Chapter 16: Violent

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Taehyung was caught off guard, not expecting Yoongi to ask him this. "Why do you ask?" The blonde-haired male said while wrapping his arms around the younger. "Because the one who is most talented.. what is his name again?" "Kihyun." "Yes Kihyun. Hyungs are all expecting him to be one of us soon and you are going to train him, so I was afraid you will get too stressed." Yoongi said, lying like it was second nature to him. He didn't want them to know who is Kihyun to him, so he just acted innocent and just a little kitten worrying about his hyung.

"If you are worried I will get too stressed, why don't you help me release my stress Kitten?" The older said smirking. Yoongi immediately blushed. Karma's a bitch Yoongi. You laughed at Jin, know you have to go through it. "No~ I'm being serious," the mint-haired boy whined while trying to get out of Taehyung's grip. "Okay okay. Sorry Kitten. How do I say this? The only easy way to explain my plan is just to train them like the way we were trained." Yoongi nodded and just cuddled into Taehyung's embrace. On the inside, Yoongi was dying. He did not want Kihyun to be treated that way but at the same time how can he help Kihyun. Kihyun can't escape, they will find him no matter what but he can't get involved in Tae's matter, they will suspect him. He was in a crisis. It has been such a long time since felt this way.

-Next day-
Training was begining, Yoongi just continued his usual routine. Going out, stealing information, killing people, burning other gangs hideout. It was just a normal day for him but something was different. Yoongi was additionally violent. He did not have mercy when killing people today. He did not think and just pulled triggers. Yoongi was relieving his stress. Seeing the pretty red colour all over the walls, floor and just everywhere that were painted by the enemies blood was just satisfying for him. Seeing people laying down lifeless just sent endorphins rushing in his bloodstream. The more he killed, the less stressed he felt. Killing just got his mind off all the things he have been thinking about, mostly Kihyun.

"Good job baby. You did extremely well today," Namjoon said while kissing Yoongi's forehead. Yoongi felt proud. Whenever any member praised or complimented him, he felt loved and he always craved it. He need those praises and compliments, if he didn't get them, he will find a way to milk out all the sweet words from his hyungs. "Thank you Joonie hyung," Yoongi said shyly, lowering his head while smiling with content.

"We're back!" "Hi Yoonie... Young man, go and take a bath instantly. I can see your art work very clearly on you," Jin said walking towards them. "Aren't you proud of me? I did well today." "Yes yes. Yoonie you were great but even great if you go and take a bath now," Yoongi chuckled and agreed running of to find the other members first. Jin and Namjoon just laughed a little and Jin walked back to the living room. "I see you still limping princess. Daddy did you good huh?" Namjoon said while slaping Jin' ass. "Shut it. I'm done with you sweet talking. You embarrassed me," the pink-haired male said with a slight whiny tone. "That wasn't what you screamed last night," with that Namjoon ran off laughing like a maniac, not wanting to be killied by his beloved boyfriend.

Yoongi ran straight to the training room, knowing all the others were there. He stopped his tracks in front of the door. He heard screams, shouts and bullets being fired. All the memories were flooding back but Yoongi pushes all of it back. He opened the door to be met with a messy scene. Blood everywhere, bullets all on the flood, knives and bats scattered, fights can be seen in every corner of the large room. It almost sent Yoongi over the egde until Jimin hugged the small boy.

"Hey prince, you okay? You have been standing there for almost 3 minutes." Jimin said with a worried tone. Yoongi snapped out of it and nodded saying that he was just tired. The other members noticed the 2 of them and went there. Yoongi returned the knives and guns back to them. He wanted to leave quickly when he remember that he will see Kihyun but he was stopped. "Why don't you watch us Doll? You can watch us in action," Jungkook said and the other 3 members just looked at him, judging him. "You just want to show off your abs right Kook? I bet he will take off his shirt when is in 'action'," Hoseok said, spoiling the younger's plan. "Fuck you hyung," Jungkook said crossing his arms like a child throw a tantrum. All of them just laughed.

They were so engrossed in their conversation, they didn't even notice a person observing them from a far. But mostly towards the small petite boy.

;DOUBLE UPDATE!!! 😂 Well, I was in the mood to write to relieve some stress. Also for all of you to keep interest in this book 😂 So heads up, I will be disappearing after this to study for my last exam. I will say it here first so that you guys won't be surprised when I suddenly don't update. But I think all of you are used to it already. That's all for now. Bye bye 💕 owhhh yeah don't forget to vote and comment. Thank youuu 💕;

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