Chapter 40: End

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*there is a little note at the end, I really appreciate it if you guys will read it ♡ 

"You think I wanted that to happen!"

As soon as the front door opened, or more like slammed opened, Namjoon and Jin were heard very loudly.

"I already warned you, you did not want to listen to me!" Jin yelled at Namjoon.

"Okay, why are we even arguing? We got the job done, okay?" Namjoon tried to stop the situation.

"If I didn't save your ass, we wouldn't be here." Jin said with a smaller voice.

"Are you just trying to pick a fight?!" Namjoon burst out.

All the other members just kept quiet, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, Hoseok came in, sighing hearing the couple argue.

"Hyung, what happened?" Jungkook asked Hoseok.

"Long story short, Namjoon rushed in, almost got killed, Jin saved him, the end." Hoseok plopped on the sofa.

Yoongi waddled towards the arguing couple and hugged both of them. Both the older stopped talking.

"Hyung~ isn't the most important thing that nobody died? You guys are safe, so stop arguing." The smaller one said.

Both the older kept silent.

"I told you guys, let me go~ I'm more professional." Yoongi whined.

"No!" The couple said in sync.

"Don't even think about it young man." Jin said.

"We made a deal to let you take a rest after so much." Namjoon said as he caressed Yoongi's head.

The younger still whined but the leader just picked him up and went to the living room.

All the 7 members were sitting round in the living room, chatting laughing and watching some random movie.

All of them were cuddling on the couch like a big family. It was one of the rare times that they got to relax together without worrying about any mafia problem.

The fight between the couple was soon forgotten. Everything was very peaceful.

"Can I please go back to work? Pretty please? With all the uwu's in the world?" Yoongi whined.

"Sorry kitten, the decision had been made." Taehyung said while playing with Yoongi's hair.

"But it has been 2 months, 2 months~ I'm bored staying at home doing nothing!" In the members eyes', Yoongi just look like kitten crying, cute.

"If you give me a kiss, then maybe I will help you." Jimin said, earning grunts of displeasure from the others.

Yoongi immediately gave a kiss on Jimin's cheek. Jimin then chuckled.

"I'll think about it."

Yoongi huffed. He held out his hand and said, "Give me back my kiss."

Yoongi pouted, crossed his arms and laid back on the sofa. The others just laughed seeing how cute Yoongi looks.

Jimin then gave Yoongi a peck on his pout but the cherry lips still had a permanent pout.

"Guys, remember when we just first started. We were all so worried but trying to act tough." Namjoon chuckled, thinking about the past.

"I know right. Especially during our first task, it was nerve wrecking. I remember Jin hyung's hands were shaking while trying to track the location." Hoseok said.

"I was scared, okay? What if I lead the whole group to the wrong place, then we will all die."

"Namjoon just held your hand, I clearly remember because we were all cramped in a small van and we still had to see the couple being lovey-dovey." Jimin said, earning laughs from the members.

"Jungkook was still an emo brat back then." Taehyung said while rubbing Jungkook's shoulder.

"Shut up hyung, don't talk about that phase." Jungkook took a pillow and stuffed it on Taehyung's face.

"Yoongi was still a little kitten. He was even smaller compared to now." Jimin said.

"A tough kitten I may add." Yoongi was almost asleep at this point.

"We were all such noobs back then, now look at us, on top of South Korea." Namjoon commented.

They all just laughed, missing the past a little. It was very different back then but they loved their lives now.

Namjoon's phone alarm buzzed, indicating that some dummies tried to enter their property.

"Time to get out the guns." Taehyung said.

"Try to stay quiet, Yoongi fell asleep." Jin said while rubbing Yoongi's back.

"Alright captain!" Hoseok said jokingly.

The couple shared a small peck. "Stay safe." Jin said.

"I will."

"Oh my god, stop. I'm going to puke, hyung. Let's go." Jungkook said.

"Such a brat."

The five members went out for some fun while Jin and Yoongi stayed inside.

It was a completely different world outside and inside. Guns, blood and knives outside. Peace, calm and Jin's humming inside.

They live a double life, some would say. But they are happy living this way.

Blood and love have something in common. They are both red. Sometimes, blood must be spilled to protect your loved ones, that's what they believed in.

In the end, they made sure to love and protect each other.

;Hi! It had been such a long time since I last updated. I have been procrastinating writing the ending because I already have an attachment to this book. Thank you everyone who stayed until the end, I had such a fun time writing this book and reading your comments had always made my day. Lately, I have been very busy and I could not update often but I still tried my best. I really don't know how to end this story to be honest, so I decided to end it this way. You guys can still imagine BTS' lives in this au. I will miss updating this book and seeing all your comments but it was such a great time. Although this book wasn't the best or anything, I really did improve in both my writing and creative skills. Words can't really express how I feel but you guys got to know so much about me in this book too. Thank you for everything and giving me a chance and reading my book. I love all of you! Bye bye! 💜;

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