Chapter 27: Broken families

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It has been almost a week after the sad incidence. Because of that, Taehyung and Jungkook became much closer and Jungkook started to slowly open up to the other members too. Something was on Jungkook's mind though. He, too wanted to know how did Taehyung end up here.

Jungkook decided to ask Taehyung at night too, assuming Taehyung will be more open about it when it was only the two of them. Night fell, two of the boys were in the bed already but Jungkook was not asleep yet. "Hyung...? Are you awake?" Jungkook asked after he turned to face Taehyung but to be met with only the older's back.

Jungkook thought the older was asleep so he decided to ask tomorrow. "Yes Kook? What is it?" Taehyung sat up and saw the younger awake in his bed. "Nightmares?" The older asked but received a no from the younger. Jungkook stood up and walked towards his hyung. "Hyung... why are you here?" Jungkook just went straight to the point which caught Taehyung off guard.

Taehyung sighed but made the decision to tell him. "I... almost have the same story as you Kook. I was kidnapped but I didn't know the reason. I was just a normal kid. Or that was what I thought..." Jungkook sensed Taehyung's sadness, so he sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around the older. "I lived in a lie... while being kidnapped here was when I knew the truth. My father was the head of a mafia too but my parents kept it a secret from me and my little brother. Mr. Lee kidnapped me with the intention to make my father give his spot up but..." Taehyung clenched his fists, remembering the memory.

"My father didn't even care about me. He told Mr. Lee to kill me because he would not give up his spot to save me. But it got even worse. I was there listening to the whole conversation. My father called me useless." Taehyung scoffed. "He said I will not even be able to survive in the mafia world and he wouldn't care if I'm dead because he has another son. He said my little brother has more potential than me."

Taehyung laughed sarcastically. "Who knows. Maybe he's right. Right after Mr. Lee ended the call, I volunteered to join this gang. I wanted to show my father that I'm not 'useless'. One day, I will and I am going to destroy his gang. Mr. Lee accepted and told his men to train me. I don't feel sad that I'm here but I do miss my mum... I don't hate my little brother, it wasn't his fault but was my stupid father's fault. He never cared about me, my brother or even my mum." Jungkook saw tears threatening to fall from Taehyung's eyes, so he hugged the older.

Taehyung just let his tears fall when he thought of his mother. "My mum was such a loving mother but my father was trash. He never treated my mum right, he was a player. He was never faithful to my mum, I always saw my mum cry in her room but always, she would put on the brightest smile when she comes out... It just breaks my heart. I hate my father." Jungkook drew circles on Taehyung's back to comfort him.

The two boys came from broken families. Although different, he still got to relate to one another. Missing one of their parents, hating the other. The two boys bounding together very quickly, treating each other like brothers.

"I'm sorry.." Yoongi said while hiding his head in Taehyung's neck. "Why are you sorry doll? You did nothing wrong." Jungkook said, caressing Yoongi's hair. "I made you guys think about sad memories." Taehyung lifted Yoongi's head from his neck. "Memories are still memories. We can't delete or remove them, it is still apart of our life and it was what made us unique and different." Taehyung said.

"Taetae hyung, did you get revenge?" Jungkook immediately laughed which left Yoongi confused. "Kook stop." Taehyung playfully slapped Jungkook's thigh. "He did, doll. Right after he started to work. His first mission was to bring down his father's gang." Jungkook said still chuckling a bit, finding it funny somehow. Yoongi felt happy on behalf of Taehyung because he finally proved to his father.

"I even got to meet my mum and little brother again. They didn't hate me but my mum felt relieve because she doesn't have to live under my father's control ever again." Taehyung said while smiling. "Do you still keep in contact with her?" Yoongi asked tilting his head to the side. Taehyung and Jungkook found this cute. "I do. She's happy now. My little brother got to live and chase his dreams now."

"Hey, want to get to bussiness?" Jungkook said while smirking. Taehyung let out a laugh. "Even the two of you?" Yoongi said in a whiny tone. "Of course, the other hyungs got it, so we need it too." Jungkook said.

-Time skip-
All of them have gotten their own happy ending in some way or another. Even though they had to leave some things behing to have gotten to this stage of their live, it was worth it to them.

It had been a few weeks after all of this. Things went back to normal. But it didn't last long. Something big was going to happen.

*For the last update, thank you so much for voting and helping me make a decision. I really appreciate all the votes and comment. For now, Story 2 has the most votes with the ship Yoonkook. I forgot to add that Yoongi was the bottom but I assume all of you knew 😂 but I did do an edit and put it in. I maybe will start on the story soon but I need to start of with pics, drafts and other stuff. Still thank you all 💗

;Back with another update. THANK YOU FOR 41K READS AND 2K VOTES 🎉💕 Thank you for all the votes, I really appreciate all of them. Thank you for reading this book. I love you all ❤ Drama will come soon. Get ready 😂 Please comment and vote 💕 Bye~👋;


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