Chapter 31: Conscious

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Yoongi started to wake up but he could feel his head throbbing from a migraine. Yoongi slowly sat up, his whole body felt heavy.

'How long have I been out...?' Yoongi whispered to himself.

He slowly looked around and couldn't recognise anything. The room was bare with only a bed that he is currently laying on, a chair and table. The whole room was white in colour, it almost reminded Yoongi of a hospital.

Yoongi tried to stand up but felt a weight on his leg. Yoongi's eyes widen seeing that his leg is locked by a heavy metal chain that is connected to the wall. Yoongi could feel everything coming back but he tried to block it.

With the migraine, everything was ten times worse. Suddenly the door opened revealing a man wearing all white with a mask on. Behind him followed two other people.

Yoongi decided to stay quiet, knowing it's no use to question or even fighting. The man came to Yoongi side and started to examine Yoongi's injury on his arms.

Yoongi himself didn't even notice the injuries because of the damn migraine. Yoongi was so out of it, next second he felt his shirt being lifted up.

"What the heck?!" Yoongi shouted and immediately pulled his shirt back down.

The man just tsked and forcefully pulled his shirt up after the two other men grabbed his arms behind.

"What are you doing?!" Yoongi screamed, struggling against the men that is holding him.

"Shut up. I'm just checking your injuries." The man, or doctor as Yoongi assumed said.

Yoongi kept still, feeling his migraine getting even worse. The doctor stood up and wrote some stuff down.

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked looking at Yoongi straight in the eye.

Yoongi stared back but said nothing. He just kept his mouth shut.

"If you don't tell me how you feel, I can't help you." The doctor said, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"I don't need your fucking help!" Yoongi spat.

The doctor had enough and just walked out with the other two men following him. The slammed the door shut, which made Yoongi jump.

'Where the hell am I?' Yoongi said to himself.

Yoongi didn't want to sleep but the migraine is killing him, so eventually he fell asleep.

-Time skip-

"Wake up." Yoongi heard a voice but he couldn't really recognise it.

Yoongi slowly opened his eyes, his migraine died down already. He saw Kihyun in front of him. Yoongi felt a wave of relieve wash over him. Yoongi hugged Kihyun immediately.

"Thank god you're here. Where have you been? Come on, let's get out of here." Yoongi said after he pulled away from Kihyun.

Yoongi stood up but Kihyun grab his hand. He turned around looking at the other with a questioning look. Kihyun smirked and scoffed.

"You think I'm here to save you? So dumb." Kihyun said and laughed, mocking Yoongi.

"What-" Yoongi was dumbfounded.

Isn't Kihyun going to help him get out of here? Why is he suddenly like this. Yoongi felt himself get pulled and pinned onto the bed. Kihyun on top of him.

"Don't even think of fighting me, Min Yoongi. After so many years of being in a gang, and you're still so naive." Kihyun said, gaze burning into Yoongi.

'This isn't Kihyun. Kihyun is not like this.' Yoongi thought to himself.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked not scared by the other.

The other just scoffed and rolled his eyes. He got off of Yoongi and stood next to the bed.

"You don't have to know now. You just have to know I'm going to make your life a living hell, just like 5 years ago." The guy said as he tilted his head to the side, eyes dead and emotionless.

Yoongi shivered in fear with just the thought of 5 years ago. Who is this guy? What does he want? Yoongi was confused and starting to feel scared. The guy grabbed Yoongi's face forcefully. Their face just inches apart.

"You will pay. Tomorrow, you'll get it. I will make you suffer." The guy spat and slapped Yoongi's face.

Yoongi fell onto the bed from the impact of the slap. With that, the guy just walked out. Yoongi sat up and hugged his knees to his chest.

Yoongi felt everything coming back, his fear, trauma, everything creeping back into his conscious mind. He just wants to go back, safe with the other members.

He wanted to cry so badly now, but he just can't. He shook in fear, not knowing what will happen to him tomorrow, or even just staying here. He doesn't want everything to be relived.

-Somewhere else-

"Dr. Jong, do you have the chemical? I just can't wait to see him suffer, it will be priceless." The guy said.

"Yeah, it's here already. Don't worry, it will definitely work." Dr. Jong answered.

"How is BTS doing now? After being destroyed by us. They must feel like shit now. Yoongi's with me and it's the first time they lost. Victory is sweet." The guy commented and laughed wickedly.

"Boss, I heard that most of them is injured badly after the ambush and one of them is unconscious after losing too much blood." One of his men reported.

The guy smirked in victory. Everything is going according to plan now. He just has to be patient.

;Hey! So, please just go with this chapter, I feel like it's all over the place, I'm not really content with how this chapter came out. I'm just tired today, I had a long day. Forgive me. I promise the next chapter will be much better. Also THANK YOU FOR 50K READS 🎉 Love you all a lot ❤ Thank you for always supporting this story. This story won't end so soon yet because I still have some ideas for this story. Please vote and comment 💕 Byee;

P.s. not really proofread. Sorry, I will correct the errors tomorrow after I write a new chapter for University Problem.

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