Embers of Twilight Part 1

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The image at my feet rippled and, for the first time, the sky around me changed. The water at my feet glowed as the sky turned black. I was still amazed at the beauty around me despite the dramatic change. It was almost a relief to have some differences even if it was just the color above my head.

As I turned to get a look at the still-endless water, I saw another girl coming my way. She wasn't like the others with golden blonde hair. Instead, her hair was brown. Her dress style was similar to the last Zelda I met.

Before anything strange could happen like the last time, I spread my arms out to the side. She was getting closer to me. I shut my eyes. My body fell back into the water. Instead of hitting my head on the ground as it should have done in such shallow water, I was submerged. Steeped in the glowing embers of twilight, I thought as I felt myself drift further down.

* * *

I rolled the scroll back in place, tying the string around it. Carefully I set the scroll on the table in front of me. Looking out the window, I saw that time had not gone by any faster. It was still pitch black outside with the exception of the crescent moon. I must have woken up earlier than I thought.

A sudden knock came at my door. I jumped, not expecting anyone else to be up. As the door cracked open, I saw it was Father. I was surprised to find that he was wearing his day apparel. Perhaps it was closer to morning than I thought.

"Bad dreams again?" he asked as he sat down on the edge of my bed.

"It was the same thing. Of when Ganondorf was put into the Twilight Realm eons ago. I don't understand why it keeps showing the past and only the past." I bit my lip, "Father? Do you . . . do you think we should check on the Twilight Mirror?"

Father reached over, grasping my hand, "I was just about to tell you something of that nature. Long ago the King of Hyrule almost didn't trust his daughter's words until it was almost too late. I don't plan on making a similar mistake."

I squeezed his hand, "You're planning to go yourself? Father, is that wise?"

He smiled, wrinkles forming around his eyes. "Don't worry, I plan to take an army of guards with me just in case. In the meantime, you watch after the kingdom. The day after tomorrow a representative from Ordan Village will be delivering the sword that I requested. You will see that whoever brings the package will have a good seat at the ceremony celebrating the heroes of old."

"Of course Father, should I expect you to be there?"

I watched as he stood to his feet. His hand was still in mine. I felt his lips press down on my head. "I will try to make it back by then."

As his hand slipped away, I whispered, "Be safe."

A few minutes later, I watched from the window as he and a group of knights rode out into the night. I went back to my bed, hoping that I could get some sleep. My dark hair was sprawled out on my pillows as I lay perfectly still.

Slowly, I lifted my hand. I took in the dim symbol on the back of it. The three sacred triangles. It would only glow if I was using my power. I knew from the vision that Ganondorf had the Triforce of Power. I had Wisdom. That left Courage unknown.

I sighed, rolling onto my side. I may have gained the powers passed on to every girl of the royal family, but I wasn't by any means the strongest. I prayed that whoever held the Triforce of Courage would be ready for whatever was heading Hyrule's way. My eyes shut.

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