story. I'm just asking for her friendship. If even that. Its more like a respect thing. All I want is mutual respect.

Chris: So you wanna come in and get to know each other better?

She squinted her eyes and looked at me funny.

Jordyn: That sounds suspect.

I looked at her like she was crazy, thought about what I said, and laughed.

Chris: It's nothing like that Jordyn. You're a stranger, I just met you like 2 minutes ago... Plus my mom's home.

I winked at her and walked into my house waiting for her to follow me.

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