Chapter 21: Meeting Sky

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After getting to the location that Kihyun found, they saw the gates were widely open. The gang knew they were coming, so they just welcomed them. Namjoon just scoffed at the act.

After getting inside, they took their weapons and put them securely on them. They walked into the mansion like they didn't give a fuck. "Welcome Namjoon! Such a long time since I saw you." A man walked out to the front and greeted them with a sly smirk.

"Cut the crap. Where are they?" Namjoon was done with everything now. He had no patience when it comes to people messing with his 'family'. "Oh come on, not even a 'hello'. If you think back, we basically lived together for 5 years. Aren't we buddies." "We were, until you betrayed us and ran back to China, Sky (I suck at names okay...) I'm done with your games. Just give my men back and we will be taking our leave." Namjoon said with a monotone voice.

The guy named Sky just laughed sarcastically. "I think I can't Joon. I can give you back Jimin but not Jin. I didn't even intend on taking Jimin, I just wanted Jin." After he said that, Jimin was thrown out from the black curtains behind him towards BTS. Yoongi quickly caught him. Jimin was all bruised. "You okay?" Yoongi ask worried about his hyung. "I'm fine." Jimin answered then taking a gun given to him by Taehyung.

"Sky hyung, are you hallucinating again? Jin hyung was never yours to begin with." Taehyung said with an annoyed expression. "Shut. Up. Jin and I was meant to be together until YOU ruined everthing!" Sky said with angered filled in him while pointing a gun at Namjoon. "Stop this shit Sky. You don't want me to end you. Give Jin back." Namjoon said taking his gun, imitating the other's action.

Sky's men took out their weapons out, as well as BTS and their men. They were ready to fight anytime now just with a simple command. Namjoon was done. "Sky, we were buddies until you betrayed me. I don't want to do this but you made me." Namjoon shot Sky in the head. The other didn't even have time to react. He was dead. After the first shot was fired, the fight started. BTS and their men were known to win in fights and it is clear they are winning.

Namjoon casually firing and reloading his gun. Hoseok having 'fun' showing his knife skills and using his newly sharpened blades to kill. Jimin, even though injured still managed to kill others easily, as easy as breathing for him. Taehyung trying out his new AKM and he had a wicked smile on his pretty face. Jungkook being Jungkook decided to not use weapons but using his physical skills to kill. It was just like a playing in a real life video game to him. And lastly, the little mice, Yoongi killing with his favourite hand gun that was made specially for him because he always felt 'pretty' holding the gun.

To them killing was so normal, they don't even think twice. It was just whatever to them because they were trained to do so since a young age. To them violence was nothing, but if it happened to one of them, then it was a big matter. The maknae line likes killing way too much to the point it was a bragging contest to them. The hyung line on the other hand, it was a profession to them. The after math was ugly, but to them it was a scene of victory.

Blood splattered everywhere, empty bullets that were fired, bloody blades on the walls and lastly corpses surrounding them. "Let's go find Jin hyung." Jimin said bringing the others to the back. Namjoon immediately ran towards his lover after seeing him tied to a wall. After releasing him, he carried him back to the car. All of them went back to the mansion like nothing happened. And also before going back, Jimin blew up the whole mansion to destroy everything.

Back in their mansion, Jin was not awake yet. Namjoon brought Jin back to their room and Hoseok called their doctor to treat both Jimin and Jin. The members were fairly happy with their trainees performance. Not even one of the trainees died, which showed that they improved a lot. Maybe this month's elimination will not be held. Yoongi on the other hand was curious who was this Sky. It looks like all the other members knew him.

He decided to ask Namjoon after Jin is awake. He was curios, like always. Why was the guy so obsessed with Jin? Why did he call Namjoon his buddy? What happen before he was here? He wanted to know.

;Hey! Back with an update. Omg.. my life is a mess now 😂  I have been very busy and I almost, 'almost' forgot to update. I suck 😅 Well it's okay because I remembered. A little spoiler for the next chapter: It is about Jin and Namjoon past (if I can fit both their past in one chapter) I will start writing about each members past to let all of you understand them better and the last member's past will be Yoongi, lil meow meow 💞. Well, I hope I hyped you guys up a little for future updates. Also, THANKS FOR 30K READS🎉 Please vote and comment 💕 Bye~ 👋;

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