Chapter 2: who's that?

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It was around 0600 hours when Hux was making his way to his office. About 2 months had passed since that weirdly good meeting and he was quite grateful for that, as Kylo Ren left for his mission that same day.

Today was the day the spies were coming back from that mission and he happened to bump into a small group of them, about 5 of them actually.

One of them particularly caught his eye. They had a navy scarf that was wrapped around their neck, so that it covered her nose and mouth, with a black unzipped jacket, white tank top and her uniform trousers and boots. Their hair was in a ponytail with a little strand coming out just on the side of their right eye. Their look was cold and emotionless, as if having the urgent desire to kill someone. They walked at a fast pace but you could clearly see their anger. He had a feeling this was the Spy Master in the flesh.

One thing seemed off though, they didn't have a blaster or any other weapon unlike their colleagues. Hux managed to discreetly catch up with them and ask for immediate reports of the mission. He talked to the Spy with the scarf who hasn't said a word, now that is rude! He thought.

Another spy walked up to them. He looked like a Nebulan solider, he stepped in and interrupted the silence quickly "Apologies general, this one has lost her voice from the cold temperatures of Nebula's north moon." The Spy in question had their eyes looking down as if at Hux's chest and Hux, in return glared, nodded " how does she communicate then?" He asked.
"Nebulan sign language sir although it's quite difficult to master even for Nebulans, very few know it." The Spy replied. Hux looked at him questioningly "Does anyone in the First Order know it?"
"Only The Spy Commander and this one sir," he replied sadly.Hux looked at his watch, the spies left assuming they were dismissed and walked away just around the corner. He was going to follow that spy out of curiosity before he had to work. (A/N: weird I know)

The spy in question walked into their department commander's office, probably to write that report. A few minutes past and nothing. No one came out, no one went in after them. Irritated that he's wasting his time, even if it was his decision to do so, he knocked on the door with a soft voice saying "enter" immediately followed.

Upon opening the door the person at the desk shot up to their feet and saluted Hux. "General?" They enquired nervously, but it seemed to be masked quite well. Hux walked in and simply asked " You're the Spy Commander, are you not?" His voice was stern, cold but strangely pleasing to the ear. "Yes sir!" She replied "Commander Cromwell, sir."

He examined her, she seemed fine and she didn't look like the spy he was looking for, but where did they go? Hux nodded, trying to think of an excuse for coming in. "Thank you for your reports Commander, they always seem to be early but flawless." A compliment was the only thing he could think of.

Cromwell's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. The general himself complimented my work?! "Thank you sir, I try." She responded.

Hux looked at her for a few minutes. Her hair was down with the short bits on the sides complimenting her jaw and her middle parting was perfectly straight and on point. He caught the hint that it's Anna again but she looked much more feminine. Hux was a man, he couldn't help looking at her chest for a split second, it wasn't binded by anything like last time and her breasts were definitely slightly larger than average. He mentally cursed himself for looking, and with a spin on the heel he was almost out the door when he said "Meet me in my office in an hour." And left.

Anna was left in shock. Did she do something wrong? No she couldn't have the general just complimented her! She just guessed she would just find out in an hour, yet she was still confused about the general's sudden visit.

Anna got to the general's office and knocked on the door. Her heart was pounding, she was nervous, the general was a mysterious and intimidating man but she tried to get her emotions and thoughts under control. The door slid open revealing the general in his leather armchair at his desk.

She walked in, saluted him and stood upright, her posture impeccable. Hux glanced up, he was pleased, she was bang on time. "Do you know why you're here Cromwell?" He asked, she just shook her head "No sir."
"Well, I wanted to offer you a new position as my assistant I believe you're capable enough." He sat up right examined her shocked reaction, her sapphire eyes wide open.

"Pardon sir?" She questioned, she was in utter shock. She couldn't give up her current position, her spies trusted her! She worried what her response should be, if she accepts her spies will have a new leader who will probably be from the First Order, and she couldn't let that happen for personal reasons, but if she declines what will the general do?

Hux examined her. "I'm offering you a higher position, do you accept it Cromwell?" His voice was cold, his eyes narrowed. "Could I, possibly, 2 time jobs sir?" She asked nervously, she couldn't believe she just did that. Extra work, who would be up for that?

Hux looked slightly surprised, did she not want this position? Who passes up the opportunity for a higher position? This was the best position he could offer! "Any particular reason for such a request Cromwell?" She looked at the ground trying to think of a good reason why. "Well sir, I finish assignments early so me doing 2 jobs at once saves the Order's cost on manpower and that money can be used to fix some of the....incidents that happen to the control panels." Anna thought ,she thought she covered that up well and she hoped the general would buy her excuse. "You present a good point Cromwell," he gave this a thought "very well but your work as my assistant takes priority."

"Of course sir" And with this She was dismissed.

A/N: chapter 2 done! What do you guys think?? Do feel free to correct my mistakes sometimes when I proof read I still miss out mistakes.

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