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Jordyn POV -

I stood in front of my bedroom door hearing nothing but silence. I slowly reached for the door knob scared to see what was on the other side. Just as my hands touched the knob I heard my mother sobbing and sniffling in low deep breaths.

   "Please, get off me".   I heard her cry out.

    It was almost a whisper. It sounded like all of her energy had been taken away from her; like she was weak and done fighting. She knew she had already lost the battle. She was giving up, but I knew I couldn't. Even though I was unsure of what I was gonna do she needed me, and I can't just leave her in there alone. De's probably in there unconscious as well... He left 10 minutes ago and hasn't been back since.

  I need to be strong, brave, and bold just like my mom, brother, and father. I took a deep breath, released it and stepped away from the door. I walked over to a table in the middle of the hallway that had a glass vase sitting on top of it. I took the flowers out, sitting them aside and picking up the vase slowly, walking back toward my bedroom door. There again I stood, hesitant to turn the knob. I inhaled another breath, quickly turned the knob and silently stormed in.

Linda POV -

As Michael was leaning over me, kissing my neck I see the door quickly swing open behind him. Seconds later I hear glass breaking and feel Michael's body become heavier on top of mine. He quickly reacts to whatever happened, pushing himself off of me and turning towards the door. I push myself up careful not to hurt myself anymore than I already am and look up to  see Michael raising his fist.

   I bet it was De... He's always coming in to save me when I tell him not to. I force myself off the bed and on to my feet preparing myself to help my son, although I know I'm only going to get knocked down again. Once I stood up, I heard a loud thud and saw a body hit the floor. My head was hurting, it felt like the room was spinning, and my eyesight was blurred with my tears and blood, which is why I thought I was crazy when I looked to the floor and saw Jordyn lying there.

  I took a step forward wiping my eyes for better vision, using a dresser to hold half my body weight. I blinked a couple times and still saw Jordyns body on the ground and Michael leaning over her punching her continuously. I tried to run over to help her but my knees were weak and I fell to the floor in agonizing pain. I tried fighting through the pain, forcing myself to my feet but the pain was just too much. It feels like I have a torn ACL, a sprang ankle, and a broken arm. On top of that I can barely breath because Michael threw me into a glass table and stomped me continuously. I know my rib cage is definitely broken.

I see Jordyns body laying limp on the floor as Michael walks back over to me. I began to cry to myself as I thought I didn't make it to her in time. I thought I couldn't protect my daughter, until I saw her, through my tears, raise to her feet. She ran toward Michael and pushed him forward, making him stumbled over his own two feet.

   "I'm not done yet."   She yelled with a hoarse tone, obviously fighting through her pain as well.

Michael looked back at her and laughed a humorless laugh. I saw the devil in his eyes. Whatever he was about to do was far more worst than anything he had done to her before. He walked back over to her, picking her up by her neck and slamming her into the wall.

Michael: You wanna be tough like your brother? I'll show you whatever happens when weak people act tough. Just look. Your moms halfway out of it and your brother is nowhere to be found. I thought you were my favorite, but you're just like them. I'm gonna beat you like I did your mother, and I'm gonna torture you like I did your bother.

He slid her up the wall, his hands never leaving her neck, and with all his strength threw her as far as he could across the room. He had no remorse for what he had done. He didn't even take a second look at her. He came back over to me, picked me up by my arm and threw my back on the bed, ripping my clothes off in the process. This was it. I was too weak to fight back anymore. I hand one good push left in me and then I would just have to let him do whatever to me.

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