Chapter 37: Truth

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-Present time-

BTS was struggling, really struggling. Both physically and mentally. It has been almost a week, and still they didn't get any clue. Hoseok has recovered fully but the members didn't allow him to go out and work.

They are just so mentally drained. They can't track down anything, didn't get any clues, they were just lost. They didn't know what to do without their Yoongi beside them. What they didn't know was Yoongi is struggling with his 'dreams'.

Every time Yoongi would show signs of waking up, Dr. Jong would inject him with the same drug. They put an IV in Yoongi to keep him alive. It was just a stream of nightmares for Yoongi. From all the torture, punnishment, humiliation and all the things he were forced into.

Yoongi just wanted to die. He felt like the old Yoongi all over again.


Yoongi was twirling the pocket knife between his fingers. He stole it from one of the guards. It has been months since the members last talked to him or even paid any attention to him. He had a plan in mind. He just had to wait.

He tried to escape but it just ended badly. He thought, if he couldn't leave, then it would be much better to be a fighter than a useless doll just being used and ordered around.

"Baby boy, how are you doing? I miss you so much." Mr. Lee sat beside Yoongi and started to caresses his thigh.

"I miss you too~" Yoongi said and hugged Mr. Lee's neck from the back.

"Baby boy finally giving in I see. Perfect." Mr. Lee said.

"In your dreams." Yoongi said and pulled out the pocket knife and placed it on the asshole's neck.

"What are you doing?!" Mr. Lee tried to pull Yoongi away but Yoongi held onto him with all his strength.

"Call Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Kook and Tae now. Or else I will just end your life."

Mr. Lee immediately called the guards and ordered the members to come now. All the said members rushed in and saw something they would never expect.

"Hey guys. Miss me?" Yoongi said.

"Yoongi put down the knife. Don't do this to yourself." Namjoon said.

"You all did this to me! You left me alone with this guy and watched me suffer. Now, I'll just kill him then kill myself." Yoongi said and pressed the knife harder into Mr. Lee's neck.

"Yoongi stop! What do you want?! I'll give it to you!" Mr. Lee screamed.

"What do I want? I wanted a normal life but you took that away from me! You dare to ask me what do I want! I'm broken now and it is all your fault!" Yoongi yelled.

"Yoonie baby calm down. I know we were wrong for leaving you but we just wanted to protect you. We didn't want him to hurt you." Hoseok tried to explain.

"Bullshit! Excuses!" Yoongi pointed the knife at himself now. He pushed Mr. Lee away from him.

"Please Yoonie don't! Hyung was the last to leave you because I had no choice. We all felt like shit after we left you. Please forgive us, don't hurt yourself." Jin begged.

"You don't me to die? One condition. Let me be one of the trainee." Yoongi demanded.

"No way I will let my angel be a trainee." Mr. Lee said.

"Okay then." Yoongi started to slit deeper into his neck.

"Stop! Fine, be whatever you want! Don't kill yourself! I don't want my angel to die." Mr. Lee said.

From that day onwards, Yoongi was officially one of the trainees. He trained much harder than any other person there. He didn't to be viewed as only pretty but he wanted to be strong. He was done being 'pretty'. The members were very proud of Yoongi and how fast he can learn something.

Finally they could be together and Mr. Lee can't say shit because they would use the excuse of training, teaching Yoongi or explaining things to him. Life was getting better for Yoongi from this point on. Even though he had to fight his way through life, he was happier.

-End of memories-

Yoongi sat up abruptly after the drug had worn off.

"Finally awake? Did you love your nightmare? I did love seeing you suffer." 'Kihyun' said and laughed wickedly.

"Fucking bitch." Yoongi tried to punch him but his hands was held back a by chain locked onto him to the bed.

"Nice try. I did send a video of you looking like you were dying to your beloved boyfriends. I wonder how would they react." 'Kihyun' said.

"What did I ever do to you Kihyun?" Yoongi said.

"You still think I'm Kihyun? You're damn stupid." The person laughed sarcastically.

"I'm not Kihyun. I'm his twin, Kiyoung. Kihyun died a long time ago because of you. You killed him. You made him kill himself because he felt miserable and blamed himself for being the cause of your disappearance. If it wasn't for you, I would not have lost a brother. Because of you, he was depressed and suicidal. Because of you, he hanged himself and left our family." Kiyoung said.

"All this time, you were not Kihyun..." Yoongi said lowly.

"All the information you guys have of me, all of them were made by me. I faked them, I used Kihyun's identity to get close to you. I want you to pay after all you have done. It's not the end yet Min Yoongi."

Kiyoung left the room, Yoongi was dumbfounded. Kiyoung is a very smart guy but smart in the worst way possible.

;Hi! I'm back after a torturous exam. I survived y'all. It was hard but I managed to go through it with several mental breakdowns at during exams. I love life 😂 Jk I really do. I missed writing a lot. Are you guys shook by the truth, Kiyoung? I hope you did. I kinda think I'm making this story too long, I'm trying to make it go faster. I'll try my best 😅 That's all from me. Byee 💕 Remember to comment and vote 💕;

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