Chapter 12: Drunk

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Present time

Jimin got extremely drunk. Nobody knew where he was, he just went to the bar without telling anybody. He did not pick up his phone, did not reply any members' messages and didn't go back to the mansion until 3 in the morning but... he did not come back alone. He brought someone back.

A stranger. A woman. A sober female.

Jimin was a playboy, all the members knew about it. Jimin was just charismatic, charming, handsome and he just had an attractive aura on him. Yoongi hear the front door slammed shut. He knew Jimin was home, and was drunk because Jimin would rarely slammed the front door. Yoongi wanted to go and greet him but he heard laughter. Not only one person's laughter but two. Yoongi felt a little twinge of jealousy. He knew Jimin brought a one night stand home, especially when he was drunk. It wasn't that Yoongi didn't know Jimin's playboy nature, it's just that Yoongi didn't like to share.

He went to Jimin's room, assuming they were there. He heard moaning, female moaning. Yoongi was jealous, he did not want any unknown woman to touch his Jimin. He opened the door with zero hesitation and saw a topless Jimin on top of a almost fully naked female. The younger's eyes filled with jealousy and anger. The older saw Yoongi and stood up, he wanted to say something but was cut off when the younger grabbed the woman's hair and threw her out of the older's room. Yoongi picked up her clothes and threw it at her. "Get. Out." The woman scrambled out of their mansion.

Yoongi looked at Jimin straight in the eyes. Yoongi was mad that the older made everybody worry about him and he was jealous. The younger turned his back facing Jimin wanting to leave but was stopped by a hug from Jimin. "Please don't leave. I'm sorry. I was just frustrated." Yoongi was mad. He pushed the older off of him. "You were frustrated. I think you missed out one word. Sexually. I think you meant sexually frustrated. You went out without telling anybody and made all of us worried that you got murdered! And then I was met with YOU  bringing a one night stand back!" Jimin was silent, he knew he fucked up because his emotions got the best of him. He couldn't hold back, the hugged the younger tightly not wanting to let go.

"Get off me! Get your hands that touched that woman off me!" Yoongi was angry he pushed the older with all his strength but the older was just way too strong compared to him. "I'm sorry prince." Yoongi stopped his movement. In the end, he just could not stand Jimin calling him Prince. Jimin sat down on his bed with Yoongi still in his arms. "I know now." The older felt Yoongi physically tensed up. He rubbed the younger's back. "I ask Jin hyung and he told me. I'm sorry for not knowing sooner. I'm sorry my prince." The older said, laying his head on Yoongi's shoulder. " I was wanted to get my frustration out by drinking. I was too drunk, I didn't have the intend of bring someone home. Why didn't anyone of you tell me the truth? I thought you came here voluntarily. Why did all of you lie to me?" Yoongi was silent. "Tell me!" Jimin was frustrated, he was lied to for 2 years. "I didn't want you to worry. I just don't want to bring up the past." Yoongi was silently. The older felt his shirt getting wet. He looked up to be met with a crying Yoongi.

"I'm sorry prince for shouting at you. I was worried, okay? I thought I knew everything about you but I was wrong. I knew nothing." The older slowly caressed Yoongi's face, wiping away his tears. They cuddled each other for the rest of the night. They were tired physically and mentally. "Let's just put those things in the past, okay my little prince. I'm sorry for bringing it up." "It's okay. What happened cannot be erased  but what's important now is that I have all of you with me." Jimin placed a small kiss on the younger's cherry pink lips. In the end, they cuddled each other to sleep, Jimin thinking that he finally knew everything about Yoongi, as much as the other members but...

What the members didn't know is the origin of the music charm necklace that Yoongi had always treasured.

;Hiiii I'm back! But I haven't fully recovered, I'm still sick. I wanted to update, to not let all of you wait. But first.. THANK YOU FOR 9K READS!!! 💞 Woop woop! I almost fucked up. I accidentally clicked publish before I even finish writing. I wanted to read over everything but I still felt groggy because of my sickness then did the mistake. I'm sorry for the weird grammar or any typo. My brain is still not fully functioning. And I finally revealed the clueless member, who is.... JIMIN!! Finally the truth is out but there is still a lot of things that is going to happen soon. *evil laughter* Also thank you for the greetings in hope of me getting well soon 💗 I'm sorry if the chapter is a little too boring, kinda got a writers block but still wanted to reveal playboy Jimin 😏 That's all, remember to vote and comment 💕 bye~~;

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