Chapter 3: Visitors

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It's been weeks since that dinner or rather small meeting. Nothing had happened which seems fine but Namjoon doesn't think so. He thinks that there's something wrong because it was too peaceful in the mafia world lately. No physical or gun fights, murders, or even gang meetings. He feels uneasy about it but didn't express his concerns. "Joonie hyung, you okay? You've been spacing out a lot, is something wrong?" Yoongi asked as he approached the older at his desk in his office. "Nothing's wrong baby. Just thinking about the next meeting. Nothing more." The older said with a smile. He pulled the younger on his lap. Yoongi instinctively wraps his arms around the older.

The younger wasn't convinced. "Even Jinnie hyung thinks that something is wrong with you. You can tell us, you know." "Maybe just a little stressed lately. Don't worry baby." Suddenly they heard a loud sound downstairs. "LET GO!" The two immediately recognise the voice. Jin. "Baby go to your room, lock the door, don't come out until I say so." Namjoon said firmly, earning a nod from the younger before sprinting to his room. The older rushed down immediately to be met with a sight that made his blood boil. He saw this beloved boyfriend kneel down in front of a way to familiar group, GOT7.

The other members of BTS were already there glaring at them like knives piercing through them. "It's been long time Joon. Never knew you had such a pretty toy" The leader of GOT7, Jaebum said while still placing a knife on Jin's neck. "Let. Him. Go" The purple-haired male said, gritting his teeth. The other 7 laughed. "I thought today we were just going the "mouse", who knew you hid such a beautiful toy" Jackson, one of GOT7's assassin said, smirking. "In your dreams, asshole. You think your some kid, wanting whatever you want" Jimin said, with an angry tone. "Okay, okay, okay. You know what? Where the little mice? You know we can make a deal. We let him go in exchange, you give us the mice" Jinyoung from GOT7 said calmly which made Namjoon wanting to punch him so badly.

"Fuck no, bitch." Taehyung said emotionless. "Watch your mouth, we can easily cut his throat open" Jaebum said putting more pressure on the knife. It cut Jin's perfect skin and made him let out a whimper. Blood trickling down to his clothes. "Go up there and search for the mice" Jaebum said to his men. Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung wanted to fighting them but was held back by their leader. "Yoongi can handle this" Namjoon whispered. "While we wait why don't I play with your toy for a while. I heard you love him a lot" Jaebum said smirking as he kneel down to Jin's height. "DON'T. YOU. FUCKING. DARE" Namjoon said holding his fist tightly. "Okay then, I just wait until we're back in our mansion. We can play with him however we want" Jaebum said smirking.

Up stairs
The men of GOT7 search through the whole place until they finally found it. They knew because when they crushed open the door, they were met with a small looking boy. Yoongi was shocked but he was ready to fight. "Found you little mouse, let's get him" Yoongi held his knife behind and when they got close, he stabbed one of them. "Feisty but you don't scare us" Yoongi fought with them with all his strength. Keep in mind, he is fighting at least 8 or 9 men. Blood was splattered everywhere, groans were heard, furniture was ruined and most importantly, corpses were everywhere in Yoongi's room. He almost killed all of them until he was punched in the face, unexpectedly. He fell and the other 2 remaining man quickly tied him up. "Let's go down" One of them said throwing Yoongi over his shoulder

Yoongi didn't struggle to get free. "Well, well, well. Look who's here" Yugyeom, one of the man of GOT7 said. BTS cursed under their breath. Yoongi was forced to kneel down next to Jin. "As you can see Joon. We got what we want and an extra toy for us to play with" Jaebum said. "FUCKING LET GO OF THEM OR ELSE" Jungkook screamed angrily but was punched by one of the enemies' men. He wanted to punch back and kill that man. "Kook calm down. If you don't, both Jin hyung and Yoongi will get taken away" Hoseok said. "Hey little mouse, mind telling me your name?" Jaebum said lifting Yoongi's head up. "Suga" Yoongi said softly. "Hey Suga, you want to go with us? We will treat you even better than them." Mark from GOT7 said. "With one condition, let Jinnie hyung go." Yoongi said.

"NO. Just take me. Let him go, please" Jin said pleading them with tears in his eyes. The other BTS members were shocked and ready to fight. "Okay Suga, that's a deal. Let the other go" Jaebum said as he smirked. One of the men pushes Jin towards BTS. Namjoon caught him and hold him tightly. "No, please don't" Jin said, tears flowing down his face. "They don't even treat me right plus I think you guys are more attractive" Yoongi said as he bit his lips seductively. Both BTS and GOT7 were shocked but GOT7 was more than satisfied to hear that respond. BTS were heart broken

;Okay kind of a cliffhanger because it's getting too long. I just felt like starting some drama. I felt bad for making GOT7, especially Jaebum so bad. They are indeed one of the groups I stan. Well, what do you guys think of this chapter?? I kinda want to write in someone's POV but I don't know how, so I will try but I need some time. I hope you liked this chapter. Please comment and vote. I would really like to see your comments 💕 That's all. Bye bye 👋;

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