Chapter 8: Argument

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After Yoongi and Hoseok's cuddle session, Yoongi fell asleep due to tiredness. The dancer tucked him in and left him to talk with the others downstairs.

He saw all of them at the living room talking or more like discussing about something but they all stopped when the dancer sat down. "Where's Yoongi?" Jimin asked. "He's asleep because he cried." The dancer said looking at them with no emotion displayed on his face. The others questioned him on why Yoongi cried. Hoseok told them everything holding in his anger because he hated seeing Yoongi cry especially when they, including him were the ones who caused it. "We need to tell him. I'm being dead serious now. You know what will happen if we don't," the dancer said. "But I think it is too-" "No it is not "too soon", Namjoon hyung. We have to, no matter what. He will find out by himself if we don't tell him." The leader sighed but agreeing to tell the mint-haired boy during dinner. They all knew things were not going to be pretty except one person.

During dinner time
"Yoongi, promise me to stay calm." The leader said, Yoongi was a little nervous because Namjoon rarely uses his name. The younger nodded. The atmosphere was tense and heavy, everybody could feel it. Not even Hoseok wanted to try and lighten it. "Yoongi baby, now is the time where we are seeking "talents". I- we kno-". "You promised me that this will not happen again. Why are you doing this?" Yoongi asked, disbelieve in his eyes. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongi calming him down. "I know Yoongi. It wasn't my decision. I need to do this. We were just following orders from HIM." "I thought you said we are just going to accept people who WANTED to come here by themself. NOT kidnapping and forcing them to work for us!" Yoongi said standing up suddenly feeling tears threatening to fall.

"Listen to Joon's explanation first Yoongi. We didn't want to do this. Please Yoongi, just-". Jin said but was cut off by the younger. "No Jin hyung. I don't understand why are you all doing this. We have been through what THEY are going to face too. We all know the pain, then why are WE going to inflict them with the same thing again." All the other members were dead silent. No one dared to open their mouth.

"Yoongi, we know you had to go through it the hardest compared to all of us but this wasn't our decision." Taehyung said softly trying to calm him down. One person was confused on why Yoongi was so opposed against the decision and why Taehyung said that but he kept silent, thought that this wasn't the best time to ask. "Let them go. Please hyung. I really don-". "I can't". This time Yoongi was cut off by their leader. "You know I can't. I won't force you to take part in this matter but HE wants you to train some of them because you are one of best assassin. He wants you to make another version of you." The younger looked at the leader, hatred in his eyes when he heard what THAT GUY wants his to do.

"No." Yoongi answered leaving the dinner table to his room. Jin wanted to follow him but was stopped by his boyfriend. "Don't. Let him be. He needs to think this out by himself. He knows we can't break gang rules." The silver-haired male said firmly. Jin nodded half-heartedly, wanting to go and comfort the younger but he knows disobeying the leader was going to be even worst. Yoongi went to his room letting all the information soak in but still sad from it. He wanted to cry but thought that he cried enough today and he should just face the truth. If Mr.Lee wants to do this, he will not participate in it no matter what. He wanted to punch someone so badly now to relieve all the stress he was facing now.

Everyone dismissed from the dinner table but Jin was grabbed in the arm by someone. "Hyung, I want to ask you something regarding Yoongi. I want to know more." The person said. "Okay."

;Haiiiii! So, THANK YOU FOR 2K+ READ! I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH ❤❤❤. Okay I need to calm down 😂 I decided to update because I finally finished all my homework and felt like writing. Who do you guys think the person is. Who is the only person who was confused. I think all of you have a little clue from the word "hyung" and a clue somewhere early in this book but.... I will not say it 😅 sorryyyy. I hope all of you liked this chapter. Thank you for all the support 💞 Please vote and comment 💕 For now, until next week, bye bye 👋;

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