Chapter 24: Past (J-Hope & Jimin)

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Yoongi walked through the long corridor, heading towards a specific room. He feels excited but a little nervous at the same time. He was now face to face with the door of Jimin's room. He knocked on the door twice and heard Jimin's angelic voice calling him to come in.

Yoongi stepped inside the room to see both Jimin and Hoseok in the room. Hoseok on the couch while Jimin on the bed. "Little one, don't just stand there, come here." Hoseok said while waving Yoongi to come towards him. Yoongi nodded meekly and walked to Hoseok. The younger somehow felt even smaller with both gazes on him.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's waist and pulled Yoongi to sit on his lap. (media above) "Prince, you ready?" Jimin asked while caressing Yoongi's soft hair.

Jimin tried to struggle against the big men that was dragging him into the mansion. "Let me go! I do not want to be here! Are you fucking deaf or something?!" Jimin screamed but the men didn't bother him. "Enough shouting in my house."

A voice boomed in the mansion, making Jimin shut is mouth. Jimin was scared to be honest, he was just 11 years old, what do you expect him to feel. "Park Jimin, for such a young age, you have the audacity to scream and misbehave in my house?" A man that was standing in front of him said. Jimin kept quiet. "Be thankful I chose you and not kill you." With that statement, Mr.Lee was ready to leave until someone called out to him.

"Boss, Hoseok is here." Mr.Lee's eyes lit up but also with a glint of sadness. He ordered the men to bring the boy named Hoseok here. Jimin was confused on who the boy was. "Bring him to his room." Mr.Lee order his men to bring Jimin to his room. After Jimin was in the room, a little boy walked through the front door with men around him. Mr.Lee smiled sadly.

"Hoseok come here, Uncle Lee wants to talk to you." Hoseok walked towards his direction with his head hanging low. Hoseok sat beside Mr.Lee and kept quiet. "Well, Hoseok you have to live with me now according to your father's will. You know your father and I have have been friends for many years now, and I received his will from his lawyer this morning. I know it's hard but you have to be strong, then you can take revenge for him, okay? You must be good and follow what your father wants you to be to make him proud." Mr.Lee said while patting Hoseok's back. The younger nodded his head, taking in the new information.

Hoseok was sent to his room too after talking with Mr.Lee. When he walked into the room, he saw another boy inside. Jimin's eyes widen when he saw another boy in front of him. Hoseok quietly walked to the empty bed and sat on it. "Hey... what's your name?" Jimin asked, voice full of curiosity. "Jung Hoseok." "Okay.. I'm Park Jimin. I'm 11 years old. How about you?" "12." Jimin thought this Hoseok boy was weird and depressed. He didn't talk to him at all after the small introduction.

After a few days, Jimin tried again. "So, you know why you're here?" Jimin asked after sitting beside Hoseok on the bed. "I-I am here because of m-my father..." Hoseok said, feeling the words stuck in the back of his throat. "Why?" Jimin questioned, wanting to know more about the boy. "My father was also a b-boss of a mafia but... he-he died... he died after being betrayed... my family is g-gone..." Hoseok cried after saying what was in his mind these past few days.

Jimin hugged the boy and comforted him. Hoseok cried on the younger's shoulder, he missed having someone comfort him because he was told to make his father proud by not crying. He was told that men should not cry, he should be strong and be able to lead a group because he was suppose to be the heir of his father group when he grows up. He had always been trained by his father since a young age. His father had high expectations of him.

He lost his father after his family was betrayed by a 'partner'. He saw his family killed with his own eyes because he hid the cupboard as told by his mother. He was traumatised by what he saw. He was only a 12 years old boy and he had to endure everything. Jimin continue to rub the older's back and comforted him. Hoseok was very thankful for Jimin being so kind to him. After Hoseok calmed down, he decided to know Jimin a little bit more too.

"Sorry for suddenly crying." "It's okay, crying is better than holding everything in." The boy said while having his signature eye smile that Hoseok immediately to a liking towards. "So, why are you here?" Jimin went quiet for a while. "Well, I was in a street gang for a while now and somehow got Mr.Lee's attention. He said I was suitable for this group. I don't know..." Jimin said, being unsure himself. "Why were you in a gang? Didn't your parents know?" "They... they kicked me out..." "Why?"

"Because I am gay." Jimin said, remembering the time his parents got angry and freaked out after he came out them. "Weird right? For an 11 years old to know he himself is gay..." Jimin said while laughing sarcastically at himself. "No, it's not. It's great to be honest." Jimin was shook, he didn't expect this response. "Don't worry, I won't hate you or anything. You are still you. I don't care about who or what you like. I just want to be friends with you."

Jimin immediately hugged Hoseok, saying 'thank you' repeatedly. The two boys became really close friends after that. But they didn't expect to have so much to happen to them after this.

;Hi! Back with another chapter about Jihope. So there will be a part 2 for their past. I've been working on another story that I am going to publish soon and I want to show a little but maybe in the next chapter. THANK YOU FOR 36K READS 🎉💕 Please remember to vote and comment 💕 Bye~ 👋;

 THANK YOU FOR 36K READS 🎉💕 Please remember to vote and comment 💕 Bye~ 👋;

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Yoonseok 💖 lovely coupleee

Yoonmin 😍 Also, horny Jimin 😂

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Yoonmin 😍 Also, horny Jimin 😂

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