Chapter 11: Caught

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"I'm here, Hyun!" "Finally you came, I thought you forgot." Kihyun, Yoongi's best friend said laughing from seeing Yoongi sweating and panting hard. "How could I forget about my best friend. So, what's so important. Don't make me run for nothing." Yoongi said jokingly. "Well, Yoongs, you know we've been best friends since 9 but I have something that I need to tell you now." "Don't tell me you are going to leave me for America or some shit like that, you know I hate goodbyes." "Of course not Yoongs." Kihyun said laughing. Kihyun whispered a small, "It's now or never," he took a small box out from his pocket. "Yoongi, I have been keeping this secret ever since I landed my eyes on you, I never felt something like this before even though I was just a kid. You made my heart feeling like it's going to burst everytime I see your gummy smile, I always feel different when I'm with you, a feeling I can't explain but I am addicted to it" Kihyun opened the box, revealing a necklace with a musical note as the charm. "Yoongi will you be my boyfriend?" Yoongi teared up.

"Yes, of course!" After hearing his respond, Kihyun immediately hugged Yoongi, "I promise to be the best boyfriend ever!" They laughed in happiness together, love filling the air but eyes were on them, burning with fire. "I need him to be mine. He is going to be mine soon."

A month after

The whole school knew about it and were happy for them. They were walking home from school together, hand in hand. "Hey Yoongs, you want cotton candy, I see the vendor in the park. Want to go with me?" "I want but I'm lazy to walk there. Buy it for me?" Yoongi asked, giving Kihyun his puppy eyes. "Okay fine, but don't go somewhere else." "Okay!" Kihyun ran to the vendor opposite from the road. Yoongi was distracted, playing on this phone until...

A bag was placed over his head, Yoongi was terrified, he wanted to scream but a hand was placed over his mouth, he smelled something funny. The next second, he felt as he was thrown over something and he blacked out.

Somewhere in a forest

Yoongi felt very tired, he opened his eyes to be met with an unfamiliar ceiling. He shot up immediately, looking around the strange room. It was not his room, nor Kihyun's room. "Where the hell am I?" Suddenly the door opened, a familiar man walked into the room. Yoongi could not make up who the familiar person was. "Where am I? Why am I here? What do you want from me?" "Woah, hold up angel, one question at a time but it's okay." The man said, sitting on the edge of the bed, Yoongi pushed himself onto the headboard of the bed, lifting his knees to his chest. He did not want the man to be this close to him. "Well as you could see angel, you are in your new room, in my mansion. Why are you here? It's because I want you here so I could protect you, feel you and love you. I want you to love me." The man said smiling, chills rushed down Yoongi's spine.

"I don't even know you!" Yoongi shouted out of fear. "Angel, I'm a little sad that you don't remember me. You saved me remember? In the alleyway." Yoongi remember everything. He saved him but why was he kidnapping him. "If I saved you, why did you kidnap me? You should be thankful and let me go." Yoongi said, as a matter of fact. "No can do angel, this is the way for me to thank you. All the gifts I sent to you to treat you like a princess, I sent men to follow you around to protect you, now I have you here, away from the outside, evil world. You should thank me." The man said smirking. Yoongi was furious. "BULLSHIT! I DON'T NEED ANYTHING FROM YOU! JUST LET ME GO!" Yoongi screamed, tears flooding his cheeks. The man immediately pulled Yoongi onto his lap, holding his hips tightly. "LET ME GO!" Yoongi said, struggling to get free from the man's grip.

"No. You will be mine and only mine. I don't care about what you think. You will obey me and listen to only me. You will be my princess and angel. I can do whatever I want with you or else your family will be dead because of you disobedient attitude. Do. You. Hear. Me." The man said firmly and strickly, stopping Yoongi's movement at once. Yoongi was scared right after he heard the man said that he would hurt his family. He wouldn't care if he was killed but he didn't want his family to be killed about of him. Yoongj felt even more tears falling from his eyes.

"There, there. Don't cry my angel. I'm sorry I was a little rough on you. I just wanted to discipline you. You just need to be a good boy and listen to me, okay?" The man said, but not earning any answer from the smaller boy. "When I ask you a question, you answer me, you hear that." He gripped Yoongi's hips tighter, hurting him. "Yes." "Good boy, and also, I'm Mr. Lee, but you need to call me Sir, okay angel." Yoongi felt humiliated, he didn't want to call someone that wants to "discipline" him sir. He did not answer. "I'll let you slide this time angel, but next time, there WILL be a punishment."

Yoongi knew from that moment onwards, his life is finished.

; I wrote a longer chapter because I felt like it and also as a thank you to all my readers 💞 THANK YOU FOR 6K READS!! 💗 Omg, it meant so much to me. So, what do you guys think about this story so far? I hope you all liked it. Like always please vote and comment 💕 Bye~ 👋;

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