Final Memories of Us

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When I was back at Link's side, standing in front of Gerudo Town, a weight lifted from my chest as all the Champions were free. Within, I found the strength to send him my thoughts. Taking a breath, I placed my hand on his shoulder and willed my voice to travel to him.

"Link . . ." To my relief, his head looked around as if to spot me. I smiled, comforted by this. "Link. Thanks to you, all the Divine Beasts have returned to us and the spirits of the Champions are free. We will all be awaiting your clash with Ganon at Hyrule Castle."

Before I could speak anymore, my hand slipped right through him, breaking the connection. To myself, I whispered, "But please, take your time before you go. There are still shrines remaining and memories to help you find solace."

Knowing Riju would wish to see him, Link dressed in the Gerudo apparel in order to see her. She was happy to see him and even gave him Urbosa's shield and sword. He asked about the Helm, but of course, Riju wouldn't give that up so easily. He was requested to first help solve the problems of the people. It turned out to be for the best as it helped him find shrines along the way.

However, this didn't last long. Despite my hopes that he would take his time, Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate. I watched as he tapped on the map to travel to the closest shrine he had to the castle. I joined him as he teleported to the shrine in the nest of Guardians. I had sincerely hoped that he would have taken more time.

He ran out of the pit and along the bridge that was at the top. My heart thumped out of my chest as he ran along the side of the moat of the castle, avoiding Guardians of every kind.

As he approached the bridge, Ganon felt his presence. I was sucked away from Link's side for a brief moment, but I quickly reigned over the beast. When I was able to return to Link, I found him wandering the grounds and taking a look at the slate every so often. When I saw what he was staring at on the slate, I calmed my heart. He was only searching for another memory.

After a while, Link came across the turret I used for my study. Though there were much easier ways to get inside, Link scaled the tower. Nearing the top, he had to be extra careful to not be spotted as a Guardian patrolled the sky. With the last leap, he made it to the bridge. However, he quickly ran into my study to avoid being caught.

His eyes glanced around the room. Over the many years, I was shocked by how everything remained the same besides the layers of webs and dust. Curious, Link scanned the pages of the notebook I had left. It had very little in it that he didn't already know aside from minor details.

Turning back around, he noticed the doorway across the bridge. He pulled up the picture from his Sheikah Slate to find that it was a match. Link stepped onto the bridge to get a closer look. From there, I was able to provide him with the last memory we had with my father. Hearing it again, made me wish that I had bid him a loving farewell before I left.

Once the memory was over, Link ventured through the doorway, finding my room. Down inside it was a Moblin, which Link easily disposed of. After that, he went through the room, stocking up on weapons. Before he left, he spotted another book that had been left open. I recognized it straight away. It was my diary and Link didn't hesitate to read it. I, for one, didn't mind. Perhaps it would jog something that the pictures could not. Still, it was a little embarrassing.

After he finished the reading of times long past, he continued along the corridors finding more supplies. There was also another shrine nearby. Within time, Link discovered it through a passage in the library. He went in to realize that the shrine was a major test of strength. Having completed 119 shrines, he knew the different setups of each.

As it turned out, the battle ended quickly thanks to the new weapons Link had collected in the castle. Just as I wondered how many more shrines there were, my question was answered by the Monk waiting for Link at the end.

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