What Now?

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Aunt POV -

Finally!! I have the house to myself! I've been waiting on the kids to go to homecoming for the longest. I always thought that living in a house full of teenagers that they would always be gone, but instead its the total opposite. Instead of them hanging with friends at the mall they bring all their friends here. Like... What the hell? They don't even ask me for permission first. This is my fucking house! They don't pay the bills! Anyway. Peace and quiet is all I'm getting tonight. I'm sure Jordyn will be at Chris' house, De has a girlfriend and they'll be out somewhere, and Durex, ugh. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that boy. He seems to be the only one who's never home.
I've just cooked myself dinner, opened up a bottle of fresh wine, and kicked back in the recliner chair with the TV remote right beside me. Tonight was gonna be a movie marathon for me.
Catching up on all my old time favorites, starting with Carmen: The Hip Hopera starring Beyonce. Just as I took a sip of my wine and was about to press play on the DVD player the doorbell rang. At 10pm on homecoming night, I expect the cops telling me one of my kids got into trouble; but what I got was way more troubling. I open the door and I promise to God it felt like I just took my last breath. I can't believe my eyes. I just stood there paralyzed from fear and confusion. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm not seeing this right now. Maybe I need some sleep.

"Are you gonna let me in?"

I felt the base in his voice vibrate through my insides.

I was speechless, and still couldn't move my body. So he pushed me aside and barged through the doorway looking around the house suspiciously. Is this real? Are my eyes deceiving me? His touch felt so real.

"Long time no see, Marie. How've you been?"

He asked in a cheerful tone.

Aunt Mae: What are you doing here?

"That's how you greet your only brother after all these years?"

He said plopping down on the couch in the living room.

Aunt Mae: Mike ... Why are you here?

Mike: I wanna see my kids... I miss them. Well, baby girl anyway.

Aunt Mae: The kids won't want to see you... I don't even wanna see you and I'm your sister.

Mike: I need to see my kids. I wanna apologize to them.

Aunt Mae: And you think that they're just gonna graciously accept it and let you in their lives again? You beat and killed their mother and tried to rape your own daughter, you drunken sick bastard! How dare you even think that -

Mike: Marie!!! Where the fuck are my kids?!

He shouted, getting up from his seat on the couch.

Aunt Mae: They're not here.

Mike: Where are they?

Aunt Mae: I'm not telling you.

He walked towards me with fire in his eyes, and it was burning a hole through my body, but I didn't falter. He saw that I wasn't gonna tell him so he walked past me and opened the front door.

Mike: I'll be back for my kids Marie.

Those were his final words before he walked out the door and slammed it shut behind him. I hurried behind him and locked the door before he decided to turn around and come back and looked out the peep hole until I saw him get into a small white car and drive away. There are so many question that are burning holes through my skull right now. Isn't he supposed to be in prison? Shouldn't he be getting the death sentence or something? A psychiatric ward would better. He's a fucking loose cannon. Should I call the police? What the fuck are they gonna do? Black people don't call the police. What the fuck am I gonna do? I can't let him get to the kids. I can't even let them know that he's back... Jordyn would freak and De... Who knows what he'll do. I spent all this time building these kids up and he's just gonna come back in and break them down again. I've tried my hardest to get them to lead normal lives... Who knows when he'll be back or what he's gonna do? ... Now what?

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