Chapter 38: Trust

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"YES! Finally! Guys come quick!" Jin shouted from his office. All the guys sprinted to his office.

"I finally tracked the ID of the person who sent the video. I compared the ID with the navigation on my computer and found a few addresses but from the look of the environment, I think it is in the district of The Yong gang." Jin explained.

They received a video of Yoongi an hour ago. Despite feeling worried and sad, Jin immediately locked himself in his office to to track the ID of the sender.

From the video, Jin got to recognise the architectural structure of the room because the room had some quite distinguishable featured that only the Yong district have.

"Get ready boys, prepare the back ups, firearms, car. We will go now." Namjoon ordered.

They all got ready, Jin set up his computer in the car, Hoseok drove according to the directions given by Jin. All of them were ready to cut some heads today. It has been more than a week now. After they saw the video, they were relieved that Yoongi was still alive but they were in rage to see their Yoongi suffering.

It was an one hour drive and they finally arrived. The place was highly guarded but with Jin's skills, he managed to close all the security cameras and unlock the whole building's security lock.

Of course, Jimin and Jungkook went down and had to deal with some useless guards that only required 1/4 or less of their energy. Easy tackle. They went in discretely.

"I think they didn't expect us to be here, or else they will put higher security." Namjoon said.

"Or they are just too bad to have high security." Taehyung commented.

The stopped at the back of the building and the five of them went in. Jin stayed back to monitor the activities of the enemies and the back ups stayed to protect Jin and be on stand by.

The place was almost like a maze, the paths was all complex but Namjoon managed to navigate them to the specific room Jin ordered them to go and get Yoongi. On the way, they had to spill some blood, not their blood though.

They were almost there until someone appeared. Who they thought was Kihyun.

"Wow, I didn't expect all of you here. It did shock me to be honest. Looks like Jin's skill was something." Kiyoung said.

"You son of a bitch, what did Yoongi ever do to you for you to treat him like this?" Hoseok said through his gritted teeth.

"We were the ones who kidnapped you, not Yoongi. If you want revenge, then just put it on us, not him." The leader said.

"All of you are just too dumb is it? I'm not Kihyun. I'm his twin. You think Yoongi is innocent? Think again. He is a murderer. He killed my brother, his own boyfriend at the time, before he was apart of your gang. I advise all of you to leave him before he kills all of you." Kiyoung said.

"That's a lie, Yoongi doesn't have a boyfriend before." Jungkook said.

Kiyoung laughed hysterically. All of them were on the verge to just shoot him to in the head.

"Looks like that bitch is a pathological liar too. Come on, the number one gang in Korea but been lied to by little boy. Pathetic. I have a little letter in the same file I send th video to you. Open it to know the truth. You can kill me now, I don't care anymore. My mission is complete. I can go meet my brother now." Kiyoung said, almost like a psycho.

"Okay then."

All of them shoot him sync, they were done with his bullshit. Blood splattered everywhere, even on their expensive clothes. The stepped over his dead body and went into the room to see their Yoongi on the bed unconscious.

Jimin rushed to check his pulse, Yoongi was just blacked out. He picked Yoongi up bridal style. All of them walked out to their car.

It felt as everything went all too well but they all felt uneasy. The truth untold. Is Yoongi really what Kiyoung said to be. On the way out, Hoseok threw a grenade. It exploded, the whole building went down, just like how Kiyoung went down, the Yong clan went down just like that.

Yoongi was safe, everything was back to normal. After reaching the mansion, their doctor checked Yoongi and he was deemed all healthy. Namjoon was sitting in the meeting room while all the other guys was in Yoongi's room, pampering him with lots of love.

Namjoon was twirling the same SIM card that had the 'letter' in it. Thinking if he should open it or not. He asked the other guys if they would want to read the letter but they said no. They trust Yoongi and would rather let Yoongi tell them when he is ready then to know everything behind his back.

After all, it was Yoongi's past. They will love him no matter what he did in the past, what he was like in the past. What is most important was Yoongi loved them and they are together.

Namjoon decided. He threw the SIM card on the ground and stomped on it, destroying the card into pieces. He left the room and head to Yoongi's room.

All 7 of them, chatting, laughing, cuddling and love was in the air. Everything was normal again. It was perfect. Yoongi did end up telling all of them about Kihyun, their past relationship, how Kihyun killed himself because he felt guilty for not saving Yoongi and just everything of his past life that he never told the others.

They indulged Yoongi in a big, group hug. Telling Yoongi it was not his fault and praising him that he took such a big step to open up to them. Yoongi finally felt as he let down the past and moved on with his boyfriends now.

;Hey! I'm back after such a long time! It felt like forever.. sorry for being missing for one month. Life is busy but I felt like updating suddenly today. I had a writer's block and was unmotivated to write for some time because all of the stress from school has taken my life. I hope this chapter wad good enough after making all of you wait for so long. 2 more chapters I think, then this story will come to an end. I'm kinda sad thus story is almost ending because I hate endings but what's a story without an ending right? Well, stay tuned for maybe the last 2 chapters. Please vote and comment 💕 Byeeee 👋;

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