Chapter 20: Ambushed

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Yoongi was still sleeping in the maknae's room after an exhausting night. Jungkook took the opportunity and told the other members about the problem regarding Yoongi.

After a long discussion, they decided to give Yoongi a break. Yoongi haven't took a break for a long time, so this was the chance. Jin volunteered to bring Yoongi out to the mall to shop while the other members still have to continue their work and replace Yoongi's work for the time being.

Jin walked into Jungkook's room and saw the mint-haired boy sleeping peacefully. Jin made his way to the side of the bed and woke Yoongi up by placing a peck on the younger's forehead. "Yoonie bear, wake up. Hyung has a surprise for you~" Yoongi woke up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "What suprise?" Yoongi asked with a small voice, still half-asleep. "Well, you need to wake up and clean yourself first, then hyung is going to tell you." Jin said while caressing the younger's bed hair.

Yoongi whined but still complied to his hyung's order. Jin found it adorable. Jin thought that Yoongi was just like a sleepy kitten.

-Time skip-

Jin and Yoongi was in the car right now with their driver driving them to the mall after having breakfast. "Jinnie hyung, where are we going?" Jin chuckled. "You just can't wait is it? We are going to the mall. It's been a long time since hyung pampered you."

Yoongi was excited for the day. Namjoon told him that he was going to have a break and now Jin is bringing him to shop.

They finally arrived at the huge, expensive looking mall. This mall is actually filled with branded shops and mostly only rich people come here. The two walked in and immediately start shopping. Yoongi shopped for a lot of pastel, more feminine clothes and also more badass clothing. Jin just accompanied the younger and paid for everything. Yoongi was very happy but Jin felt the exact opposite.

Jin felt as something was wrong but he didn't know what was it. He started to put his guard up and be more aware of their surrounding, holding Yoongi's hand more securely. Jin hit jackpot. He was right, somethings was wrong, someone was following them. Not only one, but at least three. Jin decided to call Namjoon. "Come on, pick up now asshole."  Jin mumbled under his breath. Yoongi was still oblivious to everything that was happening.

Jin realised those men were getting closer. "Yoongi, when I say 'go', run away as fast as possible and call the others and tell them we're in trouble." Jin whispered. Yoongi was confused but he didn't question Jin because he realised they were surrounded by some suspicious looking people.

Jin continued to call Namjoon but he still didn't pick up. He started to worry that something happened back at the mansion. Suddenly a row of men stood in front of them. Jin pulled Yoongi behind him. "Come with us and we will not hurt you." The one in the middle said while holding a gun at Jin.


With that, Yoongi sprinted. "Catch him!" Jin stopped them by blocking and fighting them. "Get him immediately! DO NOT LOSE HIM!" It had been such a long time since Jin fought, so he was starting to feel tired. Suddenly, one of the men hit Jin with a gun at the back of his head. Jin felt dizzy and fell back. "Two done."

Yoongi ran to the car and told the driver to drive back fast. He tried calling the members but none of them picked up their phone including Jin. When they reach home, Yoongi burst inside and saw the mess. Blood, bullets and knives. "Hyung! Where are you?" Yoongi shouted, running around the mansion to find any of the member. Yoongi ran to the warehouse and saw the members inside.

"What happened? Why didn't all of you pick up your phone? Jin hyung is missing." Yoongi said trembling. "Shit! Everyone get everything ready, bring the other men including the trainees." Namjoon ordered. Hoseok went to start the car and Taehyung went to bring the trainees and other men. They brought a lot of weapons and explosives to the car.

Yoongi was scared. Jin was missing and he didn't see Jimin. When they were in the car, Namjoon explained that their mansion's security system got hacked and they got ambushed. The enemies took Jimin when they were fighting. They were searching which group was the culprit. It was hard for them because Jin wasn't with them to do the tech stuff. All of them were frustrated until Kihyun spoke up.

"Let me do the tracking." With that, he took the laptop and started doing the work. The members trusted him because he was under Jin's guidance. Suddenly, Namjoon's phone rang. Kihyun immediately connected his phone to the laptop to track the phone id location. "Hey Namjoon, looks like two of your men is with me. Want them back?"

"You asshole. If you wanna fight, stop hiding and come out to fight like a man." Namjoon gritted his teeth. The person on the other side chuckled sarcastically. "Find me then." The person hung up. Namjoon slammed his phone. "Did you tract the id?" "Yes, I have the location already." Kihyun showed Hoseok the location and Hoseok drove quickly there. The members were both angry and worried. Namjoon knew who the person was and he knew he will kill him with his bare hands when they found them.

;Heyyyy! What do you guys think with a little bit of drama? Leave a comment and tell me. This update was longer because I forgot to update yesterday 😂   ALSO THANK YOU FOR 28K READS 🎉🎉 Please vote and comment 💕 Bye~ 👋;


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