Chapter 33: Girl clothes

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So before we start of this chapter, I have to apologize for not updating for like 1 or 2 weeks. I have been so busy with school now and been doing a lot of studying because of all the new science subjects I have been taking. I didn't even have the time to use my phone until now. Sorry for making all of you wait.

Kihyun and Dr. Jong walked into the room where Yoongi was locked in. They saw Yoongi sitting on the bed doing nothing.

Yoongi turned around after he heard the door open. Yoongi instantly glared at them when he laid his eyes on them. He had been here for at least four to five days now.

"What do you want?" Yoongi said, annoyed.

"Well, we're here to give you a treat since you were such a good boy." 'Kihyun' said with a smirk on his face.

Yoongi instinctively backed away from them but 'Kihyun' grabbed his hand and pinned him on the bed.

"Let me go! Fuck off!" Yoongi screamed as he trashed around trying to free himself.

Dr. Jong went to the bedside and took out a syringe filled with a clear liquid. He grabbed Yoongi's forearm and injected the liquid into his body.

Yoongi tensed up feeling the liquid invade his body. 'Kihyun' let Yoongi go and stood next to Dr. Jong. Yoongi sat up, face noticeably worried and confused.

"What the hell did you inject into me?!" Yoongi shouted and sprint up, choking Dr. Jong.

'Kihyun' reacted fast and grabbed Yoongi to stop him from choking the doctor. Yoongi suddenly felt light headed and his whole world was spinning. He stopped trashing around, he felt weak.

"The drug's working." Dr. Jong announced.

'Kihyun' put him on the bed and sat beside him.

"Don't worry Yoongi, it isn't something dangerous. It is just to help you remember all your suppressed memories." 'Kihyun' said and saw Yoongi almost losing conscious.

"It will be quite a torture for you as you will remember, almost like reliving your life 5 years ago. When you lived with Mr. Lee. Remember how he treated you." 'Kihyun' said wickedly.

"What did I even do to you?" Yoongi said, feeling his conscious slipping.

"I will tell you after you wake up from you prolonged nightmare. I know you hate but you are still are scared of Mr. Lee. So why not make you pay by reliving your life with him." 'Kihyun' said and laughed, almost like a maniac.

Yoongi fell unconscious. Then 'Kihyun' and Dr. Jong left the room.

Yoongi felt as he was sleeping but the nightmare is coming.

*note. For all the words in italic will be about Yoongi's past with Mr. Lee. It will be an emotion train reck, so be ready. If there is any extreme stuff, I will try my best to put warning. Maybe this chapter and a few more chapters will all be about Yoongi's full past.

-5 years ago-

The day after Yoongi was kidnapped, Yoongi felt overwhelmed with emotions. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to obey some guy he didn't know but he wanted to protect his family. He didn't want the Mr. Lee guy to hurt his family.

He had been left in his room after he actually met Mr. Lee for the first time. He didn't sleep for the whole night. He look around the spacious room. The room was way too feminine.

It was all pastel in colour, mostly pastel pink. A lot of stuffed animals, lace, frills and girly stuff. He felt weird needing to live in a room like this.

Suddenly the door opened, Yoongi looked towards the direction and saw a maid holding some clothes.

"Mr. Yoongi, this is your clothes. Mr. Lee wanted me to hand it to you. Make sure it wear it and come down." The maid and left the clothes on the bed then left.

Yoongi walked to the folded clothes and immediately backed away.

"Not this shit again..." Yoongi said.

The clothes were all female clothes. A baby pink crop top with the word 'Daddy's Angel', a white high waisted skater skirt and white knee high socks.

"I will not wear this." Yoongi said.

He didn't even want to go downstairs. He stayed in his windowless room and sat on the pink couch. He didn't even realise half an hour had pasted.

Yoongi jumped as the door suddenly opened wide and Mr. Lee walked into his room.

"I thought I told you to wear the clothes, angel. Come on now. I have waited for you downstairs for so long." Mr. Lee said but it made Yoongi's blood boil.

"Do I look like a girl? I'm a damn male! Don't even think about me wear these!" Yoongi yelled but kind of regretted it.

"Don't make me help you wear it or else you will receive your punishment. 5 minutes. If I don't see you downstairs in those clothes in 5 minutes, don't cry when you see your family dead." Mr. Lee said and walked away.

Yoongi quickly stripped and wore the clothes. He didn't want his family to be killed by this crazy man. He didn't care if those clothes hurt his pride, he just wanted his family to be safe.

He ran downstairs but stopped and felt like having an anxiety attack. The room was full of people. All eyes were on him. Yoongi felt like he couldn't breathe, people were looking at him in female clothes.

"Ah, such a good boy Yoongi. Come here." Mr. Lee called out but Yoongi didn't even hear it.

Yoongi felt like his whole body giving up on him. His legs just gave up. He fell but he didn't hit the floor.

"It's okay, breathe. Calm down." Yoongi opened his eyes and saw a handsome looking guy. His smile was warm and soft. Dimples by the side. Soft eyes looking at him. Yoongi felt somewhat safe in the embrace of this guy.

"Bring him to me." Mr. Lee said.

The guy helped Yoongi walk towards Mr. Lee. Yoongi felt himself being grabbed by the disgusting guy and forced to sit on his lap. Yoongi looked down, filled with embarrassment as he was circled by men.

"This is Yoongi, he is my little angel. If any of you touch or hurt him, you will get killed. Understand." Mr. Lee said, threatening the men in the room.

"Yes." All of them said in unison.

"Yoongi angel, these are all my men. Look up now." Mr. Lee said and forced Yoongi to look up.

His eyes met with the dimple guy who helped him. Yoongi felted his heart beating very fast.

;Okay! That's the end of this chapter. Really sorry for not updating. This is maybe something you guys have been waiting, Yoongi's past. This is just the beginning of thing. It will get rough soon. Even I felt so bad for Yoongi when I wrote this. I feel so bad, but I have to write some really rough and bad punishment and shit. Also please vote and comment💕. Thank you for waiting and supporting this story. It reached 50K reads! 🎉 Bye~ 👋;

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