Chapter 15: the icy moon

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The ship was caught in a snow storm, the turbulence is unimaginable. The pair could barely stand in the main quarters.

Hux grabbed onto the nearest counter while Anna was still trying to stay standing. Both of them exchanged a look, before rushing to get to the cockpit.

As soon as they got there, they were urged to sit in the nearest seat available and strap themselves in to. Anna completely ignored him and demanded to take charge in the ship.

The pilot got a sensation of extreme fear while being next to the woman. Something similar to being next to the unstable and unpredictable Kylo Ren and he knew better than to ignore that. He immediately agreed and let her into his place, taking a seat next to the general.

Anna had no idea why she did that but she had no intention of dying in a ship crash. She took the steering wheel into her hands and began an attempt at landing the ship.

It was no easy task, the chance that they wouldn't crash were slim to none but Anna was willing to take it, regardless. She knew the Force would guide her so she let it, and with that, she was right.

With the snow crashing against the cockpit window, and the winds from the east at their highest, Anna closed her eyes, letting the force flow through her. It guided her and let her land the ship with only a few scratches from the rocks. The whole cockpit was prepared to die and the sensation of being alive was surreal, yet all Anna was worried about was the general sitting behind her.

She glanced back at him, breathing heavily from the adrenaline rush she tried to hide the whole time, she was making sure he was unharmed, and to her relief she heard him whisper "What a happy landing," under his breath. She smirked to herself, that was a close call, too close for her liking in fact. Yet they're alive.

Anna got up from the pilot seat, stumbling as she did so, trying to get ready to go out into the snow. Hux grabbed her by her wrist when it was at his armrest, indicating her to wait for him. She obeyed and waited.

Hux put on his First Order winter hat and strode in front of his assistant trying not to look nervous. He was extremely nervous, he, unlike the others, have never been to Nebula or even seen it. The only thing he heard were rumours of how cold the planet's north moon was.

He stood by the door, ready to open it and walk out but he waited for Anna to stand by his side, to guide him on her familiar territory. He was so nervous he didn't even notice when she was finally beside him. "Brace yourself for the snow," she half warned half joked. Hux allowed himself an eye roll before re-composing himself again.

The ship door lowered, opening itself, no longer shielding them from the intense wind. Hux stepped out into the horizon of snow, the wind didn't seem to be bothering him, as he walked past the workers.

As they walked past the workers they all bowed to them as if they were royalty. Hux allowed himself a smirk before he glanced over at his companion, he couldn't tell if she was smiling or not, her scarf was shielding her mouth. He wondered what she was thinking, he didn't know if it was a custom to bow to each other upon arrival but his assistant didn't seem to be doing it, or her spies.

The manager started walking up to them ready to greet them, suddenly, he collapsed with a blaster wound burning on his back. Hux jumped, startled by the event, the workers seemed to panic also. "It's an ambush! The Resistance is trying to invade! Move men!" Anna commanded.

She had a feeling this might happen but didn't think the Resistance would be so bold, they were pathetically weak. How they got here didn't matter right now, what did matter was their elimination.

Hux bravely took out a riffle blaster trying to shoot into the distant enemy. The storm made it impossible, not a thing could be spotted in the distance without goggles, which he didn't have. He glanced at Anna, she was unarmed, this worried him. He had to protect her at all costs, she was crucially important to him.

He stepped in front of her confidently, shooting into the distance, he was going to be her shield and weapon. Suddenly, an shot from the opposition arrived and hit Hux right in the arm, wounding him. Anna was commanding her spies looking behind her towards the ship and didn't notice, until Hux's painful groan put her attention towards him.

Her eyes widened, he was shielding her and now he was wounded. Hux looked up at her as she was pulling something out of her knee-high uniform boot.

"Alex get the general on board! I'll deal with this. Move!" With that she ignited the lightsaber she took out of her boot, the purple blade shining in the storm. Hux didn't believe it, she was hiding this from him, he thought he could trust her, but now his main question was does anyone else know about this?

(Sorry I suck at digital colouring and drawing overall but little visual)Alex put the general's good arm over his shoulder, helping him to the ship while Anna deflected the blaster shots away from them

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(Sorry I suck at digital colouring and drawing overall but little visual)
Alex put the general's good arm over his shoulder, helping him to the ship while Anna deflected the blaster shots away from them. The Resistance's screams and cries could be heard,to Anna's delight, from their own shots being thrown back at them. A few shots managed to graze her arms and legs but not actually hitting her. She knew she had to be fine, for the sake of the spies. For Hux's sake, this kept her going.

One of the workers stood by Anna's side, shooting at the enemy, "Can you hold them off?" She questioned.
"Yes go, get the general back to the Finalizer, we'll let you know when we're done, we'll be fine don't worry my lady," the worker replied. "I'll leave spies to back you up," she stated before running for the ship.

"Start the ship!" She yelled just as she got on board still deflecting the volley of fire, "get us out of here and back on the Finalizer, now!" That was her last order before she rushed onto the ship and to the medical bay.

She walked in, Alex was already gone to tend to the wounded spies and she was fine with that. She was going to tend to her boss.

He was barely conscious yet he wasn't making any noise to indicate he was in pain. Maybe he's gotten used to that now, she thought. He was clenching his arm so she knew she had to be gentle.

She sat beside him, taking his hand gently and removing it from the wound, his head turned towards her slowly. "Anna..." he whispered in relief causing Anna to smile as she disinfected his wound, she was happy he felt safe. He inhaled sharply, it stung like hell but he had to be able to handle it, he couldn't look weak after what his assistant managed to pull off out there.

Now his mind didn't focus on the pain but on her; what she pulled off out there made his curiosity run wild. There was so much he doesn't know about her and now he discovers she could be just like Ren. Now he wondered if Ren was so nice to her because he knew about this.

The event stuck in his head, when Anna pulled out the saber and ignited it, shielding him and the troops and the workers from the blasts, he was beyond impressed. The pieces of the puzzle about Anna that he knew began to fall into place. The sword training, the secret missions of the spies, the determination to keep her position as the Spy Commander all made some sense to him now. She was force sensitive and owned a lightsaber, she was Nebula's best troop. She could probably take out a whole army single-handedly given the chance, he thought.

He didn't catch himself staring at her until he noticed she was blushing when he stopped thinking for a moment. His arm was patched up nicely by her but he was just looking into her big blue eyes. He ignored the stinging pain in his arm and got lost in the moment.

Before he knew it he began leaning in and she did the same, only inches apart from each other.

A/N: CLIFFHANGER!! I apologise

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