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De POV -

I see the red and blue flashing lights, but I hear no sound. I see them running towards the house but they're moving in slow motion. Guns drawn. Screaming, but the words weren't audible. I just stood there with a blank face. Jordyn was sitting right next to me on the porch, and she had the same blank expression on her face.. I wonder what she was thinking right now..


  The ambulance rushed out of the house with my dads body on the stretcher. I couldn't tell if he was alive or not.... I wish he was dead. I hope I killed him. Our moms body was next. I didn't even get a chance to see her face before they put her in the ambulance.

"Hey" an officer said walking up to Jordyn.

He reached out his hand to her and she smacked it away, got up from her seat on the porch, and got in a fighting stance. Something I had never seen her do before.

Jordyn: Don't touch me

   "Its ok. I'm not gonna hurt you"

Jordyn: That's the same thing he said, don't touch me!!!!

   She spat angrily.

   "Who touched you?", the officer asked.

De: Stop talking to my sister

  "I just need some answers son."

De: I'm not your son. Stop talking to my sister.

   "Look kid-"

De: No. You look, officer. Look at me. Take a good look. Now go inside and look at this house. Its a mess in there. Try to figure out what happens at this crime scene without talking to my sister.

    The officer was about to speak but another one came behind him and interrupted.

"We need to take these kids down to the station. They can't stay here"

Jordyn: I wanna go to the hospital

   "Are you hurt?", the second officer asked.

Jordyn: Does it look like I'm hurt? You should've examined me when you first got here. The hospital should've been the first place on the list. You "officers" are doing your job all wrong. I wanna go to the hospital with my mom.

    Where did all this fight come from?

   "Take the kids to the hospital to see if they're hurt. After the doctors see them bring them down to the station for questioning. They talk to no one but the assigned doctor and you, do you understand?"

  The first officer nodded and escorted Jordyn and I to the back of his police car.

De: Are you ok?

Jordyn: Don't talk to me De...

   There was nothing I could say to her. I knew she wasn't ok but i needed to ask the question anyway. We got to the hospital and doctors checked us out immediately. We tried to sneak out the room to find where they were keeping our mom but the police had our door guarded. We were forced to stay in the room until everything checked out and it was time for us to go to the station.

Everything was quiet. Jordyn hadn't said anything to me or anyone else since the doctors were questioning her at the hospital. She went in for questioning at the police station and I overheard the officers saying that she refused to speak; so they were all depending on me to tell them what had happened.

De: Yo, how long y'all gonna hold us here?

   I asked after I was done with my interrogation.

Officer: Until someone comes to pick you up.

De: we don't have anyone to come pick us up. Our parents are both in the hospital.

Officer: The hospital?

De: Yeah.

Officer: We got a phone call about an hour ago that your parents were removed from the county hospital...

   He hesitated as he spoke.

Officer:  They're no longer there.

Jordyn: Where are they?

Officer: Uhm.. Maybe you two should talk to someone else about this. I don't want to give you false information.

   The officer said walking away.

   Before we could get another word out he was out of sight and there was no one else around except for me and Jordyn. Its obvious no one is gonna tell us anything about our parents or when we'll get out of here. I knew we were gonna have to wait but for how long? If another hour passes and I don't have some type of information about my parents I'm gonna flip out. Patience isn't my strong-suit.

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