Chapter 25: Sent away

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-5 years later-
Hoseok-17   Jimin-16

"Park Jimin! Come to my office. Now." Mr. Lee's voice boomed the second the door of the two boys' room slammed open. Both Hoseok and Jimin were confused by the sudden outburst of their boss.

They have been training for 5 years now and nothing bad had happened to them except when Jimin got punished. Jimin was known to be the troublemaker in the gang. He was just rebellious like that.

All of them knew, including Namjoon, Jin and Sky. "What did you do now?" Hoseok asked with a bit of sarcasm. Jimin just shrugged and walked to Mr. Lee's office. Jin and Namjoon poked their head into the two boys' room.

"What happened? I think the whole mansion can hear it." Jin asked with a tinge of concern in his voice. "I don't know. You should ask him not me." Hoseok answered while still on his phone. "Well, you're his best friend, of course we would ask you." Namjoon said. "Do we even have to worry, he is known to break rules." "Okay then fine." The two just returned to their room.

-While in Mr. Lee's room-

"Young man, you know why you're here?" Mr. Lee said while sitting behind the big wooden table. "If I knew, I wouldn't be here." Jimin answered back, not really caring about the situation. "Do not get smart with me Jimin, you know I hate it." Jimin shrugged his shoulders while having his hands in the pocket of his pants, still not caring.

Mr. Lee was having enough of Jimin. He slammed the table and stood up. He grabbed Jimin's collar and pulled him over the table. "I have enough of you. You think you're so good is it? Matter of fact, you are but you're just a brat." Mr. Lee pushed Jimin to the floor. Jimin was shocked. This was the first time Mr. Lee was getting physical. The boss stood over Jimin and bend down to meet Jimin's face.

"Getting more and more clever is it? Hmm?! Stealing the group's explosive and selling it." Mr. Lee slapped Jimin across the face. The younger just remained silent. "Answer me. Did you?!" "Yes... it did." Jimin answered with a meek voice. Mr. Lee just scoffed and went to sit on the couch in his office.

"You think you were smart enough to not get caught. Well, you were wrong boy. Every action you do, I know. You were sneaky but not good enough. You think you deleted the trace of it, I wouldn't know. I know. Everything." Jimin sit on the floor, not daring to lift his head. "Park Jimin, you think I don't dare to kill you, huh? You are just 1 person, I can easily replace you."

Mr. Lee took out his hand gun and pointed at Jimin. "You were so talented in this but you know the rules, Jimin. You sold those explosives and helped other gangs. You want to die boy?!" Mr. Lee stood in front of the younger boy and pointed the gun at his head. Jimin still not saying a word. He knew he messed up big time. "I will kill you."

"No please!" The door slammed open with Hoseok immediately running to Jimin's side. "Please boss, give him another chance. I never begged you but please." Mr. Lee looked at Hoseok and sighed. He put down the gun, he always had a soft spot for Hoseok after basically seeing him grow up. Hoseok was almost like a son to him. "Fine, but he will learn from this lesson." Hoseok thanked him happily and grabbed Jimin to stand up.

Hoseok was secretly listening to their conversation outside the office all along because he got worried after hearing a loud sound from the office when he walked by to get to training.

"But Park Jimin, pack your bag. You're going to America tomorrow." Both the boys were shocked from what they heard. "You are going to learn from my best partner there everything about explosives and I expect you to come back and be the best. If not, I will not hold back and shoot a bullet through your head." "Yes I understand." Jimin said and bowed down.

They went back to their room and Jimin started to pack everything he needed. Jimin suddenly hugged Hoseok. "Thanks hyung. I owe my life to you." Hoseok smiled then ruffled the younger's hair. "No problem Jimin, you're my best friend. Of course I would save you."

The next day, Jimin was sent off and the other members felt sad. Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok just accepted it and went through their lives like normal.

"So you came back after knowing I was a member of BTS?" Yoongi asked while cuddling with Hoseok and Jimin. "Technically after he announced Namjoon hyung as the leader and wanting me to be a part of BTS. But yes, after you started working too." Jimin said while stroking Yoongi's hair. "Wow... both of you are here for 10 years now." "Yes prince, do we get our reward now after telling you everything?" Jimin asked with a smirk.

Yoongi's faced instantly turned red. He did not expect both of them being so sudden. "Wait, answer another question of mine first. So, Taetae hyung and Jungkook are next?" "Yes little one. You can ask them after this." Hoseok said, taking off his shirt already. Yoongi just blushed seeing Hoseok's 6 pack abs. "Like what you see little one?"

It was a long night for the three of them.

;Hi! Omg I'm so happy! 😆 I watched Burn The Stage BTS The Movie and it was soooo good. I loved it and it was worth all the money and time I used to get those damn tickets 💖 I was so hyped and excited for the movie and I watched it with my best friend. Both of us just went crazy including all the armies who are in the same movie hall with us. Here in my country, the tickets were so hard to get because it sold out so quick. I really need to thank my other army friend who helped me get those ticktes. She is the best 👏💕 So, what do you guys think? Please vote and comment 💕 Also THANK YOU FOR 38K READS. Byeeee 👋;

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