I Promise

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Chris POV -

Its been 1 year today since I've met Jordyn. It feels crazy because I still remember the day we met like it was yesterday. Its even crazier that she's still  as unpleasant and closed minded as ever. She's still the same rude brat sometimes but ever since that day she's been a little nicer to me. And by nicer I mean not calling me out of my name and ignoring me when I speak to her.

6 Months Ago

Jordyn: What do you want?

She irritably spat at me.

Chris: I want you to to stop calling me fruit loop. I have a real name you know... The one my mom gave me.

Jordyn: What is it again?

She questioned as I gave her a irritated look, letting her know that I'm done playing games.

Jordyn: Ok, I'm joking. Christopher it is 

She said walking away.

Chris: It's Chris

Jordyn: The name your mom gave you is Christopher though

I rolled my eyes at her pettyness.

Jordyn: If you want respect, Chris you have to earn it.

Chris: The same thing goes for you. The only difference is that you haven't earned anything from me. I give it to you out of the kindness of my heart.

Jaordyn: You give it to me because your mom tells you to.

Chris: She stopped telling me to do stuff for you a long time ago. I do it because I want to.

Jordyn: Why?

Chris: Because that's just the type of person I am. No matter how rude you are to me, I'm gonna always be nice to you. And then maybe one day you'll get sick of being mean to me.

Jordyn: So your plan is to kill me with kindness?

Chris: I guess.

   I said shrugging my shoulders.

Chris: Whether you want me to or not I'm gonna always be here with you and that's a promise.

**End of flashback**

We were walking home after school talking about went we "learned" in class today. The principle thought since there's been a rise in teen pregnancy and all he'd prep us early and add a Sex Ed class. I thought it was stupid because we're only in the eigth grade, but then again I could've learned a lot from this class back in the day.

Jordyn POV -

Chris: I mean I watch sex scenes on movies but its nothing like real life.

He said as we were walking out of the schools parking lot.

Jordyn: How would you know?

Chris: I lost my virginity 4 years ago.

Jordyn: .... Chris? .... We're 12...

I said slowly trying to make sure he realized what he said.

Chris: Yeah, I know.  I lost my virginity when I was 8.

Jordyn: What?!

    I was not expecting that at all.

Chris: Yep. On the couch to my 15 year old baby sitter.

Jordyn: What?!

Chris: Yep.

Jordyn: Chris, I'm pretty sure that's rape.

Chris: No its not. A girl can't rape a boy. Plus I was willing.

Jordyn: That's super molestation. You let someone take your virginity and especially at such a young age.

Chris: Young? Girl I'm a man. She was asking for it so I gave it to her.

I looked at him like he was crazy.

Jordyn: Wow. There's something really wrong with you.

Chris: Because I lost my virginity at a young age? Sex is not as important or spiritual as everybody makes it out to be.

Jordyn: So what is it?

Chris: Its just like... I don't know.

He said shrugging his shoulders.

Chris:  It feels good. Its happening one second then its over, like nothing ever happened. The only catch is that you have to trust the person you do it with.

Jordyn: Why?

Chris: Well first, you don't wanna do it with a stranger. Then afterwards I guess you'll feel some type of way towards that person.

Jordyn: What type of way?

Chris: Dang you ask a lot of questions! I don't know. You just gotta experience it for yourself.

Jordyn: Well that won't be for a while...

Chris: Figures ...

He said under his breath, not caring if I heard him or not.

Jordyn: I have a reason why I'm not ready. Why I don't trust sex. Or people.... But ... when I am ready however... Can you do it?

Chris: Do what?

Jordyn: Take my virginity?

Chris:  What?

Jordyn: I mean... Don't get it twisted. I still barely like you. But I guess I can trust you or whatever since you live next door... So when I'm ready, I wanted you to be the one to do it.

I'm sure he won't take advantage of me like my dad tried to do.... Chris is genuine... His mom raised him better than that and I know it.

Chris POV -

Chris: Uhm... Ok. I guess.

Jordyn: Promise me.

Chris: Uhm... I promise?

Me saying it more like a question than a statement.

Jordyn: No. Like a real promise.

Chris: That was a real promise.

She stuck her right pinky finger out towards me and I just looked at it like a unknown creature... What am I supposed to do with that?

Chris: What am I supposed to do with that?

Jordyn: Pinky promise.

Chris: I'm not doing a pinky promise. That's gay.

Jordyn: Your name is fruit loop. How much more gay could you get?

I smacked my lips and wrapped my pinky around hers. She agreed to stop calling me fruit loop but I guess she got so used to it that it would slip out every now and again. And I guess I got so used to her calling me that too, that I'd actually let her get away with it in public sometimes. I didn't really have a problem with the name, I love Fruit Loops. Its one of my favorite cerials, but I just can't let her get away with that stuff in front of my friends. Other than that I liked it. She could call me anything she wanted. Especially if she was asking me to take her virginity.

Chris: Jordyn. Whenever you're ready, I promise that I'll be one that takes your virginity. And I'm happy that you trust me enough to give me that privilege.

I tried to hide it, but I was excited. I was looking forward to this day.

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