Chapter 18: Emotions

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Later that night, Yoongi finally got to sleep after a long day. He felt extremely tired and just want to take a hot bath and sleep. He walked into his bathroom and prepared the bath. He suddenly thought of everything that have been happening lately. From the mafia activity to his personal problems. He sighed. He just wanted to vent everything out to someone but he couldn't. He just felt stressed.

After the bath, he wore an oversized t-shirt and boxers. He walked straight to his bed. "Hey Yoongs."

Yoongi jumped at the sudden voice. He turned around to be met with someone he has been hiding from. Kihyun. "W-why.. how did you got in here?" Yoongi asked, still in shock. "I just wanted to come and greet my sweet peach," Kihyun said while twirling the peach charm necklace between his fingers. Not being able to lie, Yoongi missed him a lot and he didn't know what to do now because one of the rules for the trainees is to not go into the mansion unless being asked to.

"You-you shouldn't be here. What if you got caught. You must go now," Yoongi said walking towards him, pushing him on his chest to move him out. Kihyun did not budge. He took Yoongi's slim arms and embraced him. "I know you don't want me to go. I missed a lot peach. I see you changed your hair colour. I like but I still prefer pink," Kihyun said while putting his head at the nape of Yoongi's neck. Yoongi instantly melted in his arms. Truthfully said, they are still in a relationship because they never officially broke up. Yoongi missed Kihyun's touch so much. "I missed you." Yoongi started crying right after he said that. "There there don't cry. I'm here now," the taller said, caressing Yoongi's head.

Memories of the past, when he still lived normally flooded back. At this moment, he just wished to go back to his once normal life. He wants his old life back. Without even noticing, Yoongi was sitting in Kihyun's lap on the bed. Kihyun still hugged him when he brought the smaller to the bed. "I see you still kept the necklace. I still kept mine too," Kihyun commented while smilling. Yoongi missed that smile too. He instinctive smiled with him too. He didn't want this moment to end. Being in each others embrace and warmth was everything to them. It felt like this moment will never end.

"Peach, I know you don't want this to end but I have to go back before anyone notice. I'm sorry," Kihyun placed a peck on Yoongi's pink lips. Yoongi reluctantly let go of the taller. "I will come back soon. Don't worry," the taller said with a reassuring smile.  Yoongi just nodded with a visible pout which Kihyun found adorable. Kihyun walked to the door and went out but before he closed it he said, "Don't worry about our relationship. I won't tell anyone."

Yoongi was then left in his room alone. He was confused about his feelings. Throughout these years, he loved the members dearly but now, all of a sudden Kihyun came back into his life. He didn't know what to do or who to choose. Did he love Kihyun's touch because the other members haven't been paying much attention to him or is it because he still had feelings for him. He was stuck between BTS and Kihyun. He craved the attention and love lately but he didn't get much from the members. Kihyun was able to give him the attention and love he wanted.

Was it love or he just wanted to feel wanted. Everything felt like it was going to happen again. Everything from the past. The dark past. He didn't it to repeat. He wants the feeling gone. He wanted all the stressful feeling gone. His mind is telling him overcome the feelings with one thing. Physical intimacy. He instantly had one person he wanted to go to. But he knew it was wrong. He wasn't clear headed. He was clouded by the wrong thoughts but he couldn't control himself.

;Heyyyy I'm back! 🎉 I updated to repay you guys for not posting because of the short break. Finally no more exams but I still have school 😂 Also THANK YOU FOR 25K READS 🎉 And thank you all for voting. I appreciate all the votes. Also I am slowly working on a new story but I want to make everything ready before I let you guys see the title, cover etc. I maybe will double update. Who knows? Byeeee 💕💕;

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