Chapter 15: Awake

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"So, all of you might be wondering why you're here. Well, you might or maybe not, know me as RM, leader of BTS," Namjoon said while walking back and forth in front of all the trainees that were already awake. "How long have we been here?" A certain male asked, looking at the silver-haired male straight in the eye. "We got a brave one here I see. You all have been here, more accurately sleeping for 2 weeks already. You are all considered lucky to be here as we all chosen you to be here because you either fulfilled our wants or we see potential in you," the silver-haired male said while sitting down on a chair in the middle of the spacious room.

Suddenly, a male lunged forward and held Namjoon in a headlock. "Let me go or else I'll kill him," the male said looking at both the other members who are on both ends of the room.

"Yoonie no," Jin said holding Yoongi's hand, stopping him from entering the room. "Joonie can handle that brat," Yoongi reluctantly nodded and sit back down in Jin's lap. Both Yoongi and Jin were watching everything happen in the other side of the room that is separated from a special glass. One-way mirror. "Who is he?" "He is called Dongmin, from a street gang. We thought he could be one of us. Well, at least now not," Jin said while hugging Yoongi from the back.

"Young man, you're too naive to think we will let you go," Namjoon said while shooting the male through his head. Namjoon pushed the body off his and called Jungkook, who was standing on the right side of the room to throw his body away. "Fucking shit ruining my suit with is low life blood," the leader said while looking at his suit then the room that was splattered with blood with disgust. Taehyung who was on the left just chuckled darkly. All the others just stood there in shock. They are here with BTS, South Korea's most dangerous mafia group.

"You all got to see what will happen if you oppose or hurt Anyone. One. Of. Us. Do you understand?" Namjoon said looking at them with a dark look. All the trainees look at him a nodded. "Tae, ask the others to come into the room now. Except from Jin and Yoongi," Taehyung nodded and left the room to find the other 3 members. "Why did this shithead not want me to go in? I'm apart of this too!" Jin shouted while Yoongi just laughed at his hyung's dramatic respond. "I'm going to call him now," Jin said while calling his boyfriend with him phone.

"Yes baby?" "Don't 'yes baby' me. Why did you excluded me from going in the room? Huh? I have to train some of them too." Jin said dramatically. Namjoon just chuckled at his boyfriend's cute tantrum. "I don't want them to see my beautiful boyfriend yet. They do not get the right to. You are only for my eyes," the older said with a flirty tone. Jin's face instantly turned red. Yoongi laughed at his hyung's reaction to the leader's words. "Y-you, shut up! Don't say that in front of so many people. I can still see you through the glass, dumb dumb," Not even a second later, Namjoon turned to face the glass and gave Jin a suggestive smirk. "Is that how you speak to me princess. You will get it tonight," Namjoon said, knowing how his words will affect Jin. "I-I don't want to talk to you anymore! B-bye," Jin said flustered, ending the call. Jin turned around to find Yoongi laughing uncontrollably on the floor. In Yoongi's eyes, they were just like an old married couple but at the same time, like a hormonal teenage couple. "Hey, stop it!" Jin said, face still red.

-Time skip-
Everything went smoothly, everyone got to meet their trainees and all the 14, well 13 for now as one of them already died after Namjoon pulled the trigger on him, trainees were distributed into 3 rooms to live in. All the members were given the profile of each of their trainee from Jin. All the members were in the living from, except for the Namjin couple. The members knew what was up and just gave them privacy.

"I hope Jin hyung still can walk tomorrow," Hoseok said. The members burst out laughing. Yoongi who was sitting beside Taehyung suddenly asked, "Taetae hyung, how are you going to train them?"

;Heyyyyy it has been some time, but I'm back, at least for the time being. I just finished my mock exam last week. The exam papers are not given back yet but I hope I will get the scores that I targeted. First of all, THANK YOU FOR 19K READS 🎉💓 I hope I didn't make all of you wait too long. Sorryyy. Also, I added a little Namjin action because I was in the mood for Namjin 😂. I hope all of you like this chapter. Please vote and comment 💕 Bye~ 👋;

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