Chapter 2: Spread news

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It's been 2 years since Yoongi started to work as an assassin and an excellent one. He never failed to complete his mission or disappoint his hyungs. All good will bring bad. That is what will happen to Yoongi.

"Babe, I think we need to calm down with the activities on taking down other gangs..." The pink-haired said to Namjoon. The older was confused. They have been doing this for many years. Why do they need to slow down. The older questioned his partner. "The other gangs are starting to get the idea of Yoongi being our main assassin. The EXO and Got7 gang held a conference among themselves through skype. I hacked into their skype room and got a lot of info but... their main discussion was either killing Yoongi or getting him to work for them. Either the easy or hard way." Jin said feeling uneasy of the thought of Yoongi getting kidnapped.

Namjoon was furious but he didn't show it to not worry the pink-haired more. "Do you have the record of the video or something?" Jin nodded handing Namjoon an USB. "From their convo, other gangs are targeting for Yoongi too. They referred Yoongi as "the little mouse" as some of them got the idea or glimpse of Yoongi being quite small and very slick during missions. What should we do?". Namjoon hugged the younger as he sensed the younger being tense. "Dont worry Jinnie, I know what to do. I will ask Kook to add more guards and I will temporary put someone to work with Yoongi during missions so he will not be alone", "But you know his doesn't like to work with others when on duty". The older sighed, "That's problem now". The older pulled Jin away fron his embrace and looked at him straight in the eyes, "I will promise you that Yoongi will not get taken away, okay?" Jin gave his boyfriend a small nod.

During dinner. "What? No way! I will not!" The mint-haired boy said standing up from his seat. "Yoonie sit down please. Listen to what Joon has to say" the pink-haired man said. Namjoon rubbed his temples. He knew Yoongi was going to react this way. "But hyung, why do you need Yoongi to work with another person? It's not that Yoongi can't work by himself" the black-haired male asked, confused. Yoongi nodded looking at Namjoon. "Do you not trust me..?" Yoongi ask lowly look down to his feet, feeling a little sad. Did he do something wrong? Did he do not a good enough job? Well, it was the exact opposite. "No baby, I fully trust you, it's just that you are in danger. You are targeted now. I don't want you in danger" Namjoon said in an assuring tone. 

"Who the fuck is that person?" The blonde-haired male asked, showing no emotion but that's the bad part. When he doesn't show any emotion, that's when he is pissed. "A lot of the other gangs, Kook I need you to add more guards to look out at the mansion. As soon as possible" The oldest said with a firm tone. The youngest nodded and excused himself from the dinner table to get his task done. "Yoonie, are you okay? You are silent until now" Jin asked putting his arm around Yoongi. "I just... I don't know how to cope" Yoongi was worried. What if he really was captured by the other gangs and get killed? That was his thought. "Don't worry kitten, I will protect you" Taehyung said. "Hyung can I go with Yoongi during his missions. I want to" Taehyung said to Namjoon with determination.

The oldest nodded. "Thank you Taetae hyung" the younger said while hugging Taehyung. The blonde-haired answered him with a "no problem" while hugging back the younger. Now, BTS just hopes that everything will go as planned which is to keep Yoongi safe without any other gangs pulling some plan on taking their Yoongi away from them.

;I'm so happy to see people are reading this. Thank you very much 💞 I hope you liked this chapter. One thing I want to say is that, the reason I can update often now is because I'm on school holiday but it's going to start in a week, so when school starts I think I only will update once a week..? I will work on it. That's all for now. Please vote and comment. I really appreciate all of them 💕 Bye bye 👋;

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