Chapter 29: Hacked

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"Urgh! I can't track him at all!" Jin banged his fist onto his desk. All the members were in his office, frustrated as well about Kihyun's disappearance. "Calm down Jinnie, if we really can't track him then, forget it. If he really leaks our group's tactics and stuff, I'm confidence we will not lose. We can just plan new techniques and adjust our schedule a little." Namjoon said.

"It's a waste though, he was sooo talented." Jimin said, while spinning on Jin's office chair like he didn't care at all. "Better off without him. He is a traitor and even if he never left, he might not be loyal." Taehyung said as he shrugged his shoulders. "We should just let him go and move on. We shouldn't waste time on him." Hoseok commented. All the members agreed and went back to normal.

Yoongi on the other hand felt something weird. Even though the others said to not care, he had a feeling, a bad feeling but he didn't want to express it. He just thought that he was overreacting. Something was off, but he just can' pinpoint it.

-Time skip-

Weeks had passed and still no sign of Kihyun. They went back to their usual schedule. Yoongi was on a mission, sneaking through the small hallways of a small hideout, trying to find his target. 'Found it', Yoongi thought when he finally found his target. But his challenge was there were a lot of guards surrounding him. "Hyung, help me distract the guards." Yoongi said into his ear piece.

"Okay." Jin answered and told Jungkook Yoongi's location in the hideout to help. Jungkook went out of their car and sneaked to the front of the house and fired a bullet. Jungkook ran to another place to fire again.

"What the? Go and see what's going on." The boss said and his guards went to inspect because they keep on hearing multiple bullets being fired. "The guards spread out already, outside the house, 5-6 meters out." Jin told Yoongi. This was Yoongi's chance until...

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Yoongi's ear piece suddenly let out continuous loud 'beeps'. Yoongi immediately slammed the ear piece to the ground and it broke into pieces. "Who's there?!" The target shouted, taking out his gun. "Come in quick, there's an intruder." The boss said to his phone. Go big or go home Yoongi. Yoongi thought to himself.

Yoongi immediately rushed out and shot the target's thigh. Yoongi's aim was perfectly where he wanted, thanks to years of training. "Argh!" The boss yelled in pain and fell to the ground. Yoongi went over and stepped on him. "Where's the money? Data? Files? I don't have all day." Yoongi said emotionless. "I won't tell you.. my guards are coming, you will die." The target spat. Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Fine, won't tell? Then just keep silent."

After finishing what he wanted to say, Yoongi just shot the target in the head and went to the safe under the desk. He put in the code Jin told him before and opened the safe. He took all the items he need and left through the window. Jin had done some stalking and it was easy for them to get all his data including his code for his safe.

-Time skip-

They were all in the mansion after Yoongi escaped and went to their car. Everything was successful in the end but what happened to Yoongi's ear piece. "Hey, hyung what happened back there, my ear piece I mean." Yoongi asked when they were in their conference room. Jin banged his head onto the wooden table which scared all the members. "What the hell hyung?!" Jungkook said and grabbed Jin to sit up. "I failed..."

"What happened? I thought this mission was successful?" Jimin asked because he wasn't with them for the mission as he had another thing in hand that time. "Jin's laptop got hacked in." Namjoon answered as he leaned back into his chair, thinking. "I'm sorry Yoonie... I almost killed you." Jin apologized, guilt laced in his voice. "It"s not your fault hyung, I don't blame you." Yoongi reassured Jin.

"Something's up and I know think it is related to Kihyun." Namjoon said out of the blue. The others look at their leader confusingly. "Think about it, only Kihyun worked with Jin before, only him touched Jin's equipment before, he learned all his new skills from Jin. Only he would be able to do so. Plus before his escape, nothing like this happened before. Yoongi's ear piece was linked to Jin's laptop and only access to Jin's laptop and sent the ear piece to do so." Namjoon explained.

All the members got their leader's point. "We should really find him-" Namjoon was cut off by Yoongi's phone ringing. "Wait sorry." Yoongi wanted to pick up but it was cut off. Then he received a message. The message wrote:

Hey Yoongi, I believe you almost failed your mission but what a bummer you managed to succeed. Well, tell you what. That's not for long. You will lose and lose to me. I will break you. Go on and tell you members, I'm sure they will be thrilled to hear this news. I'll give you a clue on who I am. I am not who you think I am. Figure it yourself.

Yoongi was shocked and showed the text to the others. "I'm on it." With that, Jin left with Yoongi's phone to do some tracking and technical stuff. "It's not Kihyun... but who." Hoseok said aloud, thinking about past enemies but just can't relate it at all. "Maybe not Kihyun himself, but people he is working with. But we won't know yet until we get some info from Jin. Dismiss." Namjoon announced as he walked out, having some thinking to do.

Will Yoongi be safe? It will all depend on BTS and what the other person can do.

;Hi! Back with a new chapter. I kinda got a writer's block for both my stories and felt unmotivated to write because of some things that are happening in my life but I think it's okay. What do you think? Was it okay, I was able to write this all out somehow. I love reading all of your comments. So please comment and vote 💕 Byee 👋;

P.s. I accidentally published this before i checked everything 😂

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